Tomura then breaks away from his past trauma by crushing his father's hand.With memories of his past returning, Tomura decides to break free of the shackles of his trauma and deems the hands unnecessary. Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page. Initially, Tomura seemingly caused destruction just for the sake of it and felt directionless about the Despite Tomura's general disgust of life, there are a select number of people he holds in high esteem. Nomu takes the impact of Izuku's punch and absorbs the shockwave. Giran leaves and Tomura states with a wicked smile that all his pieces and prey have been lined up, so its time to begin the games. Kyudai prepares to give Tomura the ultimate power boost.While his followers organize the forces for when he makes his move within four months, Tomura goes to Ujiko's lab for a special surgery that will make him more powerful. He states that his own carelessness led the Shie Hassaikai to the League of Villains.
Tomura grabs one of the men by his head and tells him they'll leave once they're done.
Using Johnny, the Doctor warps everyone except Dabi back to Gigantomachia.
They meet face to face with Tomura disintegrates an entire swarm of his enemies.Tomura views Koku as a miniboss despite being a well-known politician. Dabi has Twice remove the restrains.
Daruma likes Tomura's proclamations and explains the situation. He orders Nomu to recover and it does so by breaking off its frozen limbs. Tomura approves and says he's excited to see who Dabi brings back. They still have over two hours until Machia wakes up and Dabi is in a convenient location. Compress suggests they use a High-End to attack but the Doctor refuses. As Himiko, Twice and Mr. Compress try to take Katsuki who fends them off with Explosions, Izuku along with Eijiro and Tenya appears in the sky. Tomura commends him before Nomu defeats him and Izuku attacks Tomura with a maxed out smash attack. Tomura simply replies until their job is done and Compress adds that they'd likely live much more lavishly had they cooperated with the Hassaikai. "Tomura, taking Overhaul out of the police car, mocks him on his failure and stating that he hates him because his arrogance.
Tomura calls Chisaki a hypocrite, noting the irony in Chisaki's plans to erase a Quirk when he himself uses a Quirk to achieve that plan and touches Chisaki's right forearm, that begins to disintegrate. As he is being sucked into the Warp Gate, Tomura calls out to his teacher concerned for his safety. Izuku explains the difference between Tomura and Stain.Izuku agrees to talk and they sit down.
The League also hasn't had contact with All For One's personal Doctor since All For One was defeated. She asks to join the league and Tomura responds that she's crazy.
When Tenko was a child, he had a fascination with heroes, but his father did not tolerate his acts and often punished him for them by putting him outside. Tomura says he's been seeking out the Doctor to reproduce the Quirk-Killer Bullets. He stands up and tells the Hero Killer that he was just starting to get over his injuries and that the villains don't have a healer in their party. Dabi keeps his name hidden and only says that he needs to carry out the Hero Killer's will. He doesn't care for his or almost anyone else's life, having no qualms about performing evil deeds like murdering innocents. However, All For One is neither angry nor disappointed with Tomura and encourages Tomura to try again since he still has the Vanguard Action Squad and Katsuki whom he deemed important. Kurogiri teleports them back to the hideout. Tomura eventually decides to get Endeavor out of his way by unleashing a combined attack of Air Cannon and A triumphant Tomura stands victorious on the ground and throws a victory pose similar to that of Endeavor's to mock the Flame Hero.
Tomura promises to show the doctor the beautiful horizon lying beyond the destruction of everything. As the battle continues, Tomura begins to feel the exhaustion from his month-long campaign against Gigantomachia setting in. Spinner and Kenji attempt to repeat the plan using Twice, but Gran Torino blitzes them and knocks them out. Once the vision ends, Tomura snaps out of his subconscious dream and finally awakens from his deep slumber.
bakugouisasoftiesueme, proheroes, angst. He orders Izuku to calm down and if he tries to resist then he'll turn his throat to dust and kill nearby civilians afterward.
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