Media Relations, FRA CI/P Lufthansa Aviation Center Airportring 60546 Frankfurt / Main +49 69 696 0. Getting there. 2882, Makati Central Post Office, 1268 Makati City Philippines. Departure from Frankfurt International Airport (FRA): 2020-08-03. Registration. When embedding Share prices and charts, further cookies will be set. D-60546 Frankfurt/Main Telefon: +49 - 69 - 69 60* (Mo-Fr: 08:00 Uhr - 17:00 Uhr) E-Mail: Internet: *Bitte nur für administrative Zwecke anrufen! USA Lufthansa German Airlines Customer Feedback P.O. China Lufthansa German Airlines Customer Feedback 8th … Frankfurt Airport is the largest Lufthansa hub and it provides special Lufthansa services. Location Information. You can find more information If you are interested in buying a seat from a Lufthansa aircraft, please contact:If you would like to take part in an auction of unclaimed baggage, please contact:To download the supplier manual and for further purchasing information please click Here are the right contact partners for your specific queries of the Lufthansa Group:Investor Relations contacts for private and professional investors:Should you wish to contact Lufthansa as a customer or business partner, please phone our hotline in Germany on The Lufthansa Group is a global aviation group with a total of more than 580 subsidiaries and equity investments.Corporate responsibility, that is to say sustainable and responsible entrepreneurial practice, is an integral part of our corporate strategy. You will find all the relevant data at a glance by selecting your city or airport You can find more information about Miles&More, such as FAQs, e-mail contacts etc This month's topics, subscription, the media sheet and more informations are available here. Information about LH flights, bookings, prices, reservations and customer relations is available from Lufthansa City Offices worldwide, our Reservations Centres and Lufthansa Airport Offices. Carsten Spohr (Chairman) Christina Foerster Harry Hohmeister Dr. Detlef Kayser Dr. Michael Niggemann. To thank U.S. military veterans, active duty military, National Guard and Reserve members, and their families for their service, Lufthansa is proud to provide Veterans Advantage members with up to a 5 percent discount on tickets for Lufthansa-operated flights purchased on Check flight departure, planned time, status and terminal gate number for all airlines departing from Frankfurt International Airport (FRA) Deutch. As experts for all aspects of TechOps Management, we support start-up airlines and established carriers alike. Thank you for your cooperation.Thanks to direct and intensive contact with passengers, Lufthansa advertising media offer a unique advertising environment. Exception: family members, by presenting their ID cards or passports. Flights, bookings, prices, reservations and customer relations Tax ID number. Für diese Inhalte ist Lufthansa nicht verantwortlich. Trotz aller Sorgfalt können sich die Daten inzwischen verändert haben. District Court of Cologne HRB 2168. Frankfurt Airport Germany . Asia (except China) and Australia Lufthansa German Airlines Customer Feedback P.O. Für alle weiteren Anfragen nutzen Sie bitte die Rubrik Hilfe&Kontakt oder das Lufthansa Service Center unter +49 (0)69 - 86 799 799. It means that we are committed to creating added value for our customers, employees and investors and to meeting our responsibilities toward the environment and society. Deutsche Lufthansa Aktiengesellschaft. Executive Board. *Bitte nur für administrative Zwecke anrufen! Bei diesen Anbietern handelt es sich nicht um Erfüllungsgehilfen von Lufthansa. Box 425 East Meadow, N.Y. 11554 USA. By car, by bus and by train. Amtsgericht Köln HRB 2168. Frankfurt Airport is located about 12 kilometres south-west of Frankfurt and is very easy to get to due to its convenient transport links. On the other hand they allow us to improve our content for you. If you are interested in buying a seat from a Lufthansa aircraft, please contact: Lufthansa-Sitzverkauf Juergen Rumstig +49 (0)69-696-93485 juergen.rumstig(at)
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