Nec pluribus impar (literally: "Not unequal to many") is a Latin motto adopted by Louis XIV of France from 1658.
Why did they need Western mathematicians?Chinese mathematics were more advanced for a very long time but during the Ming dynasty they were really bad.After the overthrow of the Yuan Dynasty, China became suspicious of Mongol-favored knowledge. The day after Cardinal Mazarin's death, Louis XIV, at the age of twenty three, expressed his determination to be a real king and the sole ruler of France: "Up to this moment I have been pleased to entrust the government of my affairs to the late Cardinal. Imperial examinations included little mathematics, and what little they included ignored recent developments. Literally, it’s Latin for “not unequal to many” (which doesn’t make a lot of sense), but various interpretations have been proposed and historians still don’t agree about what Louis XIV … The young couple soon came to symbolize all of the excesses of the reviled French monarchy, and Marie Antoinette herself became the target of a great deal The French Revolution was a watershed event in modern European history that began in 1789 and ended in the late 1790s with the ascent of Napoleon Bonaparte. His finance minister, Jean-Baptiste Colbert (1619-1683), implemented reforms that sharply reduced the deficit and fostered the growth of industry, while his war minister, the Marquis de Louvois (1641-1691), expanded and reorganized the French army. Louis XIV's France was emblematic of the age of absolutism in Europe. The motto he adopted early in his reign, in 1662, expressed his hopes and desires: “Nec pluribus impar” (literally “Not unequal to more”), meaning “not incapable of ruling other dominions”, as well as “not unequal to many enemies”.Options: he was "sort of" France... he was kind to his country... he was immature and speaking in German, as a child of France ("Ich bin ein Kind!"). He viewed himself as the direct representative of God, endowed with a divine right to wield the absolute power of the monarchy. Motto: nec pluribusimpar. Trump admires too much the authoritarian ways of China unfortunately.Compared to abandoning the Kurds, silence on Hong Kong is positively humane.But hey, Jim Cramer just said Warren is anti-business, so both sides do it!Update, Pat Robertson is "appalled" by Trump's decision to withdraw U.S. troops from northern Syria and says "The President of the United States is in great danger of losing the mandate of Heaven if he permits this to happen. nos. This unsatisfactory outcome led to the Franco-Dutch War (1672-1678), in which France acquired more territory in Flanders as well as the Franche-Comté. His reign was that of an absolute monarch, so he was capable of ruling his own dominion as well as the dominion of others. I know that some obscurity has been found in these words, and I have no doubt that the same symbol might have suggested some happier ones. The main difference between Louis XIV and Hitler was that in the time and age of the former, Kings were still nominally expected to be war leaders, or at least be seen with their troops. Moreover, at this same period, no one could report what had taken place in the more distant past, since the Chinese themselves only had a fragmentary knowledge of that. Nec pluribus impar (literally: "Not unequal to many") is a Latin motto adopted by Louis XIV of France from 1658. He'd rather let the Saudis get away with murder and the Chinese beat up on their people then squander his precious but increasingly stupid trade deals. His historical significance is perhaps somewhat overvalued, though. After he spent time in a sordid German jail, he never recovered any major influence.He gets overshadowed by Napoleon, I think, and his much higher body count.He was busy with wars against Spain and German little kingdoms. Look it upI dunno about that. Mazarin suppressed the revolt in 1653 and by decade’s end had restored internal order and negotiated a peace treaty with Hapsburg Spain, making France a leading European power. During Louis XIV’s reign, his main goal was “One king, one law, one faith.” He achieved the goals “one king” and “one law”, by limiting the power of others, and by uniting the French religion, he achieved “one faith”. What garbage. The richest man in France, the ambitious Nicolas Fouquet made his greatest mistake when he showed off his vast wealth to Louis XIV. The horror.Versailles his biggest accomplishment?
Cementing the French people around a language? is said to have adopted, of the rising sun casting his rays upon the earth.
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