These vessels are quite powerful and equipped with the latest technology Starfleet has to offer. The Vesta-class starship USS Aventine served as a test-bed for a number of new Starfleet technologies, including quantum slipstream drive. Aventine which served as a test bed for future ship advancements such as the Quantum Slipstream Drive, the Aventineclass has a sharper saucer and its pylons are angled forward - these features give the ship a more sleek profile than the original Vesta. The Multi-Mission Reconnaissance Explorer comes equipped with the unique (ST - Destiny novel: Gods of Night) Star Trek Online Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community. As of the year 2381, Aventine was under the command of Captain Ezri Dax, with a crew of about 750.
During an attack by the Borg on Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. They will also have a small chance to knock the targeted subsystem offline for a short duration. In addition to the experimental systems the class was otherwise top of the line, able to achieve maximum The class' weapons systems included at least two experimental Ships of the class had twenty available transporter sites, including four cargo transporters and six emergency evacuation transporters. “Training Cruise”: The player observes the U.S.S. While maintaining a Sensor Lock on a target, the The Aventine Multi-Mission Reconnaissance Explorer comes with built-in Activating a subsystem targeting ability will upgrade all energy weapons to inflict a stacking power drain on the foe's targeted subsystem for the next 10 seconds.
Schiffe dieser Klasse sind als Multimissionsforschungsschiffe konzipiert. Vesta leaving Earth Spacedock while en-route to their own ship.
Systems installed as part of the slipstream drive included a quantum field focus controller at the front of the ship's main deflector, and a chroniton integrator; the latter of which could be used to take sensor readings several seconds into the future when the ship was using its slipstream drive. Starfleet Exploration Craft Daedalus Class - NCC-170: Starfleet Frigate - Benning Class - NCC-1900: Starfleet Star Cruiser Constellation Class - NCC-1974 Console - Universal - Quantum Field Focus ControllerConsole - Universal - Quantum Field Focus Controller
Named after the Vesta-class vessel U.S.S. (TNG novel: Indistinguishable from Magic, STO mission: "Graduation Day") The USS Vesta is named after the virgin goddess of the hearth, home, and family in Roman religion.. History Edit.
(Vessels of the class had entered service by at least Despite the class' resilience, it still took a beating against the Borg.
The USS Vesta (NCC-82601) was a Federation Starfleet starship and the prototype of the Vesta-class, in service in the late 24th and early 25th centuries. Sensor Analysis is an active toggle ability. The USS Aventine (NCC-82602) is a Vesta-class Federation starship in Starfleet service in the late 24th century. Die Vesta-Klasse ist eine Raumschiffsklasse der Vereinigten Föderation der Planeten.
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