cdc influenza dashboard

    Online dashboard from Johns Hopkins University developed to visualize and track reported cases of 2019-nCoV on a daily timescale. From October 2006 until September 2008, ECDC financed EISS through framework contracts to support the network’s laboratory component.EISS formally became EISN in September 2008 and is coordinated by ECDC. Ultimately, EISN aims to contribute to reducing the burden of disease associated with influenza in Europe.Virological surveillance activities are coordinated through the European Reference Laboratory Network for Human Influenza (ERLI-Net), a sub-network within EISN.Weekly analysis of influenza surveillance is available at  The following epidemiological and virological influenza surveillance data are collected through The European Surveillance System (TESSy) database hosted by ECDC:On an operational level, EISN consists of operational contact points for influenza epidemiology and virology. Microbiology and laboratory reports; External quality assessments, Influenza virus characterisations.ECDC brings together health communication research and best practices, and develops practical resources with the aim to assist public health authorities in Member States in their health promotion initiatives.ECDC publications and peer-reviewed articles on influenza ECDC supports the week by launching a new European Vaccination Information Portal with up to date information on influenza vaccination.In collaboration with WHO Regional Office for Europe, ECDC monitors and reports on influenza activity in Europe on a weekly basis throughout the flu season.In September 2019, WHO has agreed on the recommended composition of the influenza vaccines for the southern hemisphere 2020 influenza season. The ERLI-Net sub-network of reference laboratories of the European Influenza Surveillance Network carries out virological surveillance of human influenza in the EU/EEA through the EISN timely reporting mechanism and strengthening laboratory capacity for influenza virus detection, antiviral susceptibility testing and typing. Case data is collected from various sources, including WHO, U.S. CDC, China CDC, and China's National Health Commission (NHC). Seasonal influenza is a preventable infectious disease with mostly respiratory symptoms. Interim results from five European studies indicate that, in all age groups, 2017/18 influenza vaccine effectiveness was 25 to 52% against any influenza, 55 to 68% against influenza A(H1N1)pdm09, −42 to 7% against influenza A(H3N2) and 36 to 54% against influenza B. The Programme aims to support European bodies and Member States in the enactment of European Council Recommendations and Communications on seasonal influenza immunisation and pandemic preparedness. The network combines epidemiological and virological surveillance of influenza to provide decision makers and public health experts in EU/EEA Member States with the information required to better assess influenza activity in Europe and take appropriate action. It is caused by influenza virus and is easily transmitted, predominantly via the droplet and contact routes and by indirect spread from respiratory secretions on hands etc. Avian influenza is an infectious viral disease in birds, including domestic poultry. The Programme aims to support European bodies and Member States in the enactment of European Council Recommendations and Communications on seasonal influenza immunisation and pandemic preparedness.This ECDC expert opinion confirms earlier assessments by ECDC and national authorities that there is no significant new evidence to support any changes to the approved indications and recommended use of neuraminidase inhibitors (NAIs) in EU/EEA Member States. Here you find an overview of the ECDC main outputs during the season 2017/18.In collaboration with WHO Regional Office for Europe, ECDC monitors and reports on influenza activity in Europe on a weekly basis throughout the flu season in the report Flu News Europe.Graphic visual representations of the latest influenza surveillance data: virus circulation, intensity and trends. The network combines epidemiological and virological surveillance of influenza. COVID-19: Guidance on cruise ships. The European Influenza Surveillance Network (EISN) is coordinated by ECDC. © European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) 2020 New study in Eurosurveillance, published April 2018, on the impact of infectious diseases on population in the European Union and European Economic Area countries.How close are countries of the WHO European Region to achieving the goal of vaccinating 75% of key risk groups against influenza? These are nominated by the national public health authority in each EU Member State, Iceland and Norway.In communicating with Member States, EISN utilises National Focal Points, who are responsible for overseeing interactions between ECDC and individual Member States regarding activities related to the disease.EISN builds on the European Influenza Surveillance Scheme (EISS) which was coordinated by the Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research, NIVEL.EISS began in 1996 and built on earlier surveillance networks in Europe: the Eurosentinel scheme (1987-1991) and the ENS-CARE Influenza Early Warning Scheme (1992-1995).

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    cdc influenza dashboard