Les contenus de MultiEsthetique.fr sont purement informatifs. ""The HydraFacial is universally loved, and our most popular skincare treatment.
We want to hear how it has changed your business and your client’s/patient’s skin. Get to Know Us. We believe that beauty is a feeling, not a physical attribute. Ce site est destiné à faciliter, et en aucun cas à remplacer, la relation qui existe entre le patient et son médecin.
Actualisé le 06 Août 2020. For all faces, change is possible. Entreprise américaine fabricante de dispositifs pour nettoyage facial professionnel Edge Systems, LLC. The HydraFacial Company is … The Hydrafacial Company Commitment. We believe that beauty is a feeling, not a physical attribute. LED by Hydrafacial® Rejoignez notre communauté esthétique et découvrez votre meilleur profil. The universally beneficial treatments are safe for all faces and require no social downtime.Introducing HydraFacial Essentails, the complete skincare regimen for glowing, healthy skin.Every 15 seconds a HydraFacial treatment is performedWe had 1 billion media impressions over the last yearWe have 157,200 social media followers and counting1.5 million consumers see our Times Square Jumbotron every dayWe pioneered hydradermabrasion after introducing microdermabrasion to the worldWe are revolutionizing skin health with 30 patents and 24 patents pendingWe partnered with the best-of-the-best in skincare to expand our following and enhance client/patient results.Already have a HydraFacial device? Or give us a call 800-603-4996.HydraFacial is a registered trademark and a patented system of Edge System LLC.Copyright © 2020. The HydraFacial Company is known for collaborating across the aesthetic spectrum, enhancing the consumer experience no matter what treatment journey a … rides, lignes d'expression, pores dilatés, peau grasse, points noirs, peau sèche, acné, circulation lymphatique, relâchement cutané, teint maussade Skincare doesn’t need to be complicated. Our customer’s want to give their patients/clients the best experience possible. The Hydrafacial Company Commitment. We go beyond, delighting in unexpected ways. HydraFacial is loved in over 80 countries We pioneered hydradermabrasion after introducing microdermabrasion to the world We are revolutionizing skin health with 30 patents and 24 patents pending We lead because the results are lasting and leave people emotionally charged.
For all faces, change is possible.
Avez-vous fait ou envisagez-vous de faire un traitement esthétique ? We challenge the status quo and aim to turn the skincare industry upside down with our revolutionary techniques, products …
All Rights Reserved. The HydraFacial Company General Information Description. "Patients that were coming for normal facials that’ve switched to the HydraFacial are much more pleased with their results. The HydraFacial Company is known for collaborating across the aesthetic spectrum, enhancing the consumer experience no matter what treatment journey a client has embarked on. Our results are both instant and lasting, and leave people emotionally charged. This is your connection to millions of believers that know that beauty is more than a physical attribute– it’s a feeling.
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