It produced heavy fragment damage and started two small fires. A-410-A and A-412-A were flooded to a depth of two feet from A-307-1L through holes in the third deck opened by the pulling up of stanchions. Based first at San Diego (where she was used in the filming of Dive Bomber starring Errol Flynn and Fred MacMurray) and then at Pearl Harbor after President Roosevelt ordered the Fleet to be 'forward based', the carrier and her aircraft squadrons trained intensively and transported aircraft among the island bases of the Pacific. The maximum distance traveled by afragment was about 50 feet after which it pierced the 1/4-inch flight deck plating; the maximum thickness of plating penetrated was the 3/4-inch medium steel stem plate in way of the second deck at a distance of 10 feet.F2-3. ENTERPRISE served with the Fleet throughout the war, steaming more than 275,000 miles and accumulating 18 out of a possible 22 combat stars for carriers in the Pacific area.
High and low pressure air lines, fresh water piping and drainage piping also were extensively damaged in the vicinity of the explosion (Photos J-12 and J-13).J3-2.
After a refit at Boston to provide additional berthing space, she made two magic carpet trips to Southampton, and then one last trip to the Azores to pick up passengers rescued from the ATHOS II and the HOOD. One plane returned, apparently to strafe the ship.
2 and 3 elevators were rendered inoperative by bomb damage on 24 August and 26 October 1942, but were locked in the up position at the time damage was incurred. Blast effect on the ship was negligible, but the fragment attack was heavy. On 15 September, troops landed on Peleliu with planes from ENTERPRISE furnishing a part of the direct air support. The desirability of segregating duplicate systems was demonstrated by the loss of steering control after firefighting water stopped the starboard steering motor on 24 August 1942.
In the meantime, despite the victory of the Battle of Cape Esperance on the night of 11-12 October, the support for U.S. troops on Guadalcanal was not proceeding well. The carrier, meanwhile, assembled her remaining aircraft in a fruitless search for the Japanese striking force; the search was to the south and west of Oahu, while the Japanese retired to the northwest.
For the remainder of the month, she remained on patrol east of Samar and Leyte, providing combat air patrol, survivor searches and search-attack groups. ENTERPRISE was maneuvering at high speed and all bombs fell beyond the ship, the nearest about 50 feet off the port quarter at frame 130. Small, stubborn fires developed below decks in officers' clothing and bedding from fragments and short circuits. The southern force was routed in the night Battle of Surigao Strait and the next morning the powerful central force was engaged by a task unit of CVE's. On 23 August, WASP's task group was detached, leaving SARATOGA and ENTERPRISE in the area. 2 propeller and all three blades of No. The following day, ENTERPRISE proceeded south toward Noumea for repairs, arriving 30 October.F2-1.
During the operations against the Palau Islands, another task group was making the first large raids on Formosa and the northern Philippines.
She returned to Pearl Harbor just in time to depart again to repel the expected Japanese landings on Midway.D3-2. Five strikes launched by ENTERPRISE on 25 October assisted in sinking four Japanese carriers and damaging battleships and other units.G6-11. Fragments cut or damaged the purchase cable sheave bracket, purchase cable, yielding element control cable and barrier cross-deck cable of No.
4 generator broke (Photo I-5), fixed and moving rows of blading were bent at the edges, and bull gear, pinion and turbine bearings and bull gear and pinion thrust bearings were wiped. Half a minute later a second bomb struck the flight deck at frame 179, close to the starboard edge of the same elevator, detonating 8 feet below.
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