They set a trap and when the UniSols arrive the gas station explodes. The acting may look a bit "forced" at times (ok, perhaps "painfully horrible" would be a better expression) but really folks... did you honestly expect an award winning performance from Van Damme or Goldberg? Wanneer je deze, als ook andere ingevoegde media op de site wilt zien, dan moet je hier even toestemming voor geven.Met het tonen hiervan wordt er mogelijk door een andere partij cookies geplaatst en/of wordt je ip-adres geregistreerd, zonder dat MovieMeter hier invloed op heeft. A brutal fight ensues, and Scott's use of muscle enhancers enables him to beat Deveraux mercilessly. The fight pits John against Andrew Scott and an army of genetically enhanced warriors; meanwhile, he must contend with a UniSol in relentless pursuit. A woman hires a drifter as her guide through New Orleans in search of her father, who has gone missing.
Colonel Perry terminates the mission after this failure and Scott's previously insane personality resurfaces, causing him to kill Perry and all but two doctors. This original film and its premise laid the groundwork for an ongoing series of sequels (canon, non-canon, and retconned) and a video game. A group of gentlemen of fortune visits a legendary "Lost City", located in Tibet.
Two rival soldiers who were killed in Vietnam are brought back to life in a top secret military experiment that creates superhuman warriors. Het verhaal is een stuk minder interessant, maar de actie is zo nu en dan ook weer vrij hard.
Goede choreografie, en bovendien sterk in beeld gebracht. De hoofdrol is dit keer echter voor Scott Adkins. Gave take, maar het behoorlijke gebruik van slowmotion neemt de kick weg.
Several days later, Deveraux is reunited with his real parents. When the government decides to terminate the project, which includes shutting down SETH.
Universal Soldier is a series of science fiction action films. En die doet het verdienstelijk, evenals de eerder genoemden.
A former fireman takes on a group of terrorists holding the Vice President and others hostage during the seventh game of the NHL Stanley Cup finals.
Universal Soldier (1992) Movies, TV, Celebs, and more... Hualapai Indian Reservation, Arizona, USA (Dirt road where bus was pushed over into the Grand Canyon.
Colonel Perry insists on preventing knowledge of the UniSol program getting out and sends the remaining UniSols to find Deveraux and Roberts.
However, he finds out about his past even though his
The film ends with a eulogy narrated by Roberts, who explains that Deveraux rejected all life-prolonging medication before dying a natural death. With Jean-Claude Van Damme, Bill Goldberg, Heidi Schanz, Michael Jai White. Film and television critic Matt Zoller Seitz stated that the Universal Soldier franchise "is a rare series that takes more creative risks as it goes along."
A group of gentlemen of fortune visits a legendary "Lost City", located in Tibet. In the final fight between Deveraux and Scott, Deveraux does not use Scott's muscle enhancers.
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A former fireman takes on a group of terrorists holding the Vice President and others hostage during the seventh game of the NHL Stanley Cup finals. If you take this film for what it is, you can get some good entertainment from it.
Universal Soldier is a 1992 American military science fiction action film directed by Roland Emmerich, produced by Allen Shapiro, Craig Baumgarten and Joel B. Michaels, and written by Richard Rothstein, Christopher Leitch and Dean Devlin. Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning is a 2012 American science fiction action film co-written, co-edited and directed by John Hyams.The film stars Jean-Claude Van Damme and Dolph Lundgren, who both reprise their roles from the first film, with Scott Adkins and Andrei Arlovski also star.
The Special Edition DVD release features an alternative ending which starts shortly after Scott takes Deveraux's family and Roberts hostage.
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