gumpert apollo 2009 preis

    2009 Gumpert Apollo Speed Wallpapers. The Apollo …

    1920 x 1080; 1920 x 1200; 1920 x 1440; Download.

    A speed of 200 km/h is reached in just 8.9 seconds. This vehicle set a lap record on 13.08.2009 on the Nordschleife for road legal vehicles with a time of 7:11.57 minutes. Remember when the Gumpert Apollo smashed the Nürburgring production car lap record back in 2009? The apollo is a thoroughbred high-power sports car that has racing performance and MOT approval. 2009 Gumpert Apollo Speed. (Depending on equipment, country-related specifications, gear ratio and engine power)

    Dieses Fahrzeug hat am 13.08.2009 auf der Nordschleife einen Rundenrekord aufgestellt für straßenzugelassene Fahrzeuge mit einer Zeit von 7:11,57 Minuten. enzostradale 7y ago. Its domain is the mastery of highest speeds. All images belong to their respective owners and are free for personal use only. Der Apollo ist umfangreich dokumentiert. The Apollo is extensively documented. A major maintenance was recently carried out by the Gumpert specialist Hasenbichler (invoice available).-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bei diesem Gumpert Apollo handelt es sich um das Fahrzeug, welches anlässlich der Ausstellung auf dem Genfer Autosalon 2009 als absolutes Einzelstück gefertigt wurde. Anonymous 11y ago. Gumpert Apollo S (s-aut. His performance is top class: The car can go from standing still to 100 km/h in 3.0 seconds. 1920 x 1080; 1920 x 1200; 1920 x 1440; Story. This post has received too much negative feedback and is hidden. Click here to show it anyway.

    GÚMPERT Sportwagenmanufaktur GmbH will be presenting the apollo speed at the 79th Geneva Motor Show.Whereas optimum performance for racetracks, lateral acceleration and grip in all situations are the focus of apollo, apollo sport and apollo race, the apollo speed is aimed at an exclusive high speed clientel. Mit der Nutzung unserer Dienste erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass wir Cookies verwenden. DAVID GLUCKMAN. 2009 Gumpert Apollo Speed 700 ps, 1448 kg. This Greco-Roman god tries to pull a fast one. Gumpert Apollo Sport review (2009 onwards) Motoring Research.

    On August 13, 2009 this vehicle set a lap record on the Nordschleife for street-legal vehicles with a time of 7: 11.57 minutes. World premiere at Geneva Motor Show from 5 to 15 March 2009 GUMPERT … Feb 12, 2009 View Photos. 6) , manufactured or sold in 2009, version for Europe (since mid-year 2009); manufactured by Gumpert in D ; 2-door coupe body type; RWD (rear- wheel drive), semi-automatic 6-speed gearbox (with manual shift mode) This Gumpert Apollo is the vehicle which was manufactured as an absolutely unique piece on the occasion of the exhibition on the Geneva Motor Show 2009. Each of these vehicles is unique, customised to the needs and wants of the owner and crafted by hand. Mit der Nutzung unserer Dienste erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass wir Cookies verwenden. His maximum speed is over 360 km/h. Thanks to polished aerodynamics the drive side values of the speed are far above those of the competition.The powerful 8 cylinder Biturbo of apollo speed provides an optional 650 / 700 / 800 HP and a torque of 850 / 875 / 900 Nm. This Gumpert Apollo is the vehicle which was manufactured as an absolutely unique piece on the occasion of the exhibition on the Geneva Motor Show 2009. 2007 Gumpert Apollo R 800 ps, 1200 kg. Download. Es wurde kürzlich eine große Wartung bei dem Gumpert Spezialisten Hasenbichler durchgeführt (Rechnung liegt vor). Price: EURO 299.000,- This Gumpert Apollo Speed was uniquely manufactured and presented as highlight at the Geneva Motor Show in 2009. He provides an outstanding performance that defies the imagination: 650 HP, a maximum speed of up to 360 km/h and an acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h (62 mph) in only 3 seconds. 09/10/2014. Diese Webseite verwendet Cookies. Reply 102 2. Ministers ignore pleas to honour vow and bring ‘innocents’ back from …

    2010 Gumpert Apollo Sport 750 ps, 1200 kg. the base price is 415K us dolars, but your not gonna see one that price here, more lik 600K+. Diese Webseite verwendet Cookies. A major maintenance was recently carried out by the Gumpert … The Audi-powered supercar set a scarcely believable 7:11.57 …

    The Apollo is extensively documented. Download Gumpert Apollo car wallpapers in HD for your desktop, phone or tablet. This vehicle set a lap record on 13.08.2009 on the Nordschleife for road legal vehicles with a time of 7:11.57 minutes.

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    gumpert apollo 2009 preis