meningococcal septicaemia deutsch

    In developed countries the disease transmission usually occurs in day care, schools and large gatherings where usually disease transmission could occur. Because the meningococcal organism is transmitted by respiratory droplets and is susceptible to drying, it has been postulated that close contact is necessary for transmission. 2007Janoff EN, Tasker S, Opstad NL et al. Overcrowded villages are breeding grounds for bacterial transmission and lead to a high prevalence of respiratory tract infections, which leave the body more susceptible to infection, encouraging the spread of meningitis. Carriage then spreads through the household, reaching infants usually after one or more other household members have been infected. Abstract No. HIV-infected individuals are likely to be at increased risk for meningococcal disease; HIV-infected individuals who wish to reduce their risk of meningococcal disease may receive primary immunization against meningococcal disease.Protective levels of anticapsular antibodies are not achieved until 7–14 days following administration of a meningococcal vaccine, vaccination cannot prevent early onset disease in these contacts and usually is not recommended following sporadic cases of invasive meningococcal disease. While meningococcal disease is not as contagious as the The patient with meningococcal meningitis typically presents with high fever, Symptoms of meningococcemia are, at least initially, similar to those of Meningococcal disease causes life-threatening meningitis and sepsis conditions. I61Tasker SA, Treanor J, Rossetti R et al.

    Therefore, the disease transmission to other susceptible person cannot be prevented. If possible, point to things like a pinpoint rash or the varied symptoms a child or teen has that have caused the alarm. In the case of meningitis, bacteria attack the lining between the brain and skull called the Even with antibiotics, approximately 1 in 10 victims of meningococcal meningitis will die; however, about as many survivors of the disease lose a limb or Patients suffering from meningococcal disease are treated with a large dose of The most important form of prevention is a vaccine against Children 2–10 years of age who are at high risk for meningococcal disease such as certain chronic medical conditions and travel to or reside in countries with hyperendemic or epidemic meningococcal disease should receive primary immunization. Bull. However, anybody can get the condition. Meningococcal disease describes infections caused by the bacterium Neisseria meningitidis (also termed meningococcus). Not everyone with meningococcal septicemia will have all symptoms, but presence of extreme confusion, lethargy and high fever is always a good reason to contact a doctor. Meningococcal septicemia is a type of blood poisoning.It results when the meningitis bacteria, called Neisseria meningitides invades the bloodstream and begins to destroy all the tissues in the body. If you have any of these symptoms please go to or phone your GP straight away. Although conjugate vaccines are the preferred meningococcal vaccine in adolescents 11 years of age or older, polysaccharide vaccines are an acceptable alternative if the conjugated vaccine is unavailable.Primary immunization with meningitis A, C, Y and W-135 vaccines is recommended for college students who plan to live in dormitories, although the risk for meningococcal disease for college students 18–24 years of age is similar to that of the general population of similar age.Routine primary immunization against meningococcal disease is recommended for most adults living in areas where meningococcal disease is endemic or who are planning to travel to such areas. Only Saudi Arabia require that travelers to their country for the annual Hajj and Umrah pilgrimage have a certificate of vaccination against meningococcal disease issued not more than 3 years and not less than 10 days before arrival in Saudi Arabia.

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    meningococcal septicaemia deutsch