A northern militia has made repeated incursions into the DMZ (de-militarized zone). "Assignment from the president of a minor South American nation that has just shifted to civil government. Eliminate the CFA armored column assembling to the north of Nova Braga Airport. Für Links auf dieser Seite erhält GIGA ggf. Famine has broken out in the south of an African nation locked in civil war. "Assignment from a mountainous Southern African nation. In addition to the local PF guarding the mansion where he is located, an unidentified force has been observed operating in the area. Extract this CIA mole. Eradicate the remaining forces hiding out in remote regions of the country and ensure the election is a success.Unlock requirements: Complete Mission 1: Phantom Limbs Search out the legendary gunsmith, and extract him for sure this time. A Soviet soldier who had been collaborating with the CIA has gone missing. Fight off the Skulls' assault, and return to base with Code Talker. However, there is still more to do! Eliminate the CFA official stationed at Nova Braga Airport. "Confidential assignment from a Western nation. Defend the pipeline, and fight off attacking OE units.Unlock requirements: Complete Mission 31: Sahelanthropus After completing mission 31, Metal Gear Soild 5 comes to an "end." Sie können Ausrüstung, Ressourcen und sogar Personal von euren Plattformen per Fulton-Ballons rausholen. Extract the highly-skilled soldier from among the enemy ranks. Two major subcategories of these deployments are Key and Revenge. An unusual mist has blanketed the area.
The presidential guard are known for their high morale and fervor. Extract the highly-skilled soldier from among the enemy ranks. Tail his subordinate, and eliminate the Major.
Extract both the child soldiers' commander and the XO. Locate and extract the children who escaped from Mother Base. Extract the highly-skilled soldier from among the enemy ranks. Eliminate all the Walker Gears deployed to Ditadi Abandoned Village Stand at the starting point and press the Action Button ( Dispatch missions are optional combat deployments that the player can send squads of the Combat Unit (sometimes with other teams) on to earn distinguished service medals en masse, additional staff members, plants, processed resources and currency. Stand at the starting point and press the Action Button ( Destroy all the shooting targets on the platform within the time limit.
Despite their civil war having ended, rebel forces are becoming active once more in the lead-up to the nation's first general election. "Confidential assignment from a Western nation. Stand at the starting point and press the Action Button ( Destroy all the shooting targets on the platform within the time limit.
Conduct a search-and-destroy operation and disrupt the cartel's drug distribution network. - Duration: 5:12. mattrodge13 20,060 views.
Key dispatch missions offer emblems and blueprints as rewards and revenge dispatch missions will eliminate one item from the enemy's arsenal (lower difficulty) for three sorties; both come at the cost of high casualty rates, with the former being the highest.
Locate and extract the children who escaped from Mother Base. "Unofficial assignment from the UN. Prevent the combat deployment of the upright bipedal weapon Sahelanthropus, and take vengeance on Skull Face. A group of generals displeased with the adoption of democracy have plotted to assassinate the president, and have hired OE to achieve this end. To stop the leak, shut down the facility's oil transfer pump, and use explosives to destroy the oily water separator tank.
He was taken to Ngumba Industrial Zone, the place the locals call "the Devil's House." Eliminate the OE unit and retake the mine.Unlock requirements: Complete Mission 1: Phantom Limbs "Unofficial assignment from an international coalition force. Three commanders of key Soviet units are holding an emergency meeting at Wialo Village. The gunsmith you found at Masa Village was just an apprentice of the true legendary gunsmith.
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