wows blyskawica worth it

    Now im asking now so when I get the coal for it, which one? overall I need a ship that can bring back the bacon, because... well to say this much, I went from 1mil credits to 200k after playing ranked battles with the rental ships. World of Warships Giveaway. World of Warships Blyskawica Review / Preview. on Patreon! Fun as heck ship. Read how to purchase Premium content via Premium shop and about benefits. Personally I suggest JB. ofc that was my first time playing those ships AND in ranked so clearly was never gonna do well Is she worth 1 000 000 Free XP? Against Sims without SE you can win with few health remaining, but its hard to win against SE Sims unless you also have SE (dunno about Leberecht Maass and Leningrad yet). Just FYI, Yoshino is NOT, I repeat, NOT a credit making premium. Personally, I would get a JB since i've already saved up 110k coal so far and it's the only ship that offers a different playstyle than the ones I've got in my port. Just FYI, Yoshino is NOT, I repeat, NOT a credit making premium. on Patreon!

    World of Warships - Asia Language Based Communities World of Warships - Asia Language Based Communities georgia is super fun, but you need map awareness, situational awareness, good accuracy and knowing when to push/pull back, all of which you said you didnt have over at your other post, 

    blys is certainly NOT crap when it comes to cap contesting, yes she may have a few issues when starting off with a 3pt captain, but by the time you reach 15-17 points you are the BEST cap contester right next to the sims, and there is a fairly high chance of bullying the sims out of the cap, the sims might have better ROF, but you have twice as many guns and much flatter arc, which assures a high hit rate and consistent damage, furthermore, blys can be very effective against BBs and CAs, unlike sims which can pretty much only cap contester, WHAT? From what I read on the Wiki and having Salem, Salem also benefits from having only 50% of the service cost of T10 tech tree ships (90k instead of 180k, before 50% more from prem camo). yoshino gets deleted easily so i dont suggest lower skilled players to get it Yep, its another one of these, and my main question is, which of the freemiums to go for out of Jean Bart, Georgia or Yoshino?

    Not particularly good in them yet, but they are fun to play. Some BG info, my first line was the IJN line, so the Yoshino's long range 310mm 'high explosive watermelons' is very appealing I'm inclined toward JB (MBRB), but still want to know opinions from people that have played the ships. Plus, the poor maneuvarability of Blys makes it significantly harder to wiggle (very important point since 2/3 of its firepower are at the back) and dodge against supporting fire from enemy cruisers.About vs BB/CA I'd agree, but OP didn't ask us to list the pros...I love these ships. Don't waste your money buying it.I'll let you weight the option. salem is a piece of turd and a legend mod DM is much better whilst not being a waste of coal

    So I guess I can make money with T10 Coal ship (?) Now im asking now so when I get the coal for it, which one? ive watched a lot of flambass, and he plays JB a lot, so I've seen the best of her Had to ask. jean bart is a unique ship that is fun and versatile, worth to get it Share this post. The lesson is "don't count on T10 Coal ships when you want to make credit" I guess. World of Warships Destroyer Class Guide / Tips / Tutorial. At least let them have T8 prem's profit level... Jean Bart and Georgia are the two I have, I can say Jean Bart is the better of the two. the yoshino isnt bad, it's just that tier for tier JB is better It is good, but Mainly I use Blyska to harass BBs with Witherer Flag+Arsonist Flag er, WHAT? World of Warships - Asia Language Based Communities World of Warships - Asia Language Based Communities Highlight: Blyskawica - Not Worth The Coal Admin November 16, 2019 With the Blyskawica being announced for sale in the Armory for 51k coal, I obviously had to take the poor old powercrept ship out. Tank Nut and Gamer Wannabe!

    Yes im serious, im  not good with situational/map awareness and when to push/retreat. 16,217 battles [DUDES] Z_OnkelE Sub Lieutenant ; WoWs Wiki Team; 1,795 posts; 16,217 battles; Report post #5; Posted December 12, 2016. 7,083 battles [TDA] RalphTheTheatreCat 2,827 Committed to ... WoWs - Classic . Patch 0.5.1 is live with a lot… Continue reading oh well, thanks for the feedback, I will put all of this into account oh well, still, that's just gonna be something that I will want help with, and also ik that JB  is goin to go before everything else but idk how to play it, oh well, every new ship is going to be trial and error salem is a piece of turd and a legend mod DM is much better whilst not being a waste of coal (maybe salem, played des moines in space battle and it was so fuckin fun) However the Georgia is a hybrid that im interested in, not many guns, but they're big and accurate. wows alaska vs kronstadt, wows alaska armor, alaska cruiser wows, world of warships alaska, alaska captain skills, alaska ship upgrades, In comparison to other cruisers Alaska features excellent armor penetrating capability and high chances of setting the enemy on fire with HE shells, but her downside is the slow reload time of 20 seconds. She definitely is. You need to play a total of 10 battles to post in this section. hmmm my accuracy... well I don't play bb's with floaty America piercing shells, although im not that bad of a shot, definitely wont take long to learn. Personally, I would get a JB since i've already saved up 110k coal so far and it's the only ship that offers a different playstyle than the ones I've got in my port. World of Warships Premium Poland Destroyer, New Ship. You need to finish a close up opponent fairly quickly with main battery, not grind them for 2-3 minutes.

    So if you want to make bank, Yoshino or Salem aren't it. JB is a winner. Please convince me this dd is a crap rubbish unplayable waste of time awful shipbecause of the DB sales now i'm thinking of buying this ship its an ok ship from my plays with it but im mainly a bb playerit is the most OP surface ship in T7 after the belfast, go get itInfuriate another destroyer captains with your dual guns i thought you guys are suppose to convince me not to buy I'll let you weight the option.

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    wows blyskawica worth it