Napoleon III, franska Napoléon III, egentligen Charles Louis Napoléon Bonaparte, utomlands under sin period som kejsare stundom kallad "sfinxen vid Seine", fram till 1852 även kallad Ludvig Napoleon (franska Louis Napoléon), född 20 april 1808 i Paris, död 9 januari 1873 i Chislehurst (i nuvarande Bromley) nära London som Louis Napoléon Bonaparte, var fransk president 1848 … Napoleon III eli Charles Louis Napoléon Bonaparte (20. huhtikuuta 1808 – 9. tammikuuta 1873) oli Ranskan presidentti vuosina 1848–1852 ja keisari vuosina 1852–1870.. Louis Napoléon oli Napoleon Bonaparten veljenpoika ja perillinen, joka valittiin kansanvaalilla presidentiksi pian toisen tasavallan perustamisen jälkeen vuonna 1848. An important legacy of Napoleon III's reign was the rebuilding of Paris under the supervision of French emperor, president, and member of the House of Bonaparte Napoleon III, generally known as "Louis Napoléon" before he became emperor, was the son of Louis Bonaparte. Until about 1861, Napoleon's regime exhibited decidedly authoritarian characteristics, using press censorship to prevent the spread of opposition, manipulating elections, and depriving the Parliament of the right to free debate or any real power. Keen to see action, he successfully put pressure on the British to allow him to participate in the His education, after a false start under the academic historian The Prince Imperial attended elementary lectures in physics at During the 1870s, there was some talk of a marriage between him and Chelmsford, mindful of his duty, attached the Prince to the staff of Colonel On the morning of 1 June, the troop set out, earlier than intended and without the full escort, largely owing to Louis's impatience. Ngày 19 tháng 3 năm 1871, ông được nước Đức phóng thích, ngày hôm sau, ông đến Anh, ông về Chislehurst gặp mặt Eugénie và các con đã đến đây trước đó. On 14 January 1858 Napoleon and his wife escaped another assassination attempt, plotted by Felice Orsini. Louis-Napoléon was a second son and a Louis-Napoléon lived within the borders of the United Kingdom until the revolution of February 1848 in France deposed Louis-Philippe and established a Republic. Vuonna 1851 hän suoritti … Zijn enige zoon Napoleon Eugène Lodewijk werd door bonapartisten tot 'Napoleon IV' uitgeroepen. Napoleon III. ako cisár Napoleon III. He ruled as Emperor of the French until September 1870, when … However, after his son died in 1879 fighting in the British Army against the Zulus in South Africa, the bereaved Eugenie decided to build a monastery. Po tej vrsti zunanjepolitičnih avantur, ki naj bi obnovile pomen Francije v Evropi in svetu, se je leta 1870 zapletel v vojno s Prusijo in njenimi nemškimi zaveznicami. Napoléon, Prince Imperial (Napoléon Eugène Louis Jean Joseph Bonaparte; 16 March 1856 – 1 June 1879), also known as Louis-Napoléon, was the only child of In 1848, he was elected President of France in a land slide victory. Napoleon was originally buried at St. Mary's, the Catholic Church in Chislehurst. He won the election because of his popular name and French people hoped that he would return his uncle's glory. Napoleon al III-lea, cunoscut ca "Louis-Napoléon" înainte să devină împărat, a fost nepotul de frate al împăratului Napoleon I, fiul fratelui său, Louis Bonaparte, care s-a căsătorit cu Hortense de Beauharnais, fiica din prima căsătorie a soției lui Napoleon, Joséphine de Beauharnais.Paternitatea lui Louis-Napoléon a fost adusă în discuție. He was now free to return to France, which he immediately did.
Carlos Luis Napoleón Bonaparte (París, 20 de abril de 1808-Londres, 9 de enero de 1873) fue el único presidente de la Segunda República Francesa (1848-1852) y, posteriormente, emperador de los franceses entre 1852 y 1870 con el nombre de Napoleón III, siendo el último monarca de Francia.. Hijo de Luis I y de Hortensia de Beauharnais, hija de la emperatriz Josefina, nació en … Daar overleed hij in 1873, 64 jaar oud, en werd begraven in de Sint-Michaelsabdij te Farnborough. At noon, the troop was halted at a temporarily deserted The Prince was speared in the thigh but pulled the Louis Napoleon's death caused an international sensation. v pogovoru z Bismarckom po porazu pri Sedanu. Napoleon III werd op 19 maart 1871 vrijgelaten en begaf zich als balling naar Engeland. Without Harrison or Buller present to restrain him, the Prince took command from Carey, even though the latter had seniority. France saw its dominance on the continent of Europe eroded by Prussia's crushing victory over Napoleon spent the last few years of his life in exile in England, with Eugenie and their only son. Từ đấy Napoleon III ở ẩn tại đây, ngày 9 tháng 1 năm 1873, ông ốm chết. Hij zou echter nooit regeren. He used his rank as stepping stone to greater power.
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