wows georgia worth it

    No its not.

    My impression is that Jean Bart is pretty serviceable, with excellent AA, and requiring good management of the reload booster to maximise effectiveness; meanwhile, Georgia has 'ooge guns, but not many of them, and rather splendid secondaries. Which doesn't equal bad, given some of the best ships in the game are low-impact (Henri and Zao for example may have more impact than Yoshino, but have lower impact than most other T10 cruisers, yet people still wouldn't call them bad). Not great accuracy, huge citadel, so you are forced to play at max range, and useless AP (rare opportunity to e successful. Slap on USN dispersion mod in slot 6 for main gun accuracy, go survivability build as your main focus, take the secondary mod in slot 3 and have tons of fun wrecking face at any range. How close is that to people's actual experience of them? Thunder...   457mm ap with near cruiser accuracy out to max range. Yoshino won't disappear soon. The play style is fun for sure, something I enjoy more so than the tech tree USN BB's. Speed boost, good secondaries, fun repair party, and of course her boosted dispersion and high alpha.

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    Leaderboards, ships statistics and configurations, ranked and team battles and much much more Facebook. [XTREM] If you enjoy the playstyle of the USN BBs and want something that can do that but even better, it’s almost a no brainer. If you enjoy the playstyle of the USN BBs and want something that can do that but even better, it’s almost a no brainer. Gonna take a long time to  grind enough experience to redistribute skill points on one of my unused captains though. Having come up the USN tech tree, Georgia is unique. All of my tech tree USN BB's use a survival build captain, and I used my 19 point captain from Montana in Georgia. Yeah BFT + AFT for a secondary lite build, you can skip the BFT if you really want, which is also good for AA which is useful for other US ships. WoWS Stats & Numbers - best online tool for stats browsing and progress tracking for World of Warships. I have the coal to get her now, but I'm still about 30k off from being able to afford the Smolensk and 35k from the Thunderer.

    Three days ago I finished the Halsey campaign, and had enough elite command XP to make him a 19 point captain right away (you get him with 15 points). But by the same logic Salem isn't worth it then. She is now my go to ship, I no longer play Montana, Iowa, or Alabama as often now since I have Georgia. I would take her over Thunderer just because of her seniority and all the fun gimmicks she brings to the table. Georgia needs a secondary spec captain for best results, only other US ship that can really share this captain is Massachusetts, where Jean Bart will work great with Richelieu/Alsace/Republique captains. The Georgia is a ship that I seriously loved playing. I'm planning to pick it up, but I'm not over here dying for it. [USCGC] And Yoshino is not a bad ship.

    It all depends on your goals (how you want to play) and expectations (I will WIN with the ship). It is therefore a situational ship depending on enemies to allow you to flank. If your a not so good BB player I suggest getting them both as the DD players will appreciate your straight lining If you wanna see another opinion, don't look at the contributors that promote the ship for WG, have a look for Yuro's channel.

    With regards to what Just a shame the Georgias guns don't use the same sound as the Yamato/Musashi when fired.

    No. Just remember that there will be more coal ships coming, maybe one or two that will strike your fancy, maybe not. [XTREM] Like, Smolensk gameplay to me is not really more thrilling and I certainly have more interest into the IJN B-65 cruiser design than in some obscure Soviet project that noone ever heard of and might not ever really have been seriously considered for construction. In one of my games today I had Angelstone from TWA in team and he was driving Georgia.He ended first by XP (2.3k) and kills (3) but it was a weird game and Angelstone is a really good player so I can't tell how much it was to ship quality and how much to player skills. I got Georgia about a month after it was released, and have definitely enjoyed it. out all of the premium t10 cruisers I believe yoshino and azuma are the worst. [GWG]

    So, next week (with the new voucher, and possibly without), I'll be able to get either Jean Bart or Georgia - which would people say is more fun? They require the use of the Inertial Fuse for HE Shells to make them a credible threat against anything other than the …

    Atlanta is a unique premium in many ways; most ships you get nowadays are variants of regular progression ships (usually with different guns, with/without torps, different consumables, etc), but Atlanta has little to compare itself with until the higher tiers (Minotaur, Akizuki, etc).

    [USCGC] I’m using my Montana captain (standard survivability build) while I build up elite commander xp to train up a secondary spec captain, so I can confirm that she works quite well with a standard USN BB build (plus the secondary mod in slot three that I run on all my USN BBs since nothing else is really valuable there anymore IMO). [WAKE] The 29-year-old brunette bombshell looked every inch the pin-up, as she posed up a storm for the camera. I just wanted to make sure you knew about that catch as secondary builds are at best a waste for other US ships. Having come up the USN tech tree, Georgia is unique. At worst he calls it lackluster and mediocre.

    So if you play French BBs Jean Bart is ideal for training, where Georgia is less useful as a crew trainer unless you can put a 19pter in the ship and rake in that elite xp. I have pretty limited resources and playing time, so I'm usually pretty budget conscious and want the best bang for my buck...and I'm talking about fun, not necessarily being the most competitive in the current meta, although if that's your thing I got nothing but respect.

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    wows georgia worth it