Conceived by Harry Doddema and Dan Carlson in September 2003 and officially launched on December 5 of that.. STARFLEET COMMAND’S SEVENTH FLEET U.S.S. %PDF-1.5 Contents[show] System history The technology was created around the 2370s by a species in the Delta Quadrant. USS Aventine at Memory Beta, the non-canon Star Trek Wiki ; Memory Alpha is a wiki encyclopedia for topics related to the Star Trek fictional universe.
4 0 obj stream The Nebula-class is a type of explorer starship employed by the Federation.It is one of the fleet's premiere multi-mission platforms, and has succeeded the Excelsior-class as a workhorse for the fleet, being sent on missions ranging from scientific exploration to tactical interdiction to colony support, thanks to its interchangeable mission pod. White Buffalo - NCC 80116 Quantum Singularity Core + Slipstream Drive Information Packet Note: On the following pages … would that result be like "faster than warp travel"? like in the voy episode "timeless" didnt voyager reach the Beta Quadrent in a matter of minutes? Page 2 of 3 < Prev 1 2 3 Next > Ithekro Vice Admiral Admiral. <> It is the principal mode of transport in Star Trek, being used by all space-faring factions.
The USS Excelsior (NX-2000, later NCC-2000) was a Federation Excelsior-class explorer starship in service to Starfleet for many years from her commission in 2284. 1 0 obj
<>/Font<>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Warp speed is the term for traveling at faster-than-light velocity through a warp drive propulsion system.
When newly commissioned, the Excelsior was the prototype for her class. Bl���Q�� *L�;5�+2aY��T�]��$�ب��������� �LE�5 �ܕ�x;����WT 1 ?Z�("��>%�cj�7�F#�N�膜� ��(��A��K ��N��4�i��}��7�^��Ď��9肣5�ƜK���+��&f�A�W�`\� u� �{\���av��JР�:�3��q_:%}|��7ņ�hw��_�yl"IH��S�$�;���x��KI3�@G�K�5�J�c��j�����y�>/V¸�k-�^Xd��h��pH��(�%(D�fq�����BTq410F:�%�����,�v�����;b��"�|�10�ѻʙK�9ej���j�[)� Originally, the drive was kept solely within the Federation, and with the Ultimately, transwarp became impossible to achieve, so the Federation and her allies reverted back to quantum slipstream, due to their advanced knowledge of it. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. and isn't slipstream faster than trans warp? 3 0 obj
Sensors are a starship's eyes allowing it to detect not only visible objects, but also phenomena that are too small to be perceived, or in spectra that is beyond the visible realm.Probes are also used to enhance sensors at times.. All sensors are tied together to provide … %���� endobj <>>> Joined: Apr 5, … 2 0 obj <> It was so successful in fact, that ships continued to use it up to 200 years later, when it was installed on the The widespread availability of quantum slipstream drive enabled distant Federation allies, such as Slipstream velocity is attained when energy produced by a starship's quantum drive is coursed through the deflector array to create a slipstream tunnel that allows it to travel at faster-than-warp speed. so transwarp and quantum slipstream both produce the same rersult? Many starships on deep space assignments were equipped with the drive, in order to facilitate a quicker journey back to port, and in case of emergency. x��X�o�FG��G�*���uEJHr�S�&�k�{�� �R�\uR��ά0��̅�S�g~3;�ݓE>�ÜuO���{r�̟>w_���u�0���d>;>&�g=�O���� a�_:NMxBq��i2|l��ӇL��9�i�B_l�Į>9��N� �Q����pke�Xc�Rd _��aT*����b�����]����~wD�+^���� ⎌H�v����*���,�Lۭs�~�
��_�H7�kN�y>���h�mo�۸T��7�RȄ��pK���M�RiF>Sd_�� endobj Quantum slipstream drive is a propulsion system not too dissimilar to transwarp drive developed by the Borg, in which it takes ships at speeds higher than those permitted by even the most advanced warp engines, producing what is called slipstream velocity.
Discussion in 'Trek Tech' started by Wingsley, Jan 24, 2015. Transwarp.
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