otto kretschmer interview

    He therefore climbed out at once, and found the whole crew gathered together on the bridge. It took great concentration, quick thinking, efficient lookouts, and a good torpedo officer as the First Watch Officer actually aimed and fired while surfaced as the captain maintained the ‘overall look.’He was not the only commander to adhere to the ‘one torpedo, one ship’ mantra, as Erich Topp and Günther Prien did, to name but two. So, before the war had gone past 1941, the Germans were reacting to Allied technological and tactical advances rather than leading the field. During the night of 16th-17th March 1941 the U-Boats U-99 and U-100 were involved in a combined attack on convoy HX-112. Truly sobering, and an important feeling for anybody who studies and writes about war the entire process got quicker and quicker. The Commander Interviews Listen to the Commanders in their own words! It was an extraordinary phenomenon, the military services of the Third Reich.One of my all-time favorite historians Max Hastings writes very lucidly about it and claims, with (I believe) great validity, that the German forces were probably, as a whole and in general terms, the most militarily adept of the war. In fact, U536 was soon sunk thereafter as well. Creature comforts were few, but then that can be the story of the Wehrmacht. Original tests of the torpedo’s depth keeping had been done at ordinary atmospheric pressure, but the internal pressure of a U-boat differed, and this differential leaked into the chamber and caused torpedoes to run deeper than set and thereby not triggering. Watch Queue Queue I don’t honestly know. Until he died in April ’09 he was in fairly regular communication with one Volkmar Koenig, who I believe was a Midshipman in U-99 when she sank ‘Forfar’!Had Doenitz received the 300 boats he requested instead of the measely amount he was given Britain would have had to sue for peace due to her Island being starved outMy grandfather was an electrician on U-99, lived in scotland after spending 2 years pow in CanadaVVery interesting, love history and factual accounts, the best.… also with some stories from 1945 (75 years ago) until September …

    Rather than create a completely new design, modifications to the existing frames were made so that by 1943 the boats were virtually obsolete. The mythology of a force of volunteers is just that, a myth. Featured Image: German U-boat attack, World War II. That in itself would have been a difficult time for such veterans as the Germans attempted to distance themselves from militarism, and yet some of their senior officers were ex-Wehrmacht and extremely militaristic.

    Author Larry Paterson joins us to discuss his new book, I left New Zealand in 1988 to be a drummer in the UK (and to see Iron Maiden live because they kept canceling New Zealand tours), so found myself near most of the battlefields I had read about.
    He never got out again, and the crew heard him shouting as the U-Boat sank. This problem wasn’t remedied until the end of 1942!

    Things like the snorkel helped briefly but were never going to swing the tide of war, much as the German attack that became the Battle of the Bulge was never going to alter the outcome of the war but gave the Allies a momentary fright. and were waiting to trap the U-boat, U536, that had been sent to rescue them. The same loadout as a Seehund midget submarine — and not really of much greater endurance. As always, that is the reality of such a war, which can be somewhat ‘anesthetized’ by talking about a U-boat commander’s ‘score.’ Nevertheless, it is a quantifiable measure of military success, and Kretschmer ranks at the very top of that ‘league table.’ many wrecks which are war graves, that moment gives you a sense of humility and gravity that I think is very important to remember. I was lucky enough to get a private tour of the film sets that are at the Bavarian Film Studios and open to the public, and it is remarkably like being inside U995 at Kiel. HMS Vanoc rammed U-100 – her commander Joachim Schepke was crushed against the periscope mast and was not one of the six survivors.U-99 was commanded by Otto Kretschmer with a long list of sinkings to his name, among them the [permalink id=8537 text=”attack on convoy SC7″] and the [permalink id=9358 text=”torpedoing of HMS Forfar”]. I do not for one minute subscribe to the ‘all Germans were Nazis’ idea that people keep saying, as that provides purely political motivation as a driving factor. First, while the contact detonator that had been used during the First World War was simple and reliable, it had been redesigned between the wars to an overly complex series of levers that were supposed to provide a wider angle in which the trigger would fire, but in effect did not work.

    During the night of 16th-17th March 1941 the U-Boats U-99 and U-100 were involved in a combined attack on convoy HX-112. It’s an intensely interesting subject, as is the whole of the Wehrmacht. At 0337 “Walker” obtained contact quite close to where “Vanoc” was stopped’ this was thought to be non-sub at first, but as the asdic operator insisted that contact was firm and the echo rapidly improved, the Captain decided to attack. The rest just seemed to come together after that really. The German Captain’s intention was to try and get away on the surface but the Quartermaster reported that the steering gear was out of action; the electric motors were also out of action.

    It is true that Raeder did not really value the U-boat service as much as his ‘big ships’ but he also failed to understand the potential of aircraft as an offensive maritime weapon, soon demonstrated by most other countries’ navies.

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    otto kretschmer interview