OP's picture shows the armament options for a Ta 152 A/B and was probably tested on early prototypes (where they tested different engines as well). This is a great way to help new players get the recognition they deserve for their work. The H-1 went into serial production in January or February of 1945. You can learn more about how to do that Noice. The aircraft was a further redesign of the venerable Fw 190, namely of the Fw 190 D. The Ta 152 became possible thanks to the new high-altitude Jumo 213 and DB 603 engines. To compensate for any moisture which could form between the panes, silica gel was added to aid in stemming any fogging. The Ta 152H also employed the usage of GM-1 nitrous oxide boost and MW 50 methanol-water boost to briefly increase performance in the aircraft and if necessary, both could be applied at the same time. Overall the Ta 152H variant was one of the fastest piston-engine fighters to emerge during World War II, cruising around 750 kph (465 mph) while at around 10,200 m (33,000 ft).
P-51 - lower roll rate at low speeds and climb rate above 4,000 m relative to the Ta 152) so tactics vary. The Ta 152 H-1 was armed with a MK 108 cannon with 85 rounds firing through the propeller hub and two MG 151/20 cannons (220 rounds per gun) in the wings. Keep up the good work. A total of only 70 or so were produced, of which very few made it to front-line service." Why the FW TA-152-C3 don't have the 30mm modification? . © Copyright 2019. Click the Spotlight button below and all of your followers will receive a notification. Most players use this aircraft as a "Boom & Zoom" although it is possible to dogfight with aircraft that have at least one disadvantage (e.g. If you are on Mac, copy this airplane ID to the clipboard and press CMD+L while in the designer in SimplePlanes to download this airplane. All Rights Reserved. © 2010—2020 by Gaijin Entertainment. There aren’t many good Ta-152s on the site. The cockpit was pressurized to approximately a level comparable with 8,000 m (26,250 ft) and the canopy was comprised of two layers of which the outer was a thicker material with a thinner inner pane. Feb 1, 2018 - Why the FW TA-152-C3 don't have the 30mm modification?:Warthunder. Saved from reddit.com. Unlike the ‘C’ variant, the ‘H’ only utilised a single 30 mm MK 108 Motorkanone firing through the propeller hub along with just two MG 151/20 mm autocannons, both of which were mounted in the upper fuselage. If you're going to play as an interceptor, just climb high and dive on bombers. TA 152 C3 Guys how can i ta have some chanche of win against a spitfire who climb faster than him? My source is Dietmar Hermann's book about the Ta 152 (probably the best one out there about it). The Ta-152 H-1 is a designated high altitude fighter with a great wing area and good manoeuvrability, unlike its heavier brethren the There is a noticeable change above 3,800 m where the engine starts providing more power however it is generally not sufficient to make the plane superior to the aircraft it generally fights, so do not rely on it. Retrieved from Feb 1, 2018 - Why the FW TA-152-C3 don't have the 30mm modification?:Warthunder. The length of the wings was slightly lengthened and due to shortages in aluminium, steel spars were utilised aiding to the strength of the wings, but also at a price of extra weight.The Ta 152C-3 ended up with wings .5 m (1.25 ft) longer than the standard Fw 190D-9 to aid in supporting the new steel spars and hydraulic hardware in the landing gear and flaps. To aid the pilots in the higher altitude flights, the H variant was outfitted with a pressurized cockpit. Jan 20, 2017 - Explore darrenhewson's board "Ta 152" on Pinterest. In dogfights, do not neglect your combat flaps. This is a great way to help new players get the recognition they deserve for their work. See more ideas about Ta 152, Luftwaffe, Ww2 aircraft. You will easily climb faster than most competitors. All rights reserved. However, with the introduction of the Answering the call of the German Air Ministry (RLM – Reichsluftfahrtministerium), Focke-Wulf modified their Fw 190 design and branched out in three directions.
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