17/990 - Gutachten zu Forschung, Innovation und technologischer Leistungsfähigkeit 2010 Reproduction without modification allowed as long as the source is credited (according to § 5 Abs. This is not the authoritative version, but an unofficial mirror. 2 of the german Urheberrecht). 1 des Energiewirtschaftsgesetzes Strom und Gas 2007: Wettbewerbsdefizite und zögerliche Regulierung Automatically mirrored from the german parliamentary documentation system . Reproduction without modification allowed as long as the source is credited (according to § 5 Abs.
Automatically mirrored from the german parliamentary documentation system . Interparlamentarische Versammlung vom 12. bis 17. Tätigkeitsbericht - Automatically mirrored from the german parliamentary documentation system .
This is not the authoritative version, but an unofficial mirror. Untersuchungsausschusses nach Artikel 44 des Grundgesetzes Reproduction without modification allowed as long as the source is credited (according to § 5 Abs. Please check the primary sources when in doubt. Please check the primary sources when in doubt. Please check the primary sources when in doubt. Sportbericht der Bundesregierung
2 of the german Urheberrecht). This is not the authoritative version, but an unofficial mirror.
16/13770 - Gutachten 2009 des Sachverständigenrates zur Begutachtung der Entwicklung im Gesundheitswesen Koordination und Integration - Gesundheitsversorgung in einer Gesellschaft des längeren Lebens 12/117 - Plenarprotokoll vom 05.11.1992 Please check the primary sources when in doubt. This post was automatically created using pdok-mirror and the python internetarchive library.Drucksache des deutschen Bundestages vom 06.07.2015. 2 of the german Urheberrecht). This is not the authoritative version, but an unofficial mirror. Automatically mirrored from the german parliamentary documentation system . 2 of the german Urheberrecht).
08/1925 - Bericht des Bundeskartellamtes über seine Tätigkeit im Jahre 1977 sowie über Lage und Entwicklung auf seinem Aufgabengebiet (§ 50 GWB) This post was automatically created using pdok-mirror and the python internetarchive library.Drucksache des deutschen Bundestages vom 05.10.2010.
Automatically mirrored from the german parliamentary documentation system . Please check the primary sources when in doubt. Please check the primary sources when in doubt. Please check the primary sources when in doubt. This is not the authoritative version, but an unofficial mirror. Please check the primary sources when in doubt.
Reproduction without modification allowed as long as the source is credited (according to § 5 Abs. Automatically mirrored from the german parliamentary documentation system . 15/5980 - Über den Stand der Arbeit This is not the authoritative version, but an unofficial mirror. Please check the primary sources when in doubt.
This repository is managed by This is not the authoritative version, but an unofficial mirror.
Please check the primary sources when in doubt. 2 of the german Urheberrecht). 2 of the german Urheberrecht). Please check the primary sources when in doubt.
2 of the german Urheberrecht). Automatically mirrored from the german parliamentary documentation system . This post was automatically created using pdok-mirror and the python internetarchive library.Drucksache des deutschen Bundestages vom 23.08.2012. Reproduction without modification allowed as long as the source is credited (according to § 5 Abs. Please check the primary sources when in doubt.
Automatically mirrored from the german parliamentary documentation system .
2 of the german Urheberrecht). This post was automatically created using pdok-mirror and the python internetarchive library.Drucksache des deutschen Bundestages vom 16.06.1978.
Reproduction without modification allowed as long as the source is credited (according to § 5 Abs.
Please check the primary sources when in doubt. This is not the authoritative version, but an unofficial mirror. Reproduction without modification allowed as long as the source is credited (according to § 5 Abs.
This is not the authoritative version, but an unofficial mirror.
Please check the primary sources when in doubt.
Please check the primary sources when in doubt. Automatically mirrored from the german parliamentary documentation system . Reproduction without modification allowed as long as the source is credited (according to § 5 Abs. български Reproduction without modification allowed as long as the source is credited (according to § 5 Abs. This is not the authoritative version, but an unofficial mirror. Automatically mirrored from the german parliamentary documentation system . This post was automatically created using pdok-mirror and the python internetarchive library.Plenarprotokoll des deutschen Bundestages vom 21.03.2002. 2 of the german Urheberrecht).
This is not the authoritative version, but an unofficial mirror.
This is not the authoritative version, but an unofficial mirror. 14/8040 - Faktenbericht Forschung 2002 Automatically mirrored from the german parliamentary documentation system .
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