To temporarily disable your account, first log into Instagram from a mobile browser or computer. You may have missed We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website.
Die Instagram-App ist standardmäßig so eingestellt, dass das Autoplay von Videos nur dann aktiviert ist, wenn man im WLAN unterwegs ist. If you tap on one video and turn the sound off, it would automatically turn off sounds on all other videos until you make the sound on.
The tittle is misleading.I agree but this is the best possible solution to turn off autoplay I’ll update after I find a better solution. Unter dem Punkt Video Autoplay finden sich die Optionen für Mobildaten und WLAN verwenden, Nur WLAN verwenden oder Videos nie automatisch abspielen. So you’re swiping on Instagram using your mobile data and your feed is really interesting but the jokes aren’t funny anymore because you’re gradually becoming the joke as you’re slowly running out of data. You’re seeing contents from your favorite creators which seems to be amazing. He is in for all forms of mobile-related reports.
We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website.
So the headline should state something about how to conserve mobile data with videos on Instagram, not how to disable auto-play, since it doesn’t.Agreed with Bob. I’ll update when there will be a better solution. The platform houses so many individuals and brands producing content for different purposes.
Wie lässt sich bei Instagram das Autoplay von Videos abschalten, sodass die Videos nicht automatisch heruntergeladen
Jetzt im Guide erfahren wie man seinen Instagram Account löscht. It is an indisputable fact that the cost of mobile data subscriptions can be really expensive. I have data saving enabled regardless since that’s all that’s offered but the videos still auto-play. To make this option active, you should do the following:Go to your profile by tapping on the tiny profile picture icon at the bottom right corner of your screen.tap on the three parallel line icon at the top right-hand corner of your profile page.Form the list of options on that menu, tap on “Setting” at the bottom.However, if you don’t want to hear the sound of a video, tapping on a video disables sound on Instagram videos. Bei Twitter.
Leaving you wondering if there is any way to stop Instagram autoplay videos. Even if it did stop it, it likely wouldn’t help on WiFi which, regardless again of being on unlimited data, I’d still like to disable auto-play. Isn’t it?I want to disable it because it annoys me that they play automatically as I scroll. Last Updated on July 22, 2020.
Instagram is a photo and video-sharing social network owned by Facebook.
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