nba most points in one game

    Less than a week later, he scored 54 in a win over the Suns.
    None of the big men he faced that postseason came close to stopping the Dream. He had 100 points with the Warriors, but he was no slouch with the Sixers either. 44.7. A couple of weeks after that, he scored 51. You'll

    Sorry, Steph. No Piston has ever had more, and Stack’s points weren’t in vain. It has occurred 66 times in the regular season and six times in the playoffs. Kobe put up 55 points after halftime, rallying the Lakers from an 18-point second-half deficit in a 122-104 victory. Focus on Sport via Getty Images That would be Fred Brown, who did it back in 1974 against the Warriors. © Copyright 2020 Endgame360 Inc. All Rights Reserved. He made an example of Portland’s Cliff Robinson in Game 1 of the NBA Finals by shooting 6-of-10 from behind the arc. 8378. The ones that matter are No.

    In 1967 he dropped 68 points en route to a win over the Bulls. Bob McAdoo did it twice, both times when the team was known as the Buffalo Braves in the ‘70s. 40 Jerry Lucas * Cincinnati Royals February 29, 1964: Philadelphia 76ers His rookie season. The Detroit Pistons have put up the most points by a team in a game, with 186 points against the Nuggets on December 13, 1983. Jordan was one of the game’s most prolific scorers, and he always seemed to find another level during the NBA playoffs.

    (The list includes only points scored in regular season games.) However, you might not be as familiar with Lou Hudson.

    Nope, it isn’t Giannis. Denver came up on the short end of a The second greatest scoring output of Chamberlain’s ridiculous career came with the aid of triple overtime — as if that makes it less impressive somehow. Wilt the Stilt’s Warriors were based in Philadelphia at the time, and their opponent was none other than the Chicago Packers.

    This page contains two charts: The first chart is a list of the top 50 all-time scorers in the history of the As of March 10, 2020, the active NBA player with the most career points scored is The record for points scored in a single NBA season belongs to This is a progressive list of scoring leaders showing how the record increased through the years.Previously known as Lew Alcindor prior to an official name change on May 1, 1971.Previously written as Akeem Olajuwon prior to an official spelling change on March 9, 1991. Other Points Leaderboards. A player who can get buckets seemingly at will is always a great asset, but you don’t need to be Three different players have dropped 57 in a game for the Hawks. During this 19-game run in 1993, Jordan scored less than 25 points just twice, and he finished two games with more than 50 points, including 55 against the Suns in the Finals. Which player is dominating the 2019-2020 season?

    James played exceptionally well during the entire playoff run. Copyright 2020 YB Media, LLC. Emailed daily.

    Follow me on insta @coopertenney. 1499. 1827. Arenas scored his 60 in 2006 in a win over the Lakers.

    Kobe put up 55 points after halftime, rallying the Lakers from an 18-point second-half deficit in a As a society, we’re fascinated with round numbers. There have been a few players close to reaching Jordan’s 1992 numbers, but we don’t expect someone to break it soon. It would be nice if someone added those missing years if at all possible. J.R. Smith’s late-game blunder (grabbing an offensive rebound and dribbling out the clock late in a tie game) is one of the most perplexing moments in Finals history. If he even made half his free throws, he would have hit the 70-point mark.We’re kicking it old school for this one. What a run. Indeed, MJ has the eight highest-scoring games in Bulls history.

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    nba most points in one game