The food will not wow you, but it's decent enough in fairness. That's what si enough to say about this. 71034 Böblingen Phone: 07031 - 306 98 99 Telefax: 07031 - 306 98 97 › Weekly Menu › Menu › Location Page One of the dish was dressed with the wrong choice and one forgotten. (Click on the image to view a full-size version) They offer insteresting variations of local pizza among other things....Went here for supper while visiting family in Germany; a nice outdoor Biergarten with a little more room than normal between the tables so that moving around was simpler and the din was manageable for conversation. We ordered special pizza with spinach, bacon and cheese and another one with cabbage, potato dumplings and bacon. The food and beer prices are reasonable. open daily Mon - Thu 11am to 12am Fri - Sat 11am to 1am Wichtel, Stuttgart: See 211 unbiased reviews of Wichtel, rated 4 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #140 of 1,299 restaurants in Stuttgart. Ein Tagesmenü/Tagesgericht ist auch im Angebot. Disgusting. Wichtel Feuerbach - - Rated 4.3 based on 158 Reviews "Such a good place to have a dinner! WICHTEL LOCATIONS Every Wichtel is unique and incomparable. 21, 70469 Stuttgart, Baden-Wurttemberg GermanyCan a vegan person get a good meal at this restaurant?Are the prices at this restaurant mid-range / moderate?We rank these hotels, restaurants, and attractions by balancing reviews from our members with how close they are to this location. In all our Wichtel pubs we have an attractive lunch menu with changing dishes. Very small list in the menu and no way to have small changes if you have some allergies. Läden gibt es auch direkt drumherum - ideal für die Mittagspause, wenn man gleich noch was erledigen muss.Wir sind schon sehr oft im Wichtel gewesen, vor allem wegen den leckeren Wichtelkuchen die es dort neben dem selbst gebrauten Bier gibt.
Also nicht unbedingt ideal für romantische Zweisamkeit.Nachdem der Wichtel in Ditzingen leider geschlossen hat, ist der Feuerbacher Wichtel der einzige, der die "Wichtel" - eine Mischung aus Flammkuchen und Pizza, anbietet. Der Service war immer freundlich und die Preise sind ok.Auf dem ehemaligen Roserareal befindet sich das Wichtel in Feuerbach. You will save a lot...We went there for dinner and it was full of locals (which is always a good sign). Telephone 0711 - 820 516 90. › Weekly Menu› Menu› Drinks. ZVR-Zahl: 1363320378. Eine Initivate von SELBSTundLOS – Wirkstatt zur Förderung vom sozialen Engagement. Do visit this brewery if you...Average beer (German beer is nothing special in general) and not very impresive menu, which might be only my feeling. Ich war schon früher hier gewesen, allerdings abends zu einer kälteren Jahreszeit. I recommed this place and i will be back with pleasure.The dark beer was great but the light is a little sweet.Sehr freundliche Bedienung mit angenehmer Atmosphäre im LokalWon't be back because of a certain male server who basically told us we were cheap because we were trying to make even change to give to him to make counting money easier. 71254 Ditzingen Mittlere Straße 2. Best place to go with friends, watch football matches, eat amazing pizzas with the about of amazing bier you want. You sit and you can enjoy a good weather with the local people, you feel very comfortable.the Flammkuchen are very good. Man sitzt in einem Art Innenhof etwas abseits von der Straße. 70469 Stuttgart-Feuerbach Tel. Wichtel Feuerbach - - Rated 4.4 based on 94 Reviews "The dark beer was great but the light is a little sweet." : 0711 - 820 516 90 Fax: 0711 - 820 516 914 Wichtel Feuerbach Stuttgart in der Stuttgarter Str. 70469 Stuttgart-Feuerbach Phone: 0711 - 820 516 90 Telefax: 0711 - 820 516 914 › Weekly Menu › Menu › Location Page. What I do mind is the extremely slow service. But all of them offer wholesome self-brewed Wichtel beer, special food, which we prepare fresh every day, and a pleasant atmosphere for social gatherings. You come here to soak up the car ambience and people watch as the locals drive in...This is a spectacular place, the self made beers are a must try, the food delicious, with good prices. Wichtel Feuerbach. Dieses Mal konnte ich mittags draußen sitzen, was sehr angenehm war. Restaurant | Adresse | ☎ Telefonnummer | ★ 2928 Bewertungen | Stuttgarter Str. It is one of many eating choices. In 2002, the Wichtel moved to the former location of the Roser company in Stuttgart-Feuerbuch, in what used to be their combined heat and power station. B. auf Bewertungen antworten und Ihr Profil aktualisieren zu können. Im Sommer gibt es auf dem Platz vor dem Restaurant eine große Freifläche zum draußen sitzen. With two floors, there’s plenty of room for guests. 21 - 70469 Stuttgart (Feuerbach)
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