DRV chairman In mid-July 2012 at the Deutsche Rugby Tag (DRT), the DRV's annual general meeting approved a league reform proposed by German international In 2017 there were 12,072 players registered with the German Rugby Federation and 30,470 players in all, according to Rugby union has a small but dedicated following in several university cities. Four teams from three clubs from two foreign countries participate inside the German league system. Having a German team compete against the very best teams on a regular basis on network television could have been a major boost for the sport in Germany.The success of the Oktoberfest Sevens invitational tournament in Munich last year, drawing almost 30,000 fans into the city’s Olympic Stadium, could serve as an indicator of the sport’s potential in Germany.Germany’s Tim Biniak capturing the ball in a lineout in Munich at the Oktoberfest 7s 2019. This decision saved the team’s status as a core team – a luxury that a smaller union might not have been afforded by the game’s administrators.Furthermore, World Rugby declared Japan the winner of the Challenger Series, which in turn earns Japan’s sevens team the right of promotion to the World Series. German captain Soteras-Merz hopes for more clarity and urges the game’s administrators to announce early how promotion and relegation will be organised in the coming season.“We need a perspective, a clear path and transparency early on, so that we can train towards a common goal,” he said.Depending on how World Rugby handles this issue in the coming months, frustration in Germany will only grow. “For a lot of us the question is, ‘what do I do in December?’ But we try to push it to the side.”If they can make it through to the World Cup those three sponsors will be easier to find.
The team contains a senior player, nine Greencore Munster Rugby Academy players with a number of promising young club and school players also included. Heidelberger RK women's side has claimed 7 victories in a row since 2010, a streak broken in 2017 by SC Neuenheim. Without them Germany put out a scratch team who were battered in every game they played. In previous seasons the best continental team without core status was automatically awarded the invitational spot.For teams such as Zimbabwe, Papua New Guinea and especially Ireland this was a chance to compete against the world’s best and get a taste of the biggest stage in sevens. With the ball in hand in the opponent’s 22, a win seemed certain, yet Germany fell agonisingly short once more, when the team needlessly kicked the ball away and a couple of refereeing decisions went against their way, which lead to Japan’s Siosifa Lisala scoring with the clock more than a minute in the red.
A lot of them, like Potgieter, never even had contracts with the federation but were employed directly by Wild. So Wild stepped in again.
The first clubs were set up in the 1870s, and in the 1920s and 30s the national team regularly beat Italy, Romania and even France. For the growing sport in Germany, it could prove to be a devastating blow and a missed opportunity.A mere three months ago in March, World Rugby was touting the 2019 Rugby World Cup viewing figures. Having a German team compete against the very best teams on a regular basis on network television could have been a major boost for the sport in Germany.The success of the Oktoberfest Sevens invitational tournament in Munich last year, drawing almost 30,000 fans into the city’s Olympic Stadium, could serve as an indicator of the sport’s potential in Germany.Germany’s Tim Biniak capturing the ball in a lineout in Munich at the Oktoberfest 7s 2019.
The problems started when Wild took over Stade Français in June 2017. All that in spite of the fact, that the South American legs were only meant to be a pre-qualifier for the Hong Kong decider.World Rugby assured teams, as German coach McGrath explained on Twitter, that no decision had been made and that the promotion process had not been concluded.
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