nashville serie staffel 4

    Daphne accidentally let it slip about Maddie performing at a club. Caleb gets an offer to be the head of his own department in Seattle but he is going to turn it down to stay with Scarlett in Nashville. Juliette catches wind of it and calls Emily a "gold digging backstabbing whore." Scarlett has a meltdown and leaves when Deacon reprimands her for ending her mother's life. Before Rayna begins her set at the Opry, she takes time to introduce Layla onstage but is interrupted when Markus decides to join them on stage and introduce himself as Highway 65's new artist, stealing Layla's thunder. Während die Newcomerin Deacon und Rayna auf Anhieb überzeugen kann, ist Frankie skeptisch.

    He is not pleased with it.

    Luke begins to tell Colt everything, to try to regain his trust. Rayna and Teddy reconnect for the benefit of bringing Maddie home, and avoiding court. Deacon feels that Maddie thinks he's a monster so he drives off. Directed by Callie Khouri. Nashville Season 4 DVD -- I really am glad to have this season on DVD and Im glad Nashville is continuing after its cancellation but I wish these DVD sets would have at least some form of extras like commentary and especially the 'off the Record' specials that were aired but have never been included on any of the DVD sets that I know of.

    Kevin tells Will that he could be a good advocate for the gay community, and that he is doing nothing. Colt tells Luke that he saw Juliette on the ledge of the roof and Jeff saving her which resulted in his death. Juliette bemüht sich unterdessen, ihre Beziehung zu Avery neu zu beleben.

    Right then when Rayna isn't sure what to do, Deacon arrives. Scarlett ends up going to Beverly's tribute event at The Landslide (where she would sing), and hears that Beverly would always brag about her. Daphne asks Teddy if he really did those things, and he has to tell her he did. Will goes back home for his mother's funeral where his father says that he is no longer his son, and he had also cut Will out of family photos. At the end of her shift, Frankie discovers that $500 is missing and is pretty sure that Vita took it.

    Deacon saves her. Luke appears on Rayna's performance at the Foster Care benefit concert has sold out. Caleb and Scarlett are having trouble finding time to talk. Rayna is worried about Maddie being involved with Vince because Vince tried to force himself on her when she was Maddy's age. Sind seine Zweifel berechtigt? Later that night, at Juliette's concert, she is visited by Steven Tyler who surprises her, and they perform "Beverly is not doing well. He comes across a barista who independently released her own music so he thinks that may be the best route for him. Luke is feeling like everything that has happened, Juliette going crazy, Jeff dying, and Colt not trusting him, is all his fault. Maddie breaks up with Colt, and is treating Daphne not so great when she starts hanging out with Frankie's daughter Cash more.

    Juliette bails out on the Oscars to go home and reunite with her family. Avery wants full custody of Cadence, his lawyer says it will be hard, and that Juliette will fight it, but Avery knows she won't. Deacon shows up while she's performing and goes off when a guy goes up and touches her leg. Maddie comes home to Rayna and Deacon, rescued by Deacon. Luke's relationship with his son is on the line following recent events. Colt is now having trust issues with Luke, as he wants him to tell the truth. Emily wants Avery to visit Juliette so he can see that she has change. Scarlett sees Erin kissing another guy, tells Gunnar, where he then confronts Erin about it and breaks up with her. After Deacon tells Rayna that he thinks that Markus wants to sleep with her, Rayna goes to Markus just to make it clear that Deacon is her guy. Avery gives Emily Cadence for the day, while he takes care of business. Avery doesn't want Juliette anywhere near Cadence.

    Boulevard is getting back together so Markus has canceled his tour and is going to move to LA.

    Rayna's new artist, Markus Keen, causes trouble for her when he scraps a song on his new album one week before its release. Emily sees Avery's divorce papers, and tells him that no matter what it looks like, Juliette wanted Cadence, and she wanted Avery, so make no mistake. When she continues her pattern of irrational and volatile behavior, she leaves Avery with a struggle of his own.

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    nashville serie staffel 4