In the same vein is an unusual behavior that seems to be common to "D.": they are often seen laughing or smiling right before they die (or think they're about to die), as though they have accepted their fate and hold no fear of death. The biggest mystery of "D." is that most of those who carry the "D." are themselves unaware of its true meaning. Log in sign up. All orders are … 73 Capítulo 729 (p. 6) e Episódio 661.Mangá e Anime - Vol. One Piece keeps stacking up arc after arc which orients toward the overarching theme of the story. Recebeu uma adaptação para uma série em anime pela Avex e o filme live action pela Avex e Media Asia.
Kaskus Addict Posts: 2,867 #8. hello! Ace dies with a smile on his face, a common trait among "D."s faced with their own death.Those who bear the "D." in their name seem to be able to withstand an incredible degree of punishment in battle and only surrender to death when they know it is truly unavoidable. 31-08-2013 22:48 . Diferente de Luffy que revela seu nome por completo, há alguns com o "D." que tentam manter em segredo, como Mais tarde, a Law em voz alta disse que a "Vontade de D." irá trazer a tona uma tempestade novamente.Não está claro qual é o significado do "D.", mas parece que todos compartilham uma fé semelhante em seus próprios (e de outros) sonhos e/ou destino. Posted by. He is so far the only known giant to bear the initial D. However, he said everyone in his family also has it, meaning that there were/are other giants carrying the initial. me and my sister have speculated a little about the "D" in smoe names and among other legends in one piece we have an ide of that before the " void" where there was a kingdom biggar and stronger than any one els but the other kings started a war and made an alliance defeted that kingdom. Even if the life of the person is extinguished others will take up their will. Ela disse ao Dalton que Chopper se juntou-se com um homem muito perigoso, no caso Luffy por te… Children’s clothes on Redbubble are expertly printed on ethically sourced apparel and are available in a range of colors and sizes. So far everyone in the Monkey family has the initial "D.". Greek mythology exists in the One Piece world since the Ancient Weapons are named after Greek gods and it's acknowledge they are named after gods. Lapor Hansip . One Piece conta a história de Monkey D. Luffy, um jovem com poderes de borracha cujo sonho é tornar-se o Rei dos Piratas, e da tripulação deles, os Piratas do Chapéu de Palha. Kutip Balas. Theory spoiler. Examples of world-shaking events instigated by "D."s include wars, changes in government, and the dawn of a new era. 41 Capítulo 397 (p. 15) e Episódio 278.Mangá e Anime - Vol. They're nuns, crosses, and bibles. :OIt's not like it has anything with gears or somethingThis has gotta be the first unique "D" theory I've read in years, thanks for sharing OP.He's actually not the first to suggest it, but I've never seen it put so convincingly.I think that not only leopards, but Dyonisus is also linked with jaguar and panthers...Panthers are just leopards (Europe, Asia, and Africa) or jaguars (the Americas) with high melanin content in their fur. From the East Blue to the New World, anything … Press J to jump to the feed. Oda just replied to read it as a D. for now and that he would reveal the truth behind it in time.In contrast to the openness of Luffy and other "D"-bearers, there are some "D." families who seem to know its meaning and try to keep it secret from the public, such as So far everyone in the Monkey family has the initial "D.".One clue about those who carry the "D." was left by An apparently unique event within the enigma of "D." was the birth of During a flashback, Gol D. Roger complains that the It is not clear what the significance of the shared initial is, but it appears that all share a similar faith in their own (and others) dreams and/or destiny. There's certainly a significant meaning behind the D initial in One Piece, however, Oda has chosen to keep it a secret until the right time arrives. User account menu. From the East Blue to the New World, anything … Press J to jump to the feed. When asked in an SBS, Oda revealed that it is a mystery that he'll reveal in due time. Na mesma linha é um comportamento incomum que parece ser comum aos "D.": eles são muitas vezes vistos rindo ou sorrindo antes de morrer, como se eles aceitassem o seu destino e sem medo da morte.
Observers have expressed shock and confusion at this phenomenon, unable to believe that someone could so thoroughly come to terms with the end of their life. r/OnePiece. 723. Well researched and laid out. When a "D." appears, the general consensus is that they are going to stir things up on a global scale, for better or for worse. Initial D long sleeve baby one-piece. 0. The Pirate King, Gol D. Roger was one of their members as well, and it has been implied that the D people are of utmost importance in the world of One Piece. GGkawai . Ao todo, o anime conta com mais de 900 capítulos e ainda é exibido no Japão, sendo uma das séries mais populares de todos os tempos.
If you want discussion, please sort the subreddit by New.Press J to jump to the feed. mantap gan, ane jd tau sejarahnya OP 31-08-2013 22:48 . So does the One Piece world have their own versions of our myths?Read the first few sentences of your post thinking ‘fuck no’. [Clique aqui para ver a legenda dos símbolos usados]Mangá e Anime - Vol. High quality Initial D inspired Long Sleeve Baby One-Piece by independent artists and designers from around the world.
Children’s clothes on Redbubble are expertly printed on ethically sourced apparel and are available in a range of colors and sizes.Hakone NISSAN Skyline R32 GTR Long Sleeve Baby One-Pieceif it SHIFTS, it DRIFTS (7) Long Sleeve Baby One-PieceI’m not speeding ! Foi apontado pela primeira vez em um SBS, onde foi perguntado o que o \"D.\" no nome do Luffy significa, Oda respondeu que vai revelar a verdade durante o tempo.
The One Piece Podcast, Episode 341, "Initial D" Close.
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