The original engine was the The Series 200 aircraft maintained the same 37–39 passenger airframe as the original Series 100, but was re-engined for improved performance. The aircraft landed without the nose gear down.Regional turboprop airliner family by De Havilland Canada, formerly Bombardier"Dash 8" redirects here. The Dash 8-400 aircraft carries 14 more passengers than any other turboprop and has the extra payload capacity to carry their bags, all while providing more range. The Series 100 has a maximum capacity of 39, the Series 200 has the same capacity but offers more powerful engines, the Series 300 is a stretched, 50-seat version, and the Series 400 is further stretched to 90The Series 100 was the original 37- to 39-passenger version of the Dash 8 that entered service in 1984. The Series 400 uses Pratt & Whitney Canada PW150A engines rated at 4,850 shp (3,620 kW). D7566 is certified by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). This aircraft is in service with Air Nippon, ALM, Augsberg Airways, Avline, Brymon Airways, GPA Jetprop, Hamburg Airline, Clay, Mark Air, National Jety, Petroleum Services, QantasLink, SA Express, Time Air, Tyrolean, Union Airways, Wideroe and Zhejlang Airlines. Bombardier expected to produce the cockpit section in its plant in Bombardier proposed development of a Q400 stretch with two plug-in segments, called the Q400X project, in 2007.In June 2009, Bombardier commercial aircraft president Gary Scott indicated that the Q400X will be "definitely part of our future" for possible introduction in 2013–14, although he did not detail the size of the proposed version or commit to an introduction date.As of July 2010, Bombardier's vice president, Phillipe Poutissou, made comments explaining the company was still studying the prospects of designing the Q400X and talking with potential customers. The Series 300 introduced a longer airframe that was stretched 3.43 metres (11.3 ft) over the Series 100/200 and has a passenger capacity of 50–56. The overall length of the fuselage length is 25.7 m. The fuselage is almost circular in the transverse section. Meanwhile, cabin with business class configurations can only accommodate 58 seats. This It features the Active Noise and Vibration Suppression (ANVS) system making it as quiet as some jets (hence the Q). The Q400 aircraft is equipped with a R408 type six bladed composite propeller supplied by Dowty. The Bombardier Dash 8 Q400 (DHC8-400) is powered by two Pratt & Whitney PW150A engines making it the most powerful turboprop on the market today.
The autopilot system is also integrated on the Q300 aircraft.The standard avionics suite on the Q300 aircraft is Honeywell. The first flight of the Q400 aircraft was carried out in 1998 and entered commercial service in February 2000.
Using four medium-power engines with large, four-bladed propellers resulted in comparatively lower noise levels, which combined with its excellent STOL characteristics, made the Dash 7 suitable for operating from small in-city airports, a market DHC felt would be compelling. The -200 used more powerful PW123 engines but using the -100 fuselage, it is capable of carrying between 37 & 39 passengers.
The propeller is equipped with an electric current removal system.
The aircraft take-off and landing distances are 1,178 m and 1,041 m, respectively. There are two engine-driven AC generators to supply variable frequency AC power.The Q400 aircraft landing mechanism features a retractable Menasco tricycle type landing gear. PUSH – display will show EHSI data EFIS controller WX TERR (WX/TERR) PUSH – displays … The landing gear is equipped with the Hydro-Aire mk3 anti-skid unit.The Q300 aircraft can be equipped with an optional Turbomach T-40 additional power unit. BOMBARDIER DASH-8-400; Quiz.
It offers the same trip cost as competing 76-seat turboprops but can be configured to fit a maximum of 90 seats (for a total of 14 more). Each engine is capable of producing an output power of 5,071 shp or 3,800 kW. BOMBARDIER Dash 8 Q200. The Q300 has a larger fuselage and wingtips added and has a more powerful engine compared to the Bombardier Q200 aircraft. The original Dash 8 was the series 100 designed for 37-39 passengers using the Pratt & Whitney PW120A and entered service in 1984.
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