kansas city chiefs tomahawk chop song


    Several fans said they would have no problem giving up the chant and replacing it with something else, but that the team would have to lead that effort.Joyce Parker, 65, cringed as she admitted that she does the chop at games.“It’s just that caught-up-in-the-moment group joy,” said Parker, a fan from Prairie Village, Kan., a suburb that is a 10-minute drive southwest of Kansas City. Well we won in a fair fight, didn't we? Therefore we are entitled to hold dominion over those savages. That dialogue resulted in the team’s discouraging fans from dressing in Indian regalia and asking broadcasters to refrain from panning to those who disregard the request. When the team started working with Native organizations, it did not include The local Indian community’s views on the tomahawk chop run the gamut, Crouser said, from those who think it is fine to others who are offended.“As an organization, part of our mission is to empower Indian people,” said Crouser, who is a member of the Standing Rock Sioux. This crap is never going to stop. Only racists think the tomahawk chant is not racist. Opposition was even greater among those who frequently engaged in Native traditions, with 65 percent saying the chop bothered them, according to the report, which will appear in the academic journal “Social Psychological and Personality Science.”“There’s no way that the use of Natives as mascots is honoring,” said Stephanie Fryberg, a University of Michigan professor who is Tulalip and worked on the survey. It’s still very stereotypical and mocking of an entire race of people.”A survey of Native Americans — conducted by researchers at the University of Michigan and the University of California, Berkeley, and set to publish next month — found that around half of respondents were bothered or offended when sports fans did the tomahawk chop or wore Indian headdresses. Both the fierce criticism and strident defense of this old school practice signals that a local scribe is still living in the 90s. “I enjoy going to the stadium and doing it.”Quinton Lucas, the Kansas City mayor, said it was not for him to tell fans how to cheer, but acknowledged that he does not chop because “I have different ways to celebrate my fandom.”Regardless of where people stand on the issue, Lucas said he hoped that the rest of the country did not negatively judge Kansas City because of how its fans celebrate.“Anybody who knows Kansas City, anybody who’s been to Arrowhead Stadium, knows us to be a good place,” Lucas said.Celebrating the Kansas City Chiefs, the Chop DividesThe Chiefs organization has worked with Native Americans over the past six years to reconsider some of its traditions, including fans’ dressing in Indian regalia. The chiefs are Anti American but no one seems to mind that except those of us who don't support them.

    “The Arrowhead Chop is part of the game-day experience that is really important to our fans,” Mark Donovan, the team president, recently Team officials did not respond to specific questions about the chop, but said in a statement to The New York Times that they were working with Native Americans “to create awareness and understanding, as well as celebrate the rich traditions of multiple tribes with a historic connection to our region.”In interviews this week, several players praised the tomahawk chop and chant for pumping them up.“I love it,” Jordan Lucas, a Chiefs safety, said. That’s when a Chiefs fan responded with a gesture as synonymous with the team as its red jerseys: He sliced his hand through the air in a chopping motion while bellowing a rhythmic chant.Slowly but surely, most of the 50 or so diners dropped their silverware, turned toward the rivals and joined in, chopping the air in unison and chanting in a rising chorus that filled the restaurant.This city’s beloved football team has left an unmistakable imprint on the local culture, whether it be the tradition of wearing red on the Fridays before games or the custom of modifying the national anthem’s final line to “and the home of the Chiefs” before kickoff at Arrowhead Stadium.But perhaps the most indelible symbol of Chiefs fandom is one that unifies believers and divides others: the tomahawk chop.Now that the Chiefs are on one of the biggest stages in sports, contending in the Super Bowl for the first time in 50 years, there is new scrutiny on the tradition.For many fans, the chop and its accompanying chant — a pantomimed tomahawk motion and made-up war cry, also employed by fans of the Atlanta Braves, the Florida State Seminoles and England’s Exeter Chiefs rugby team — are a way to show solidarity with their team and to intimidate the opposition. Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes recently made a passionate plea for equality and justice.

    Photo by Jeremey Theron KirbyYou're standing in a crowd of 76,000 red-shirted Chiefs fans at Arrowhead. “Yes, I feel bad about it.”But Brian Shirley, a 46-year-old warehouse manager, thinks the chop should stay.“I don’t think they should take offense,” Shirley said. Stream ad-free or purchase CD's and MP3s now on Amazon.com. Asked about concerns that it is offensive, he said, “I can’t even speak on that, because I have nothing to do with that and I don’t know anything about that.”Chiefs fans started doing the chop in the early 1990s, encouraged by Marty Schottenheimer, then the head coach, who was inspired by a performance from the Northwest Missouri State band, which was led at the time by a Florida State alumnus. “And things like the tomahawk chop don’t empower Indian people. 10:56, where did you see THE actual devil, which makes you able to make the comparison? But to many Native Americans and others, the gesture is an offensive mockery of the nation’s first people.KANSAS CITY, Mo. So they're not wrong, you are. This is going to make me and others do the chop even more Move On. Beat the red men fair and square? Another windmill goes down after an ardent charge. Stick with simplex until you get that right. If you don't like it don't partake in it.

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    kansas city chiefs tomahawk chop song