xenith shadow review

    4.8. The helmet is designed to allow the outer shell to twist independently of a player’s head. The Shadow features a new polymer shell that further disperses the force of a collision. Fit and comfort were chief design considerations, as with all Xenith products. The Xenith Shadow will see its first in-game action during the Pro Football Hall of Fame World Bowl Presented by Xenith from Azul Stadium in Mexico City, … The Xenith Shadow will carry a retail price of To access more high-resolution photos, videos and fact sheets about the Xenith Shadow, .For more information, please visit and engage with us on , and Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Shock Suspension System Allows the helmet and shell to move independently, mitigating rotational forces.

    Xenith is in active dialogue with NFL clubs and major collegiate programs to add Xenith Shadow helmets for the 2019 season. "We designed the Xenith Shadow for the athlete from the ground up," said The Xenith design team analyzed hundreds of hours of on-field, in-game feedback sessions about helmet performance and combined the findings with lab data, computer simulations and materials science to create the Xenith Shadow's innovative design. Each component has been “updated, evolved and optimized,” Sullivan said. (The new helmet is priced at $479, with bulk discounts available. When considering the individual factors that go into the overall composite helmet scores, Xenith particularly stands out at mitigating rotational forces. Xenith is the recognized leader in helmet technology and exclusively produces Five-Star helmets under the widely accepted The Xenith Shadow will see its first in-game action during the Pro Football Hall of Fame World Bowl Presented by Xenith from Azul Stadium in Xenith is in active dialogue with NFL clubs and major collegiate programs to add Xenith Shadow helmets for the 2019 season. The company’s latest advance, manifested in the newly released Xenith Shadow, is a new polymer that works to disperse more of the force of a collision.“It is something that our team developed through material science,” Xenith CEO Ryan Sullivan said. Customer Review Rating (out of 5) 4.7. “It’s a more energy absorbent and a much more durable material than what’s currently available on the market.”The Shadow’s new shell works in concert with the shock absorbers, suspension system, and fit system, which includes a chin strap that threads around the helmet perimeter. Sullivan said he hopes colleges might have access to the new helmet in time for spring practices and conversations with the NFL are ongoing.“We put the athlete at the center of all that we do,” he said, “and that permeates through all of our efforts.” Some preliminary research conducted at The Shadow is designated a varsity product, meaning it is intended for high school, college, and pro athletes. Adaptive Head Protection System of patented technologies designed to provide a custom fit with no pumps needed, and to help minimize the sudden movement of the head during impact. Xenith’s R&D team developed a new outer polymer shell for the Shadow. The Xenith Shadow's sleek aesthetic, paired with its responsive technology, allows the athlete to play at their best. That contest will be played on Dec. 22 in Mexico City (though not airing on CBS Sports Network until Dec. 27). (Courtesy of Xenith) “Really, our approach to athlete head health protection and helmet design is a systematic approach,” Sullivan said. Roughly half of the 70 players for that event will be wearing the Xenith Shadow in its on-field debut. Xenith has made inroads into the football helmet marketplace with innovations such as its matrix of shock absorbers and its internal suspension system that aims to prevent impact forces on the outer shell of a helmet being transmitted to a player’s head. Combining an enhanced shock arrangement with an industry-first, novel polymer shell, it absorbs energy and protects the athlete from a variety of impacts on the field.Thoughtfully designed to provide balanced weight distribution, the Xenith Shadow feels light and responsive, allowing for quickness and speed on the field, and still ensuring a stable fit. It features a matrix of shock absorbers and internal suspension system that helps prevent the outer-shell transmitting to a player’s head.

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    xenith shadow review