i will put SE on Midway and see how it goes. I’m almost at shokaku now.
Cruises & Squadrons. Known for hitting targets hard regardless of class, the dive bombers can both do high amounts of alpha damage as well as set fires. Recommended Posts. Good damage and sometimes even win when my team actually tries to cap something While she has fewer planes on deck compared to her Japanese counterpart Torpedo bombers are, after balance changes, weaker than Tier VIII USN carrier torpedoes and remain the weakest of all Midway assets. Plus the damage and fires are much better when you can pull it off. Getting bombarded non-stop in one run hard always hiding in smoke isnt that effective either I like … It's useful in all situations, you can get around quicker, and the argument is that with higher speed, you spend less time in AA) Recommended Posts.
For most cases 1 or 2 level 4 skills are enough. If there are no easy targets, then just spot until you get openings. I have Halsey at 15 point still but 19 point is available also if I swap with my Wooster. USS Midway. You need to play a total of 5 battles to post in this section.
Langley and Ranger can benefit from DE, but beginning w/ Lex and Midway the fire chance goes up enough you don't need DE. Followers 0. And may I ask why is it anti BB now? Improved Engine Boost, Improved Engines, Aircraft Servicing Expert, TA, SE, Aircraft Armor, Sight Stabilization are about all that's needed. References to specific designs, models, manufacturers, and/or modifications of ships and aircraft are used only for the purpose of historical consistency and do not assume any funding or other involvement in the project on the part of the holders of trademarks. CE is nice but not required. After all, for dmg and fires you have DBs. It depends how comfortable you are bringing your flat top closer to front lines. Concealment Expert or improved aiming...or IFHE (for the secondaries). Der erste skill gibt mir +5% Flugzeugüberlebensfähigkeit und -10% Flugzeugwartung. (I don't like Last gasp, I find it worthless) Improved Engine Boost, Improved Engines, Aircraft Servicing Expert, TA, SE, Aircraft Armor, Sight Stabilization are about all that's needed. In this part of the Guide, I’ll cover the selection of Commander Skills for high-tier Battleships (both linear, promo and premium) for both ordinary and Unique Commanders in World of Warship Links to the Guides on Commander Skills for Cruisers and Destroyers see at the foot of this page. Midway's Awards. Also, depending how well you manage plane losses, may need to run the aircraft module in slot 5 for extra deck spaces. Midway (2019) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. ... Captain skill "Flugzeugwsrtungsexperte" gegen "Verbesserte Schießausbildung" zu tauschen. With a defensive 3/0/2 Loadout we won't need the first three tiers of skills I have currently put points in. However, to compensate for these shortcomings the Midway drops six torpedoes per attack, two torps from each plane. It looks quite a lot but maybe you guys have good experience with playing it. :3 Also DD gameplay is kind of dead (i main DD.) So I guess we would pick "High Alert" (-10% Reloading time for Damage Control Party), it seems like any other skill would be less beneficial.I don't think it is a good idea to put the Midway into the role of a Strike-Carrier, meaning a 1/2/2 setup (1 Fighter, 2 Dive- and 2 Torpedobomber). First things first, here are a few suggestions: Go easy on level 4 skills. When I skilled like that I had a balanced setup between Fighters/Torpedo-/Divebombers in mind, like 1/2/2 or maybe even 2/1/2.Lastly I was playing against some Japanese Tier X CVs and it didn't go so well.
1st row: Air Supremacy, Engine boost. Midway [HD] (2019), è un Film made in China, USA di genere Guerra, Pochi anni prima dell'inizio della seconda guerra mondiale, l'addetto navale statunitense a Tokyo e la sua controparte discutono delle posizioni statunitensi e giapponesi nell'Oceano Pacifico durante una funzione statale.Isoroku Yamamoto informa silenziosamente il funzionario dell'intelligence Edwin T. … 1,461 [NG-NL] Reymu. Photo Gallery. It looks quite a lot but maybe you guys have good experience with playing it. [XTREM] I hope balancing isn’t finished yet because now AA really is to much for planes. Concealment Expert. So in all seriousness I'd take HVAR. recently I researched the Midway but with all the changes going on in balance-land I am really confused how to build her ( and a small side question , HVAR or Tiny Tim’s ) 25 comments in this topic. Keep this in mind when you aim/drop or you may miss. … Torpedo Armament Expertise. Beta Testers, In AlfaTesters. I played game after game and my planes get shredded attack after attack. most plane loss is right after the attack run , I drop and then I see my planes vanish one by one trying to get out the AA.
Demo I increasingly start moving away on my ships, as effect is too unreliable and diminishes with tiers up The huge size of this aircraft carrier allowed her to carry the largest air group, compared to her contemporary counterparts. All rockets have been nerfed vs DDs however. Never submarines, they said.
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