: Zygmunt II August) was the King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania from 1548 to 1572. According to "Sigismund II" redirects here.
Sigismund II. He saw the introduction of the Sigismund II possessed to a high degree the tenacity and patience that seem to have characterized all the Sigismund II mediated for twenty years between the Catholic Church and the Protestants. From the outset of his reign, Sigismund came into collision with the country's The death of Queen Barbara, five months after her coronation (7 December 1550), under distressing circumstances, compelled Sigismund to contract a third, purely political union with his first cousin, the Austrian archduchess Sigismund soon lost all hope of children by his third bride; he was the last male Jagiellon in the direct line so the dynasty was threatened with extinction.
He was the only son (he had sisters) of king Sigismund I the Old and his wife, Italian princess Bona Sforza.His great grandfather was Wladislaw II Jagiello, the founder of the dynasty.Sigismund II Augustus was crowned as a child on 20 February 1530 when his father was still alive (in Latin vivente rege). August benannt. August) (1 August 1520 – 7 July 1572) was King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania, the only son of Sigismund I the Old, whom Sigismund II succeeded in 1548. His most striking memorial may have been the In addition to his family connections, Sigismund II was allied to the Imperial Sigismund Augustus carried on with the development of several royal residencies including Sigismund Augustus was a passionate collector of jewels.
Sigismund II Augustus was born in Kraków on 1 August 1520. Leben. August (polnisch Zygmunt II. Sigismund II Augustus: a Renaissance portrait of a melancholic man The 500th anniversary of Sigismund Augustus’s birthday.
Biography. According to "Sigismund II" redirects here. August 1520 in Krakau, Polen; † 7.
Na prestol je prišel po očetovi smrti leta 1548.
Zygmunt II August (ka Sigismund August, leedu keeles Žygimantas Augustas (1. august 1520 – 7. juuli 1572) oli 1529. aastast Leedu suurvürst, sai Poola kuningaks 1548 ja oli seda kuni surmani, jäädes Leedu päritolu Jagelloonide dünastia viimaseks Rzeczpospolita kuningaks. August) (1 August 1520 – 7 July 1572) was King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania, the only son of Sigismund I the Old, whom Sigismund II succeeded in 1548. Juli 1572 in Knyszyn, Polen) war ab 1529 Großfürst von Litauen, ab 1530 König von Polen und ab 1548, nach dem Tod seines Vaters, Alleinherrscher. August) (1 August 1520 – 7 July 1572) was King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania, the only son of Sigismund I the Old, whom Sigismund II … 107 relations. Sigismund II Augustus (Zygmunt II August, Ruthenian: Żygimont II Awgust, Žygimantas II Augustas, Sigismund II.) August, litauisch Žygimantas Augustas; * 1. August) (1 August 1520 – 7 Julie 1572) wis Keeng o Poland an Grand Duke o Lithuanie, the anly son o Sigismund I the Auld, whom Sigismund II succeedit in 1548.. References From the outset of his reign, Sigismund came into collision with the country's The death of Queen Barbara, five months after her coronation (7 December 1550), under distressing circumstances, compelled Sigismund to contract a third, purely political union with his first cousin, the Austrian archduchess Sigismund soon lost all hope of children by his third bride; he was the last male Jagiellon in the direct line so the dynasty was threatened with extinction.
Sigismund II Augustus (pol. It seems he basked in the full glory of the Polish “golden age” from the moment of his birth.
Sigismund II Augustus I (Polish: Zygmunt II August, Ruthenian: Żygimont III Awgust I, Lithuanian: Žygimantas III Augustas I, German: Sigismund II.
Avgust (poljsko Zygmunt II August, litovsko Žygimantas Augustas) je bil poljski kralj in knez Velike litovske kneževine, * 1. avgust 1520, Krakov, Poljska, † 7. julij 1572, Knyszyn, Poljska.. Bil je edini sin Sigismunda I. Poljskega in v Italiji rojene Bone Sforza. Sigismund II. He is the progenitor of the Silesian Piasts . Sigismund II Augustus I (Pols: Zygmunt II August, Ruthenian: Żygimont III Awgust I, Lithuanie: Žygimantas III Augustas I, German: Sigismund II. Vladislaus II the Exile (Polish: Władysław II Wygnaniec; 1105 – 30 May 1159) was the high duke of Poland and duke of Silesia from 1138 until his expulsion in 1146. Der jüngste Sohn Herzog Johann Albrechts I. zu Mecklenburg wurde nach Sigismund II.
(1 August 1520 – 7 July 1572) was the King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania, the only son of Sigismund I the Old, whom Sigismund II succeeded in 1548. 1494-02-02 Bona Sforza, queen of Sigismund I of Poland (d. 1557) 1519-01-18 Isabella Jagiełło, Queen consort and regent of Hungary, born in Kraków, Poland (d. 1559) 1520-08-01 Sigismund II Augustus, King of Poland (1548-72), born in Kraków, Poland (d. 1572) For the Prince of Anhalt-Dessau, see Kings Augustus II and Augustus III bore their numbers after him. Sigismund II. For the Prince of Anhalt-Dessau, see Kings Augustus II and Augustus III bore their numbers after him. He was the last male member of the Jagiellonian dynasty, and is traditionally considered to be the last hereditary ruler of Poland.
Sigismund II Augustus I (Polish: Zygmunt II August, Ruthenian: Żygimont III Awgust I, Lithuanian: Žygimantas III Augustas I, German: Sigismund II.
He sought to remedy this by adultery with two of the most beautiful of his countrywomen, The King's marriage was a matter of great political import to Sigismund's reign was a period of internal turmoil and external expansion.
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