Clint Eastwood hat einen Film ohne viel Schischi gemacht. Januar 2009 mit einem US Airways Flug passierten. A true miracle we all watched on television’s news broadcasts.Bravo to Sully, and Tom Hanks for a wonderful story.
Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. Prime members enjoy FREE Delivery and exclusive access to music, movies, TV shows, original audio series, and Kindle books. Because of the quick thinking and action of the crew members, all 155 passengers aboard survived the crash landing.These pictures show the harrowing scenes of the crash and the inspiring moments of relief in the days that followed.Airline passengers wait to be rescued on the wings of a US Airways Airbus A320 jetliner.The US Airways plane floats in the water after crashing into the Hudson River.A New York City Fire Department boat pulls the floating plane after the crash.Rescue workers watch as the US Airways plane floats in the water after crashing into the Hudson River.A firefighter helps survivor Claudette Mason after being brought to a pier.Left: A victim of US Airways Flight 1549 makes it to Pier 79 after being shuttled in by a water taxi.
Having worked as a flight attendant for over a decade I have great appreciation for the responsibility the captain feels toward his crew, and passengers,(you will see this in Sully, and every other pilot flying commercial aircraft); and the crew toward the passengers.Flight crews train every year for water landings, and we used to believe the possibility of survival was near zero. Money wasted too late to send it back ! Film documentario sul salvataggio miracoloso di un equipaggio di circa centocinquanta persone presente su un aereo di linea americano. I really enjoyed this movie and Tom Hanks is the perfect person to portray this incredible man " Captain Sully".
This crash film depicting the real story of a US Airways flight in 2009 goes way beyond the attempt to thrill and surprise viewers with crash sequences. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. Der Held der keiner sein wollte, die Menschen die es kaum glauben konnte und die Behörde, die nur ihren Job macht. Nun muss er sich allerdings vor der entsprechenden Flugsicherheitsbehörde verantworten und genauso beginnt Eastwoods Spätwerk.
Ten years ago, airline pilot Sully Sullenberger came up with the crazy idea of landing a plane filled with 155 people and thousands of gallons of jet fuel in the middle of Hudson … Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote.
It goes deep, deep into the heart and soul of survivors, especially the pilot, Sully, who did the untrained, and near-impossible Hudson River landing with no engine power. Right: A police boat prepares to rescue passengers on the shore.EMS personnel remove a passenger from the downed plane at West 23rd Street and West Side Highway.A passenger is transported at 40th and 12th Avenue in Manhattan.Passengers are helped by police and firefighters after being brought to a pier.Left: A crew member of US Airways Flight 1549 is transported from a Hudson River terminal. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote.
Brace. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. Der Pilot Chesley Sullenberger tätigte nämlich, aufgrund eines Vogelschlags eine geplante Notwasserung und rettete so allen an Bord anwesenden 155 Passagieren das Leben.
I think that this movie could have been better if they included more stories about the passengers on the plane and how they felt.
?Reviewed in the United Kingdom on February 24, 2019
Posted on January 15, 2019, at 1:23 p.m. Tom Hanks spielt das komische Gefühl des Piloten wahnsinnig gut.
Sully Sullenberger's Miracle on the Hudson From:Nature Strikes Back 3m 22s; HD; TV-14; Captain "Sully" Sullenberger reveals what went through his mind when a flock of geese nearly brought down his plane and how he managed a successful crash-landing on the Hudson River. Tom Hanks is very convincing as Scully, well told & acted Chesley Burnett „Sully“ Sullenberger III (* 23.Januar 1951 in Denison, Texas) ist ein US-amerikanischer Pilot mit über 20.000 Flugstunden Erfahrung. Man versteht, dass Berufserfahrung durch nichts zu ersetzen ist und das der Mensch diese Maschinen eben steuert.
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