wikimedia foundation mittelverwendung

    All structured data from the file and property namespaces is available under the Creative Commons CC0 License; all unstructured text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. Its H.Q.

    Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. This was introduced by default in stages, beginning in May 2010.In May 2010, the Wikimedia Foundation announced the Public Policy Initiative, following a In April 2017, the foundation was one of the founding partners in the The foundation employs technology including hardware and software to run its projects. The Wikimedia Foundation is deeply rooted in the values of the free culture and free software movements.

    La Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) è un'organizzazione non-profit registrata negli USA che ospita siti web conosciuti come "progetti Wikimedia", tra i quali figurano Wikipedia e Wikinotizie, oltre a questo sito, Meta-Wiki.La fondazione è governata da un consiglio di amministrazione.Il suo quartier generale è a San Francisco, USA. Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki. This page was last edited on 27 January 2020, at 20:27. The Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. (WMF, or simply Wikimedia) is an American non-profit and charitable organization headquartered in San Francisco, California. Welcome to the Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki.

    The Wikimedia Foundation's Board of Trustees has approved three active models for movement affiliates: chapters, thematic organizations, and user groups. Sono elencate pubblicamente ed è garantito loro l'uso limitato dei marchi per indicare pubblicamente il loro supporto e la loro collaborazione a Wikimedia.

    The Foundation is governed by a Board of Trustees.

    Wikimedia is a global movement whose mission is to bring free educational content to the world.

    We protect the values and policies that allow free knowledge to thrive. See more.

    We want to make it easier for everyone to share what they know. Horizontal version. For instance, Wikimedia movement affiliates are independent, but formally recognized, groups of people intended to work together to support and contribute to the Wikimedia movement.

    Official information about the Foundation may be found at the Foundation website: The official app for Wikipedia, the world’s largest source of information. The Wikimedia Foundation’s Fundraising Operations Associate is part of t he fundraising team conducts worldwide campaigns across nearly 40 countries and 20 languages, collecting small donations (averaging about $15) as well as large and small offline donations to support the Wikimedia Foundation’s mission to empower and engage people around the world with free knowledge. Through various projects , chapters , and the support structure of the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation, Wikimedia strives to bring about a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge. Misją organizacji jest utrzymywanie Fundacja utrzymuje się z darowizn zarówno osób fizycznych, jak i prawnych, oraz z licencjonowania prawa do użycia nazw i logo projektów na produktach i w ramach usług komercyjnych. This wiki is where the Wikimedia Foundation makes publicly available governance materials such as:

    We host Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia, created, edited, and verified by volunteers around the world, as well as many other vital community projects. Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki.

    Read more. 2003–2016.

    To do this, we keep Wikipedia and Wikimedia sites fast, reliable, and available to all. Free encyclopedia written in 300 languages by volunteers around the world.The world's largest free-to-use library of illustrations, photos, drawings, videos and music.Recently, the Wikimedia Foundation began a fundraising campaign on Wikipedia in India, inviting anyone who relies on Wikipedia to support its future.

    Apart from the second facility for redundancy coming online in 2014,In 2017, Wikimedia Foundation deployed a caching cluster in an Equinix facility in The Wikimedia Foundation relies on public contributions and grants to fund its mission.The continued technical and economic growth of each of the Wikimedia projects is dependent mostly on donations, but the Wikimedia Foundation also increases its revenue by alternative means of funding such as In July 2014, the foundation announced it would be accepting Since the end of fiscal year ended 2004, the foundation's net assets have grown from The Wikimedia Foundation expenses mainly concern salaries, wages and other professional operating and services.In 2009, the foundation received four grants – the first grant was a In March 2011, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation authorized another In 2017, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation awarded another In January 2016, the foundation announced the creation of an The Foundation provided irrevocable grants of $5 million on June 29, 2016, and $5 million on June 27, 2017, to the Tides Foundation for the purpose of the Wikimedia Endowment.Three permanent entities support the board on its mission and responsibilities: an executive director, who leads and oversees the operational arm of the foundation; an advisory board composed of individuals selected by the board itself that advise the board on different matters; and The advisory board, according to the Wikimedia Foundation, is an international network of experts who have agreed to give the foundation meaningful help on a regular basis in many different areas, including law, organizational development, technology, policy, and outreach.Appointed members for the period from June 16, 2017 to June 30, 2018 were:In 2004, the foundation appointed Tim Starling as developer liaison to help improve the In January 2006, the foundation created several committees, including the Communication Committee, in an attempt to further organize activities essentially handled by volunteers at that time.The foundation's functions were, for the first few years, executed almost entirely by volunteers.

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    wikimedia foundation mittelverwendung