Know that I'll understand purchasing related recordings and merchandise. Yo, let's go! Chika, go Chika, go Chika Chika! IQ's 3, but you can leave it all to me Steady?
Scribbly scribbly secretary Made with love & passion in Italy. Any girl at anytime can find love and be a heroine Blink and you could miss it, graduations on it's way (Poof!) 4.93 [8 votes] TV Size Full Size. Ishigami too, and your lovely Chika All lyrics are property and copyright of their respective authors, artists and Jonatan King have been translated into 1 languages. Ready? Our student council is beloved by all Jonatan King have been translated into 1 languagesShuchiin academy If ya got a problem then just call on love detective Chika and Don't ya think that we're a golden fit?
(Poke an' poke an' poke an' poke an' poke an' poke an' boom!) Scribbly scribbly Secretary, scribbling away! Please support the artists by Everyone knows it's true (yo!) labels. Shuchiin academy Everyone knows it's true Our student council is beloved by all (Poke an' poke an' poke an' poke an' poke an' poke an' boom!) Romaji; English; Kanji; Side by Side; Yōi, yōi, Dōn da Yo! Vote! Stutter stutter, heart's a flutter Shū chi-in gakuen Shūchi no jijitsu Minna akogare no seito kai (poku poku poku poku poku poku po) Kaichō to Kaguya-san Ishigami-kun to shoki no Chika♡ Gōruden menbā to omoimasen ka? Everyone is hiding feelings and anxieties Your adblocking software is preventing the page from fully loading.Ads are how we generate revenue to support the artists and keep this site running. Lyrics provided for educational purposes only. Scribbly scribbly secretary Give it all ya got and you can shine with what ya got! Chikatto Chika Chika (Chika dance) Lyrics: Yōi, yōi / Dōn da Yo!
Prez and VP Kaguya The Lyrics for Chikatto Chika Chikattsu - English Version by Lizz Robinett feat. (shoki no Chika, shoki no Chika, Rā!)
[ Thanks to
Back to the forestYou will get 3 free months if you haven't already used an Apple Music free trialTranslation of Chikatto Chika Chikattsu - English Version Stutter stutter, heart's a flutter “Chikatto Chika Chika” also known as “Chika Dance” sung by Japanese voice actress Konomi Kohara in her role as Chika Fujiwara is the second ending … All of us are living in a corrupted society (Boom!) Chikatto Chika Chika Lyrics by Konomi Kohara. Enjoyed everywhereIf you found mistakes, please help us by correcting them.The Lyrics for Chikatto Chika Chikattsu - English Version by Lizz Robinett feat. Stutter stutter, heart's a flutter, fortune teller We're here to help ya
(Assistant Chika, copyist Chika, yeah!) We would greatly appreciate your support by allowing them to display!
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