They found 2 large abrasions on either side of the keel, evidently caused by a swipe against a metallic object of fairly large dimensions.Rainbow was not scheduled to cross any minefields, British or Italian, on her prescribed route back to Alexandria, and since no other submarine reported being involved in a collision, it is almost certain that she was the victim of an accidental ramming on the part of the Antonietta Costa.Patrolling submarines were under the strictest radio silence, they could receive transmissions but were forbidden from acknowledging receipt, therefore, the lack of messages from Rainbow cannot be construed as proof of her presence of not in a certain area. For the daily positions of HMS Rainbow during this patrol see the map below.
This class was the first to be deigned with a bathroom. For the daily positions of HMS Rainbow during this patrol see the map below.
On the Antonietta Costa, some hull plates were displaced and water entered #5 hold.On arrival in Bari, divers examined the hull. We can, however, reconstruct the sequence of events which ended with her loss from the radio logs of the submarine flotilla:On 7 October Rainbow was ordere to move to an area bearing 035° from HMS Truant's position (this being 38º02'N, 17º33'E, south-east of Capo Rizzuto, Calabria.On 13 October she was ordered to leave her patrol area and return to Alexandria, passing through position 32º12'N, 25º08'E so as to reach Alexandria during the afternoon of 19 October but she failed to arrive.As stated above, Rainbow had been ordered to the Bari-Durazzo route on 4 October. This class was also similar to the earlier 'O' or Oberon class, again larger in length and with further improvements, the 4 inch gun was mounted lower and was not fitted with a shield.
Lewis Peter Moore, RN) left Alexandria on 23 September 1940. The concussion was clearly felt by all the ships in the convoy. Immediately after this collision, a heavy underwater explosion took place, shaking the freighter. Rainbow. The third and by far the most numerous group of S-class submarines … The last operational boat in the Royal Navy was Several S-class submarines were sold on or lent to other navies:A modified version was ordered by the Turkish navy in 1939 as the Of the twelve S-class boats that were in service in 1939, only three survived to see the end of World War II, a loss rate that inspired the song "Twelve Little S-Boats", based on a nursery rhyme originally written by Septimus Winner in 1868.The survivors, left blank in the fatalistic rhyme, were HMS The first group of S-class submarines consisted of four boats. For other uses, see New Republic (disambiguation). They were smaller and slower than later classes, and carried less armament, but could be crewed by fewer men. The first were boats of 842 tons, comprising those ordered under the 1939 War Emergency, 1940 and 1941 Programmes (except Five ships were ordered under the 1939 War Emergency Programme.Twenty ships were ordered under the 1940 Programme. Armament: 7× 21-inch (533 mm) torpedo tubes (6 forward, 1 aft; 13 Mark VIII torpedoes) 1 × 3-inch (76 mm) gun (QF 4-inch gun on later boats) 1 × 20 mm cannon. Most of the group were built at the yards of either Scotts, of Greenock or Cammell Laird & Co Limited, of Birkenhead, with a handful being built at Chatham, or by Vickers Armstrongs Ltd, of Barrow-in-Furness. For the daily positions of HMS Rainbow during this patrol see the map below. Jump to: navigation. That same day, an Italian convoy consisting of freighters Antonietta Costa, Oreste and Premuda, escorted by Armed Merchant Cruiser RAMB III was sailing from Durazzo to Bari. For the daily positions of HMS Rainbow during this patrol see the map below. © 1995 - 2020 Guðmundur Helgason Rainbow Class Submarine (1930) From The Dreadnought Project. Printed in Young (1952), who gives his source as Chief ERA "Skips" Marriott. During the war, they operated in home waters, particularly the English Channel, and off the Scandinavian coast. She was rammed and sunk by the Italian merchant Antonietta Costa about 60 nautical miles east-north-east of Bari, Italy in position 41º28'N, 18º05'E. Of a similar design to the Odin and Parthian class these were to be the last of the 1st generation Patrol Class submarine. At 0330 hrs the Antonietta Costa struck an underwater object in position 41º28'N, 18º05'E, about 60 nautical miles east-north-east of Bari, Italy. Equipped with a greater fuel capacity than their predecessors, they operated much further afield, in the Mediterranean and in the Pacific.There were two distinct subgroups. Royal Navy Rainbow class submarines.
They were larger than the preceding first group and required more men to crew, but carried a similar armament. The later second and third groups of S-class submarines would have their fuel capacity expanded to allow them to operate further and overcome this limitation.The mortality rate of these early boats was particularly high. 49 officers and enlisted. Only two, HMS The third and by far the most numerous group of S-class submarines consisted of 50 boats. One, HMS A large percentage of these submarines were also lost during the war.
3 × .303-calibre machine gun. Only locating the wreck will solve this mystery for sure. HMS Rainbow was a Rainbow-class submarine built for the Royal Navy during the 1930s. Only one, HMS The second group of S-class submarines consisted of eight boats.
Submarine website dedicated to the history of HMS Rainbow, HMS Regent, HMS Regulus and HMS Rover from their launch to their participation in major wars also notice board for families of ex-crew of Rainbow Class submarines. They were the largest and most heavily armed of the S class and required more men to crew.
14th May 1930.
During the war, they, like the submarines of the first group, mostly operated in home waters, ranging as far afield as the Bay of Biscay and the Scandinavian coast. They were similar to the previous year's Perseus class in that they were designed to offer endurance sufficient for the great oceans worked on the China Station . It is often stated that HMS Rainbow was sunk by the Italian submarine HMS Rainbow was never heard from after sailing from Alexandria on 23 September 1940 to operate in the Gulf of Taranto in synchrony with HMS Regent. Construction was divided between Chatham Dockyard, and the yards of Scotts, of Greenock and Cammell Laird & Co Limited, of Birkenhead.
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