wows nürnberg captain skills

    [BAD-A] Nachdem ich mit dem ersten Teil hoffentlich helfen konnte, einen Überblick über alle Fähigkeiten des Kapitäns zu bekommen, möchte ich in einem zweiten Teil einige Beispiele geben für Schiffsklassen und einzelne Schiffe (die Premium-Schiffe behandle ich gesondert hier).Und natürlich möchte ich dabei erklären, warum ich welche Auswahl getroffen haben, denn die … 1.

    I will also look to take steering gears mod 2 as helps for cruiser gameplay. [BAD-A] For Slot 2, … Shows the direction to the nearest enemy ship. This …

    Recommended Commander Skills Nurnberg Captain Skills Advices. This skill will not work if a player is playing with an aircraft carrier. Archived . I would like some insight on what Captain skills and upgrades other people would suggest for this ship.For Captain Skills I have for level 1 skill, Basic firing training, for level 2 Expert marksman and for level 3 Basics of survivability. If you get detonated a lot, get the Magazine Modification 1 . Close.

    Recommended Captain Skills I'm no expert at the Nurnberg(I've only grinded up to Yorck, yes I know im a noob and all), but I would recommend Flamu/Notser's CA build guides. Die maximale Anzahl an Skillpunkten pro Captain beträgt übrigens 19. n der zweiten Reihe der Kapitänsfertigkeiten kosten die Perks übrigens schon zwei …

    share. Rarely run out of consumables in the Nurn- strongly recommend High Alert as getting clipped by the occasional HE is inevitable and putting out the fires is rather important.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castPress J to jump to the feed. For Slot 1, get Main Battery Mod. [BAD-A] Recommended Upgrades and stuff. I currently have 3 skill points to use and I am on way to a 4th so I can get a level 4 skill. The enemy player will be alerted that a bearing was taken on their ship. I currently have 3 skill points to use and I am on way to a 4th so I can get a level 4 skill.

    Posted by u/[deleted] 3 years ago. Action stations! Nurnberg Captain Skills Advices.

    Official website of the award-winning free-to-play online game World of Warships.

    I would like some insight on what Captain skills and upgrades other people would suggest for this ship. For Captain Skills I have for level 1 skill, Basic firing training, for level 2 Expert marksman and for level 3 Basics of survivability. 8 comments. I was thinking Advanced firing training for the 19.8km range but wandered if there was any point in another level 4 skill or splitting between lower level skills?For upgrades I have only mounted the main battery mod 1 thus far, I will take either propulsion or steering gears mod 1 once I have worked out which gets knocked out more. However I would like to ask if anyone knows if accuracy buff is worth if for this ship as the rotation buff looks intriguing given turret position on ship, the adjusted ROF would still be 10 rounds per minute and the already fast rotation time?Do we have any more responses based on playing the Nurnberg as to recommended ship upgrades?Main Battery Mod 2 (Fire rate and accuracy are high enough, I want faster turning turrets)I use Defensive AA fire instead of Hydroacoustic Search.As a result I get 10.1 rounds a minute and a 180 degree turret turn time of 16 seconds.Main Battery Mod 2 (Fire rate and accuracy are high enough, I want faster turning turrets)Thanks that is very helpful. I recently start to play the Konigsberg and i have BFT for level 1 and expert marksman for level 2.. Im going to use this captain in my Nürnberg too, so which skills are the most suited for this two ships?Superintendent then AFT or Demolitions Expert depending on which benefit you prefer.Superintendent? (At the end of the video you can find Flamu's build).

    save hide report. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts 3. Do you mean Damage Control Mod 1 and Steering Gear Mod 2?Never leave port without Situation Awareness, for 1 point it's a steal.It's basically your spidersense to know if there's a DD around.It also allows you to turn broadside against a BB if you know that they don't know you're there. 100% Upvoted. I recently start to play the Konigsberg and i have BFT for level 1 and expert marksman for level 2.. Im going to use this captain in my Nürnberg too, so which skills are the most suited for this two ships? Commander Skills Key skills for Nürnberg commanders include Priority Target, Adrenaline Rush, Demolition Expert, and Concealment Expert.

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    wows nürnberg captain skills