1.7k. Going through the others. Don’t take this. So today I just got the legendary module for the Moskva and had time for one game in it, and had my best damage game using it at 165k but its just one game.
But overall, GK is still the weakest tier 10 Battleship. you mean about the ship or about the module to be released in the future? I honestly am kind of disappointed in Zoup here, I stopped watching after he claimed you could perma-smoke with the Minotaur legendary module. you mean about the ship or about the module to be released in the future? And Midway/Hakuryu still have to be re-balanced and/or re-activated (as they're suspended since rework). Translated into Yamato terms, 6% of ROF is less than 2 seconds, and that's a freakin' legendary upgrade. But that’s a good thing IMO (because I hate that METAs even exist, especially the one we have ingame).btw, editing this with the space under the numbers is pretty annoying, so pls ignore the “edited”.Thanks for your views on these Elite Mods – I agree with most – some are good – some are bad – Nice to have another opinion!From my perspective, you’re wrong on the Des Moine upgrade. So 2 seconds is a bigger deal than what you think. In a chair, wondering, when my postcount will exceed my IQ. LMAO it’s one of the best. Full support, you fight and stay till the end. Lmao. Gunboats.
8.3 sec rudder shift for a battleship is…. Haru is very good but ultra-clumsy, so a legendary should indeed include improvements in manouvrability (rudder shift and speed would be useful). What you mean by overthinking the whole concept? I finally grinded up to the khaba legendary which is great. No, Smolensk, Thunderer, Krelin, Daring, Kleber, Harugumo, Somers, Burger, SG, none of them had Legendary Upgrade. Moskva’s legendary is for more consistent AP salvos at range. I might have an idea for Kremlin. you mean about the ship or about the module to be released in the future? There are spotter planes and dds everywhere tier 10.
Of course this is my opinion, and you have the information here to decide if you want to make the arduous grind for them or not. A premium Russian heavy cruiser, Moskva is considered to be more of a battleship than a cruiser. My main ship for CBs is the Hindy, and with the legendary upgrade, my commander just tells me “Hold that flank while we push the other one.”, and I always do because this upgrade is so good. Auf den ersten Blick scheinen bei der legendären Verbesserung für die Des Moines die Vorteile eindeutig zu überwiegen, aber man darf nicht vergessen, dass zu dem Nachteil noch der Verlust des oder der Vorteile der Verbesserung kommt, die man damit ersetzt. And that’s considering it got nerfed heavily during testing.especially in competitive play, match up w/ a Moskva (same concealment) & flag, fires last just 15 seconds & cpt skill too 10 secondsFloods are 14 seconds if you have the flag equipped. I’m still getting used to the larger concealment value, so it’s been an experiment.
Humor. *majestic. The balance is i guess over now, so my question is: Where are the legendary …
Her play style is unique at its tier, especially given the difficulty of controlling the ship. Now I recently got the Harugumo, but cannot find the legendary module … Also I have one on the Zao but I havent played it enough yet to really see if it is an improvement. the smoke doesnt last longer. Combine that with the already strong armor the ship has, and it literally becomes unsinkable. I am glad you made this video zoup but I honestly feel that this video is not properly thought through.Edit: I watched the whole video, first thing is that I like that you remember to emphasize that is your personal opinion, not the general consensus or factual advice. To make matters worse, She lacks the ability to deal with destroyers in a manner similar to Players must be mindful that although the Damage Control team is quick to act, it can handle a limited number of incidents before becoming exhausted. I dont remember that bit... back when LUs were made there werent any non-techtree T10s unless I'm mixing up my timelines^^ A premium Russian heavy cruiser, Moskva is considered to be more of a battleship than a cruiser. (Tier I+) Main Armaments Modification 1. Turret rotation time is the single most annoying thing about that ship to me.Sorry Zoup you lost me at Montana.
No, Smolensk, Thunderer, Krelin, Daring, Kleber, Harugumo, Somers, Burger, SG, none of them had Legendary Upgrade. What you mean by overthinking the whole concept? Bow armor can be pierced relatively easily by Yamato’s 460mm shells. ... oh well if is one like the shimakaze im not against it. [TTTX] Smolensk - stallinium shells 1/3 HE pen without IFHE and 5k damage per hit, as a tradeoff +100% turret traverse It only gives you a 10% reload time reduction over the Torp Mod 3, which is an improvement of only fifteen seconds. Und das sind bei der Des Moines welche, die nicht ganz unwichtig sind: Feuerleitanlagen-Modifikation 2 (16 % mehr Reichweite für die Geschütze), Hauptbatterie-Modifikation 3 (12 % schnelleres Nachladen der Hauptgeschütze aber 13 % langsamer dr… Without module you are supposed to play it on one flank only. Yamato was designed around the idea that an individual ship could have superiority over any battleship of a potential enemy.
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