definition of prime minister uk

    Prime minister, also called premier, the head of government in a country with a parliamentary or semipresidential political system. Through patronage, corruption and bribery, the Crown and Lords "owned" about 30% of the seats (called "pocket" or "rotten boroughs") giving them a significant influence in the Commons and in the selection of the prime minister.Symbolically, however, the Reform Act exceeded expectations. Although the Lords are still involved in the legislative process and the prime minister must still guide legislation through both Houses, the Lords no longer have the power to veto or even delay enactment of legislation passed by the Commons. Standing Order 66 therefore represents the beginnings of Ministerial responsibility and accountability.The term "Prime Minister" appears at this time as an unofficial title for the leader of the government, usually the Head of the Treasury.Political parties were not well organised or disciplined in the 17th century. Khrom Luang, Kalahom (prime-minister), and a large number of mandarins had already assembled.Not now, said the prime-minister; you may go now; and the Genie vanished like a puff of smoke.The king immediately despatched his prime-minister to the hut in the fields, and Don Fernando was brought back in state.This functionary was possessed of an authority far exceeding that of the prime-minister of any European prince.A man who can rise from such a beginning to be Prime-minister must have something in him.“Epidemic” vs. “Pandemic” vs. “Endemic”: What Do These Terms Mean?All Of These Words Are Offensive (But Only Sometimes)Why Do “Left” And “Right” Mean Liberal And Conservative?The head of government in many nations. In 1910, for example, there were nineteen whose title was created before 1500.Until 1911, prime ministers had to guide legislation through the Commons and the Lords and obtain majority approval in both houses for it to become law. In this country we live ... under an unwritten Constitution. to propose to a Sovereign a plan for reducing his own power and patronage.
    A prime minister need not be a party leader; Since 1722, most prime ministers have been members of the Commons; since 1902, all have had a seat there.Prior to the 19th century, however, they had significant influence, using to their advantage the fact that most citizens were disenfranchised and seats in the Commons were allocated disproportionately. The party affiliation of members of the Commons was less predictable. In the House of Commons, the prime minister guides the law-ma… This process began after the Hanoverian Succession. For want of money, sovereigns had to summon Parliament annually and could no longer dissolve or prorogue it without its advice and consent. The Liberals pushed through parts of their programme, but the Conservatives vetoed or modified others.

    In current use, the terms Premier and Prime Minister refer to the same office in Britain, but in Canada and Australia the government of a province or state is headed by a Premier, that of the federal government by a Prime Minister. Learn more. Cambridge Dictionary +Plus En savoir plus. Functions and responsibilities of the Prime Minister.

    The classic view of Cabinet Government was laid out by The most prominent characterisation of prime ministerial power to emerge is the "the development of increasing leadership power resources and autonomy within the party and the political executive respectively, and increasingly leadership-centered electoral processes. They were more like factions, with "members" drifting in and out, collaborating temporarily on issues when it was to their advantage, then disbanding when it was not.

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    definition of prime minister uk