man tgx hupe

    To do so, please click on the red “Accept” button.This website uses third-party content. The touchpad makes it possible to access lists and operate the navigation system using hand motions. MAN ServiceCare helps you organise the maintenance of your vehicle – ensuring greater vehicle availability thanks to forward planning and intelligent grouping of maintenance appointments.In long-haul transport, traffic jams are not a rarity. At MAN, we won’t keep you waiting. A truck is more than a vehicle – for drivers it is a valuable companion, and for companies an important flagship for their brand. The MAN TrucknologyMAN Individual delivers vehicle solutions for special requirements and builds your MAN TGX exactly to your specifications. Zusätzlich assistieren weitere Systeme wie der Spurrückführungsassistent und der abstandsgeregelte Tempomat.Wer an die Spitze will, braucht einen zuverlässigen Antrieb. The scalable vehicle electrical system, for example, has exactly the number of cable harnesses it needs, and no more.

    The lane change support system helps you manoeuvre safely thanks to LED lights in … Im MAN Individual Lion vereinen sich ausdrucksstarkes Design und eindrucksvoller Komfort. The technical features and equipment of the vehicles described serve as examples only and in particular they may vary from country to country.

    The integrative assignment of switches and buttons to pre-set functions and an intuitive control layout make using the vehicle exceptionally easy and ensure fewer distractions while increasing safety.The first of its kind in the heavy vehicle industry – the innovative MAN SmartSelect control unit. Werkstatttermine buchen Sie mit MAN ServiceBooking schnell und flexibel online. Upon request, the luxurious features can be extended to include additional exclusive solutions such as practical storage elements.The new MAN TGX saves up to 8.2 % fuel due to the MAN D26 engine in Euro 6d form and other efficiency-enhancing innovations such as the new rear axle.Join us for a tour with the new MAN TGX and explore its numerous features for a comfortable and safe journey.With sharpened contours, the new MAN TGX stands out more than ever before: Discover the highlights of the exterior design.Discover the highlights in the centrepiece of the new MAN TGX: Optimised to the driver, it offers an innovative operating concept, a fully digital 12.3 inch instrumentation, and much more.Smart solutions for high living comfort in long-haul transport: Discover the spacious driver’s cab of the new MAN TGX.The vehicles and products shown on this website may vary in shape, design, colour and scope of supply. The MAN Individual Lion combines striking design with impressive comfort. MAN TGA nit extrem lauter Hupe. Die Spurwechselhilfe unterstützt sichere Manöver durch das Aufleuchten von LED-Lichtern in den A-Säulen. Persönliche Dinge finden in den großzügigen Verstaumöglichkeiten ihre Heimat. Getting you to your destination more efficiently. Um die Website und ihre Angebote nutzen zu können, akzeptieren Sie bitte die Erfassung und Verarbeitung Ihrer Daten durch entsprechende Drittanbieter. Die auf dieser Website gezeigten Fahrzeuge und Produkte können in Form, Konstruktion, Farbtönen sowie Lieferumfang abweichen. Der neue MAN TGX spart dank MAN D26-Motor in Euro 6d und weiteren effizienzsteigernden Innovationen, wie der neuen Hinterachse, bis zu 8,2 % Kraftstoff ein. With MAN ServiceBooking, you can book maintenance appointments flexibly online. Systems like Lane Return Assist and Adaptive Cruise Control also help to make driving easier and safer.If you want to stay ahead, you need a reliable drive system.

    Around 80% of the most important spare parts are kept constantly in store at our workshops. In order to use the website and its full range of offers, please consent to the collection and processing of your personal data by the relevant third-party providers. Klicken Sie hierzu auf die rote Schaltfläche „Akzeptieren“.Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf unserer Seite Diese Website verwendet Drittanbieter Inhalte. Sie erhalten einen Einblick in die Fahrzeugperformance sowie die Fahrweise Ihres Fahrers. The result: Together with other efficiency-enhancing innovations such as the new rear axle, the new MAN TGX reduces its fuel consumption by up to 8 percent.MAN Perform is there to help you optimise the cost efficiency of your fleet.

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