uss thresher implosion recording

    The boat remained in port through the end of the year and spent the first two months of 1962 evaluating her sonar and Submarine Rocket (Off Charleston, South Carolina, Thresher undertook operations supporting the development of the SUBROC anti-submarine missile. Air dryers were later retrofitted to the high-pressure air compressors, beginning with Tinosa, to permit the emergency blow system to operate properly.Such flooding would have been a significant sonic event, and no evidence of that can be found in the recorded data.Submarines typically rely on speed and deck angle (The normal procedure was to drive the submarine to periscope depth, raise the periscope to verify the area was clear, then blow the tanks and surface the submarine.At the time, reactor-plant operating procedures did not allow for a rapid reactor restart following a scram, or even the ability to use steam remaining in the secondary system to propel the submarine to the surface.After a scram, standard procedure was to isolate the main steam system, cutting off the flow of steam to the turbines providing propulsion and electricity. This caused an immediate reactor scram, resulting in a loss of propulsion.Thresher could not be deballasted because the ice had formed in the high-pressure air pipes, and so she sank.In addition to the SOSUS data that does not record any sound of flooding, the crew of Skylark did not report hearing any noise that sounded like flooding, and Skylark was able to communicate with Thresher, despite the fact that, at test depth, even a small leak would have produced a deafening roar.Additionally, the previous commander of Thresher testified that he would not have described flooding, even from a small-diameter pipe, as a “According to Rule, the SOSUS data indicates an implosion of Thresher at 09:18:24, at a depth of 2,400 feet (730 m), 400 feet (120 m) below her predicted collapse depth.The implosion took 0.1 seconds, too fast for the human nervous system to perceive.When the Court of Inquiry delivered its final report, it recommended that the Navy implement a more rigorous program of design review and safety inspections during construction.That program, launched in December 1963, was known as SUBSAFE. From 1915 to 1963, the U.S. Navy lost a total of 16 submarines to non-combat accidents.Since the inception of SUBSAFE only one submarine has suffered a similar fate, and that was Subscribe to our mailing list and get history updates to your inbox! Since no shore power connection was available in San Juan, the ship’s backup diesel generator was used to carry the “As most of the battery power was needed to keep vital systems operating and to restart the reactor, lighting, and air-conditioning were shut down. Naval nuclear-powered craft.These reports provide specifics on the environmental sampling of sediment, water, and marine life which was done to ascertain whether Thresher’s nuclear reactor has had a significant effect on the deep ocean environment.The reports also explain the methodology for conducting deep-sea monitoring from both surface vessels and submersibles. John B. Mooney, Jr., with co-pilot Lt. John H. Howland and Capt. After repairs at Groton, Connecticut, by the Electric Boat Company, Thresher went south for more tests and trials off Key West, Florida, then returned northward.The submarine entered Portsmouth Shipyard on 16 July 1962 to begin a scheduled 6-month post-shakedown availability to examine systems and make repairs and corrections as necessary.As is typical with a first-of-class boat, the work took longer than expected, lasting nearly 9 months. At 18:30, the Commander, Submarine Force Atlantic, sent word to Portsmouth Naval Shipyard to begin notifying next-of-kin – starting with Commander Harvey’s wife, Irene Harvey – that Thresher was missing.By morning on 11 April, all hope of finding Thresher was abandoned, and at 10:30 the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Admiral George W. Anderson Jr., went before the press corps at The Pentagon to announce that the submarine was lost with all hands.The Navy quickly mounted an extensive underwater search using the oceanographic ship Mizar and other ships; they soon found shattered remains of Thresher’s hull on the sea floor, some Most of the debris had spread over an area of about The bathyscaphe Trieste, then in San Diego, California, was alerted on 11 April and loaded aboard the large landing ship Point Defiance and brought through the Panama Canal to Boston.Trieste was deployed for two series of dives on the debris field: the first series on 24–30 June, and the second series in late August/early September.It found and photographed major sections of Thresher, including the sail, sonar dome, bow section, engineering spaces section, operations spaces section, and the stern planes.One aspect of the search conducted that summer by Mizar involved the use of highly sensitive proton magnetometers furnished by the Instrument Division of Varian Associates, Palo Alto, California, and shipped aboard Mizar before her departure from Suitland, Maryland.The magnetometers were used in conjunction with underwater video cameras and suspended on the same electrical line used to tow the video cameras themselves. This was later simulated in dock-side tests on Thresher’s sister sub, Tinosa.During a test to simulate blowing ballast at or near test depth, ice formed on strainers installed in valves; the flow of air lasted only a few seconds.

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    uss thresher implosion recording