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    Critters Attack Trailer The Critters franchise came to Earth in 1986, and despite the somewhat cheap nature of its title creatures, the first film wasn’t trying to be campy. Affiliate links used when available. Will Drea discover her inner badass, and will it be enough to stop the critter onslaught? And is the critter princess as innocent as she seems?”Yes, you read that right – a critter princess. As the critters converge on the college campus, Drea and the kids, who are now inextricably linked to Bianca, rush to head them off. While being tracked by the ravenous critters, Drea and the kids encounter an adorable, seemingly harmless female critter named Bianca, an exiled royal fleeing the critter race. This movie truly does have everything!All names, trademarks and images are copyright their respective owners.

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