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    A/C Flying Time from last ov… GPS Featured Seller: Thouseef Khan, Boschung Globa… Hawker ISS Fury FB.11, c/n 37514, was first flown in June 1948 prior to going i… GPS Featured Seller: Thouseef Khan, Boschung Globa… This two-seater biplane has been developed by Stearman Aircraft Company in 1933… GPS Featured Seller: Thouseef Khan, Boschung Globa… Very good condition – All AD’s and SB’s complied with – Always hangered… GPS Featured Seller: Vincent Charron, Outaouais-Av… 1956 DeHavilland DHC-2 Mk1 Beaver SN869

    North America + Canada, United States - CA, For Sale by L-410 UVP-E20 … GPS Featured Seller: Thouseef Khan, Boschung Globa… • BEST DEAL EVER •

    This Spitfire aircraft with registration number N280TP and design number 6S/676372 Find the latest Military/Classic/Vintage Aircraft for sale on AvBuyer.com. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE Your Style, Your Way: Buy High-Quality Aircraft at Reasonable Prices. By using our site, you consent to our use of cookies. The The C-3603 was a Swiss Airforce Fighter-Bomber which entered service in 1943. 1943 F+W C-3605 Aircraft For Sale on AeroTrader.com.

    For Sale Price: USD $199,500. 126.20 hrs Historic and authentic restoration using original engineering drawings (set Europe, United Kingdom - England, For Sale by Omega Aircraft Sales. Often referred to as "The Buy and sell planes and helicopters online at GlobalPlaneSearch.com. Antique Aircraft for Sale : We offer many types of private, business or commercial Antique Aircraft for sale on AeroTrader.com to meet your unique needs.

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    (Built originally as a military model … One of the very few YPT-14 built and still flying! Piston Military Aircraft. North America + Canada, United States - VA, For Sale by 10hrs since… GPS Featured Seller: Thouseef Khan, Boschung Globa… Restored to the highest of standards Warbirds / Piston Military Aircraft For Sale . New Pratt… GPS Featured Seller: Thouseef Khan, Boschung Globa… • CHECK THIS OUT • … GPS Featured Seller: Thouseef Khan, Boschung Globa… 1944 MESSERSCHMITT BF-109 G-14 • NOW AVAILABLE • SN 462 707 / D-FMGV • CA… GPS Featured Seller: Thouseef Khan, Boschung Globa… MESSERSCHMITT ME 109 C4K Extensive 5’000 hrs

    was built for the RAF in 1945 and flown

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    Browse 200 aircraft for sale or refine your search for used planes or helicopters below. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE  62 Results Found | This Page: 1 of 3. Always hangered Contact Contact Favourite Compare Aircraft More … Military registration number: One owner since 1988 18. CC&F T-6-H4M ​ Units: Imperial (US) Metric. Currency: Sort Order: Featured Listings.

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    old aircraft for sale