rms olympic hawke collision

    On commissioning, Hawke joined the Mediterranean Fleet, remaining on that station for most of the rest of the decade. This would have been far more financially viable for the company as it would have forced the admiralty into a rather public cover-up and most likely forced a pay-out for repairs, rather than switching her with her younger sister and sinking her deliberately in an insurance scam. For Hawke to have done any damage at all to Olympics keel she would have had to penetrate a massive 48 feet into her hull.As a result, while White Star still had to pay for the damages, it wasn’t nearly as costly as Gardiner’s proposed $125,000 (which included the assumption that the keel had been damaged). Yet even if somehow it did occur there are still 49 further allegations that can be easily disproved. I had been curious if the Editor was hinting at the book’s loss as being “convenient”.

    In truth the company had experienced its highest profits during the 1911 financial year of just in excess of $1 million.But ignoring this evidence the argument goes that the White Star board of directors saw this as a cost that they could ill afford and decided to set up an insurance scam by rebadging the almost complete Titanic as Olympic and sinking her on her maiden voyage thus being able to claim the full insurance pay out for a brand new ship rather than one that had been in service for a year. The claim arose out of the collision between the White Star liner Olympic and his Majesty's ship Hawke on September 20 last. (It was bought out by Yahoo.) The collision with Hawke (20 September 1911) was on Olympic's 5th voyage (all trans-Atlantic trips, and all before Titanic sank, but before Titanic was completed [31 March 1912]). You must log in or register to reply here. This finding was contrary to eye witness testimony and the arguments of White Star and seen as an attempt at saving face for the admiralty which had been humiliated by the accident.
    Of course I’m not serious. The collision between HMS Hawke and RMS Olympic on the 20th September 1911 and the allegation that it was more serious than the board of trade or the admiralty admitted to. About a quarter of the way through Vol 3 of the Churchill biography (only about six volumes at 900 pages each to go). As part of the process three separate investigations were conducted of the damage to Olympic, one by White Star, one by the Board of Trade and one by the Admiralty which resulted in the following damage being reported.“Two major watertight compartments were flooded, hull plating gashed from the Orlop deck to E deck, and the starboard propeller shafting damaged.”Note there is no mention of any damage to the keel. Olympic then left Belfast bound for Liverpool, her port of registration, on 31 May 1911. Following an inspection by the Board of Trade she recommenced service on the 29th September.This analysis and disproving of the foundation of Gardiners conspiracy effectively scuppers the entire switch theory. Say like the aft G deck cabins?I believe some of the crew quarters flooded, and the damage did reach some of the passenger compartments, including that of one of the band members who would later serve and die on board Titanic. what caught my eye was the editor’s last sentence: “If only the divers could discover also that little book, which so unfortunately fell into the sea when the shock of the collision was felt by the officer of the Hawke, that might help to elucidate matters too.” What??? Studies show that the damage came closer to $75,000 which the company could easily afford. These damages were verified by an independent board chaired by White Star itself and accepted by the company at the resulting of the Admiralty board. This would mean that White Star’s insurer Lloyds would not pay out for the damages to Olympic and the total cost had to be shouldered by White Star Line. Had the damage been more severe White Star would most likely have protested claiming that their ship was now unseaworthy as a result of the impact, rather than having suffered what was described as only ‘superficial damage?’ After all if there had been damage to the keel all three of the inspection teams would have been aware of it and White Star could have argued the results of the enquiry were a cover up. Forums After spending a day in Liverpool, open to the public, Olympic sailed to Southampton, where she … So the company would be left with one unseaworthy ship which they couldn’t afford to repair and would be unable to return to service.Then how does the conspiracy theory explain the following.

    According to the resulting board of enquiry Olympic was ruled responsible for the collision. I did a little net search and found this article at i have a post card of the Olympic/ Hawke collision, plus several others including its launch at Harland and Wolfe.... are these of any value? Some of the old websites may have found new homes but you'll have to Google them up.MAB note: This trial court ruling was upheld by the Court of Appeal in March HMS Hawke was sunk in a torpedo attack by U-9 in the North Sea on 15 October 1914. The other wonder of the digital age, instant answers.

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    rms olympic hawke collision