They won’t grow above 3 ¾ inches (10cm), with the majority sitting around the 3 ½ inch mark. This area generally consists of a piece of sponge, some rubble or sand.These eggs are approx.
The upper region of the tank is often a favorable area for them as well as branching SPS corals to hide themselves in.This type of Chromis can best be described as a slender fish with a deep forked tail fin. In that article, SWM recommends you keep a minimum of SIX fishes to keep the aggression dispersed adequately, although he then is quick to suggest that groups twice that size are even more likely to thrive.Beyond their behavior amongst the shoal, the Green Chromis is generally a community-friendly, reef safe fish.All in all, I’m a big fan of the Blue-Green Chromis. You will typically find them in large shoals as they are peaceful fish. 0.6-0.66mm long and 0.42-0.49mm wide, with small stalks attaching them to the algal mat.
Their small build allows them to move quickly through the water and utilize even the smallest of nooks and crannies as safe zones, as well as aiding in the schooling behavior they are best known for. Skip to the beginning of the images gallery.
A small amount of silver-white can be seen underneath the eye. At the same time, the Blue-Green Chromis enjoys spending time in the upper regions of the tank so ensuring there is a good balance between rock work and open areas is important.No specific substrate or lighting is needed as long as the substrate is maintained, and lighting is sufficient and timed well – remembering to take in any corals you have into this consideration. They will create what is known as an “algae mat” as they scatter their eggs over their nesting site. Es hat schon Nachzuchten im Aquarium gegeben aber sie scheint sehr schwer zu seinund es gibt noch keine kommerziellen Nachzuchten am Markt. They are a very popular addition to home aquariums as they are easy on the pocket when purchased, passive, active, durable and beautiful fish. Anmelden Kontaktieren Sie uns.
The Green Chromis, also known as Blue Green Chromis (and scientifically as Chromis viridis), is a hugely popular saltwater fish. Für Chromis Viridis habe ich mich deshalb entschieden, weil ich diesen Fisch einfach wunderschön finde. They will be found in both beginner and experienced hobbyists tanks. Ensuring there is no or as few as possible fish that are overly aggressive in the tank, there shouldn’t be any problems. Chromis viridis, grünes Schwalbenschwänzchen, Schwalbenschwänzchen. Filamentous and floating algae will be an addition to their diet during some summer months. Chromis viridis Zucht Diese Riffbarsche sind Substrat-Laicher und das Männchen soll die Eier sogar bewachen. Although not very large in captivity, the Green Chromis do need a large tank that provides enough swimming space. They maintain a passive demeanor throughout their lives from juveniles to adulthood. Interestingly, during times of nesting mature males can exhibit a yellow color.With a maximum length of 3 ¾ inches (10cm) they are easily kept as a single fish in a small tank or in groups in larger setups. According to , the minimum recommended tank size is 30 gallons. If a single Blue Green Chromis is to be kept then it should not be housed with other aggressive and semi-aggressive species as it will quickly become a target of aggression and will begin to hide more often avoiding feeds.In large Aquarium setups, keeping schools are a fantastic choice as the behavior they bring is a joy to watch. Eggs will hatch in-between 2-3 days dependent on water temperature. In the wild, they will be found in the Indo-Pacific region and spend large amounts of their time in protected areas such as lagoons and corals. Die Gattung der Chromis ist wohl die artenreichste Riffbarschgattung überhaupt. The Chromis species has small color variations ranging from a light blue to pale green, subsequently being named accordingly the Green Chromis or Blue Green Damselfish. Hier werden Haltungsinformationen und -erfahrungen von Benutzern gesammelt.
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