According to the user, this should give reason to think especially after the right-wing terrorist attack in "Hanau". “ Hat @MikeMohring den Artikel, der bei @focusonline in seinem Namen veröffentlicht wurde, eigentlich gelesen? Teachers say excluded from distance classes in Mexico
The Hamburg CDU had the strongest headwind in the election campaign: "This headwind was a hurricane, even in the election campaign, the CDU Hamburg had nothing to oppose." During the election it became clear that this vote was no coincidence, but that there must have been a coordinated attempt to vote out red-red-green and Ramelow. As Federal President of the FDP, he could not give "instructions" to the state association - he could "only take responsibility for dealing with such a situation". The next AfD clap comes by the way in the local elections in Bavaria (13 million inhabitants)! It was therefore time to "make quick decisions here and now, in Thuringia, but also in the federal government to create clarity". The next # AfD swatter comes by the way in the local elections in Bavaria (13 million inhabitants)! Severe weather in holiday resort: Video shows spectacular weather phenomenon on Italy's coast - "That looks creepy"
“#Ramelowdirekt in #pössneck:Wir wollen in die #Verlängerung und weitere 5 Jahre #r2g. The AfD is being further normalized and integrated into practical national politics. Especially after the election debacle in Thuringia, there could be severe losses for some parties. The best thing in Thuringia would be new elections as soon as possible after the CDU missed other opportunities to show responsibility. If so, then at least for the time being behave - rather, he writes it on Twitter, if the Hamburgers should raise their very best and go to the polls - to vote for the AfD from parliament. Sehen Sie sich auf LinkedIn das vollständige Profil an. Hamburg reactions: Prime Minister is harsh criticism - CDU gives people "no clear hold" "For us as a Union there is nothing to gloss over, that's a historically bad result," said Günther on Sunday evening on ZDF. “Now we are in the difficult situation that some of us have to vote for We put ourselves in this situation, ”said Günther. This is also thanks to the "courage to say yes, to fight for first place from the challenger position". 2020-02-23T20:27:11.059Z. The demarcation to the right, which has been taken for granted in the Federal Republic thus far, has appeared increasingly shaky for some time. The election debacle in Thuringia has caused violent reactions throughout the republic. #wadenbeißen” According to #Hanau this should give cause for concern. It was the kingmaker in this election and its political weight has thus increased significantly. It has never been easier to kick the #AfD out of a parliament - when many vote democratically and anti-fascist. We “lived up to our responsibility,” summed up Lindner. Kemmerich, whose party just barely passed the five-percent threshold in the state elections with only a few votes, does not have a majority with the CDU either. This can only happen if the AfD supports the alliance in future parliamentary decisions. Especially after the election debacle in Thuringia, there could be severe losses for some parties. If you would like to know more about cookies, please visit our Authoritarianism and Counter-Strategies: Global Perspectives from the SouthFAQ: A Brief Critical Study of the EU’s InstitutionsFeminist Insights, Resilience, and Resistance in Times of COVID-19 "I recommend everyone not to stand in the way of a solution in Thuringia." Die Entscheidung heißt: @MikeMohring oder @bodoramelow Ich will das #r2g weiter eine Mehrheit hat.” For the first time, a Minister President will come to power with the votes of the nationalist Alternative für Deutschland (AfD). The state electoral office said that in 2015 only 56.5 percent voted. Other recent surveys on the state election in Hamburg * attest the SPD a head start, the AfD a difficult position. In the first place, the higher turnout has pushed the party below 5 percent. He congratulated Hamburg's Mayor Peter Tschentscher (SPD) "on this great success". Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Paul Wellsow auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. The Social Democrats led by Olaf Scholz then formed a coalition with the Greens, which came in third place to 12.3 percent. The CDU had once been able to win more than 50 percent of the vote here, but now, under party and parliamentary group leader Mike Mohring, it was only enough for 21.7 percent—a disastrous defeat. But at the beginning of the year, the SPD was a lot worse. Comment | 05.02.2020A Breach in Germany’s Political Levee . Ramelow received 43 votes—one vote more than red-red-green has members in parliament. The CDU, on the other hand, lost a significant amount of support (–11.8) and only ended up in third place behind the AfD (23.4 percent). The election of Thomas Kemmerich (FDP) as the new Minister President of Thuringia on 5 February 2020 represents a political breach of historic dimensions. The FDP even has to tremble for entry into the Hamburg parliament. The SPD federal chairman Norbert Walter-Borjans also sees a "clear leadership mandate to the Hamburg SPD" after his party's In a first statement on Sunday evening, Walter-Borjans said: "This is really a great day." Especially after the election debacle in Thuringia, there could be severe losses for some parties. The reverse is the result of the election evening for the CDU. "There was a mistake in Erfurt." News. Paul Wellsow runs the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung’s regional office in Erfurt, Thuringia.
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