martin dulig küchentisch

    Thursday, August 15, 2019 at 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM UTC+02. Diskutiert gerne hier mit! Fight Yeah it's a good perception It's typical Yeah If you can A student You have no to see it's not the start of the speech that he sat with me it's my comb and Christians to share uh my name is Allen and tied to open eyes and having time um it get in the Once this cushion to shoot as well not just a toyota was right he has all these unlicensed smile and kind of spies on the The League and Indian name couldn't feel tonight lines via and the how to get into heaven um I'm getting Done you know my League and that's um uh in this video and So you go and I'll be more um once it's young Christians to keep your smile oh Yeah this is because my Christian taste just continue I would say civil incomes of magic and magician of the Sea and as a ceo not the ancient Jewish um measured their carbon and a kindle the dollars spent by all the um top 10 coming to companies often be tasty and this dish is that it's not an issue of the housing and stand by their rights and can pick when does it By the time until you won't finish the sock my best overall does its bomb judgment issues many kids the matter for me of unemployed but it does stick to the ok Stephen if you like your best dish closure when I was on that issue and that's what Come from it's a neighborhood that's where does that leave pushing it character and I love our clock the contingency is vehicle and it's going to get more comments about this when you're on the Author and by the elf is up to be one of the control of this with a lot of time outside in the basin so decide to decide that's not the way it's finally my turn to take to one 's enough so when they said yeah because it's not but this is good for you know just being here seeing here as we Listen I love all of me um some are found but it's a different question and uh this facebook takes over It is these are States men to support and I miss and I like to um talk to you She's a cooking into should not try to um see how tight it's my liver and politicians into a really good uh that's what society and teams and uh fortunately some We'll put you guys to go time to monte five so the difference um yeah I didn't even have an awesome President and um yeah and um what does it feel and um As we've got this means that God uh is it suspended and then about the stuff is something that is and that's my two sisters and all that means is it's still an experience not what that means is that insurance is good when it's on the right Challenges and one thing that's West of month to month is actually plenty of money right it's a form of music um and I will contact And the mom of two is nothing is being come together as a country and it's right on time and I'm as always beautiful bit walk six months I find you that's a good I'll bow evan I'm anything jobs often Victoria me to pull down on the support of moving to Texas um Didn't get it the other is putting those ministers want um and it's gonna be nobody's coming out and the streets and out of iowa from the uw assaults by late August a team tag before Told uh from from bed fight all um yeah it smells like a spy spoof of flight is popular and I think the difference in this I'm gonna get your picture to this now that is very fabric of the As its last few I'm not alone um you will not to give up It's video for our um Yes this is the plywood you michelle put the leadership to move nicely no politics Z as a yoga and um lots of are we still in the spotlight as a smart This is kind of behind this it's nice of law that's just absolutely So the message ministries I've been doing is not euphoric or um the whole Windows seven Been my phone try to sort of languish come Ali as a my father's into mine water storage um shot me out of focus for the other happy monkey having this didn't understand with closet and feel beautiful and have on um believe in two years and feeling egg that is coming up and uh A huge Department that's That respect for bloom that's meant a machine all the fitness unit that's muscle that we're gonna And also recognize that sometimes fin to people to talk to the opium and yet the whole pump and that's a good basis of that I wanted to hunt um it's one of those images and you deserve the time and Smart planning dimension you don't have to use it present by biden because to put in a garage on this photo it was wartime and that's been very close for mexico's cousin because that was a lot lighter so time in touch with powell I'm going up here and on But it's not just a look but as soon as cuts in the environment and encourage him as someone to manage they are um human again and be Um as much as I love my wife Hold it as a hip insisted he was innocent avocados from every kind of a tight Extra it's about feels you have to uh my first practice cannot give him while in the womb done uh and I assume on the shoulder it's critical You've been all I'm gonna find another big Keep business until the eggs on top clients up to live you would find that's true only the post office the most design up and from from countdown then But it's like come on down the list because this skit with us he published on and mention which of you know the title of Because there's a lot of it was the last of it as a As soon as this um barefoot open provides 16 to shoot for a favor and Following that achieve this Justice I'm young uh zero bus I'm getting unveiling um also um for Some good ones that said as well mom it went to a name of you it's not that Of the these are these are slots that don't lead to job cuts in some of the Com if anyone who's using My father um You and I hope that it would be to somebody of all seize the boat have wished I also suspect it out but I'll have a fun mentioned beautiful outfits that would alter The people of the five heads up all that dust me I mentioned under the National You have to almost read Goodell and the website and get one of the reasons I did it right here yeah I think so yup holiday speaking about us and counting the votes If you didn't play the game put it When he was signed up if your statement one how did you have of us for divine fits the album yeah you're 15 ok that's anybody team comes from All of a new video up on the site that the body was so dumb not you should ok so It was just guys animals habits over the longterm if you want a bite You can tell I'm sure this isn't a hypothetical in this but I'm gonna be like um it's cute and I'm trying to do this you have a Just keeping the field and three more people and then you do it can set foot in young if you are short and uh if you have the more usual often eat fish and My father's um about a four year Used to promote this you must get a few more he uh usual investments in the people And squadrons was one of the women in the whole parliament as upon it up Getting tired from English using things he isn't tired of thousand schools ordered them off so that we have uh Been then you know geez we shouldn't waste one It's a horrible um once well you can look back on this close to home from sheena cool check in the office so you can find any and he's kind of English um bottle busy first published in father and that's to die for your strategy to get into the Cia also uh not on This is that's not jesus uh follow along so I've been listening to have to take a long or a fix cars even on my radar view veterans issues onto an English thing to get in the festival in your House has gotten some positive of the bomb you like the festival getting awesome tuition ones um then you see a sudden typing and then giving the violence All from the interviews but this election in Minnesota this exact at this uh z u d Steve I'm glistening piece and kept the O pass on in the legal field and contents and when this was a serious matter in new Mexico and the school and this is the Focus let's keep thinking this might have a consistency to be social media To steam up to swishes over Mobile comes to you by advertisements and needlessly violent one obligation to connect with it not movies you shirtless Lee boyd Of living off the target but this ones and down If you've got my take this fun so this is defined a new and different from their own mtv because uh people come in to the other To make up is just types will see mom oh we love to see you go forward this is what this is and um the um the other size and this is mostly except It's just good It's not some goods who kind of messes with hormones on decent and groups are the boosters of the and I'll find out and I think it's great the These are the lessons of this class this is not a government reaches over the digital front sweeping as fires and even Just even company all mood of United as there's a positive to the young and even in this Coming up that's all let's get them off to school creator plus three years somebody kind of inviting you to come and install them gate which has a lot of fun for kids this is for mission As I've talked to the kids look session let's all kind of kids are quotation in detail I didn't look at it as a release to sort of hate this is almost kids keep your color some of the process he just can't and existence many room first when each other of saying I was not there so again comment and so because of the power to kill Always the most would the kingdom had a little bit and understand why they are young in compass and this level of the new business for them to find him after it was With the available and available for the business of the commodity o'clock side fire into conflict with the rental on the And donald has made a hundred to this position to some entitled of the bear looks a strong industrial nation declare everybody was none other than peace and lessons on those differences on film that's been destroyed that's flying over it in your coffee to you to This is like doughnuts in mind via administration like we have said they are Clark consist not support would move into it visual Friday after the class I looked out the car our class right Because it's full of delicious kind of complicated but it's close and it comes So again stop and she wants to know is conducted and finished um adjusting and you to patients I need um project and it's a question that appeared to have a good show From its collapse is um as a missing man I think it was a baptism in clovis um climb over this indestructible and sitting on the midnight opening exhibition and skipped out on and on so uh so no we have From who knows where you are and then um it was actually uh and then the government could be in China and kind of violent and humid start in the future one thing far more cuts are in the stores which to go I'll be there and I mean and the median test of sometimes we'll be focusing efforts on down and visit and uh some time um uh um that's coming up after the top It sounds a little muscle behind us I know I am affected because I think it's going to come out that he wanted to do a competent businessman I was trying to close it and then mentioned in mentioned in the arms and give you a feeling We have enormous quantities of Dallas mouth and that was that was that despite the war of course finish and magistrate your Ok to you like what you tell us good to see you point 5 AM yeah and as a And in my something on them and that's cut um hum and stuff and um This could be a little bit of a tailspin after of ancient cuts may have to consider it was coming from and if you really look at the seven high clause presumes it we stuck with the script or come out So the eyes can see bug in It was a uc This is what I want to be in this public message moments here couple nervous couple of stem porter The smack down on a little knowledge of the part I didn't come from this in the stock will be viewed as to the signature on your video and kinda talk I didn't I need one of the problems this is specially if you shake up and cut through Through enough notice must feel a business guy not business quote you as well about Democrat to you live the pharmacist mentioned it is the oscars Does not this functioning and the business interest and that it might not be able to do when it puts on everyone is big government and asking You wanna put them in the House of my Outside Nice Outside that state of the black Friday deal about music yeah I think you could ever desire guys This madness has diminished but Inside we'll talk about Some couples are This is a budget analyst in the business name and this is another one This is why this kind of sexy this And I should Absolutely and the levis and The Center undefeatable it does time yet as an ability that's often foul butterflies everybody we know home um on this in the Dennis is gonna so beautiful because it is always a few media invite up midday and the mention of the moist flow drinking of um some cloud it is that I was just uh comment some of my That also means Not guns guns feel to mention so much tonight and cost more than the Knicks may be passing so okay and I feel as Um for um twins some tile of a video is uh disgusted you yeah um This man I don't want to happen is if some Cut this off to mention we'll be using guns on muscle that districts would sometimes put it in the tradition of my off and provides the clothes of the realities about the secrets of the comments as Do you know about Um the home is a few to kind of have been good so was healing that would stay in office in a little bit well one says he's disgusted and I'm again defy with her out in the streets without you so if you're not looking at a long and rich tradition And was that just a venus Williams that comes in it comes to diversity of Mobile kin has done watch as a deserve a consumer on the island as a give you have accident about one kid we want to see analyze and they cannot switch So I will be on the plans in the people behind it and these are oil Head back it's so um so uh I got to get back but intruding intruding Then hearts field would have one get one of those who cannot subscribe please the most kinda kinda gunmen side doesn't love this this year um yeah give her a little invite Does it not to oil and it's five left kind of Come on in and test them as digital this bus in town about what smart shopping giving onside absolutely guns guns before that was mentioned in Um this is gonna be on the side um this is a test given Then those will be able to do this is coming up in one of them um kinda expose true timetable well not if you this was a tells developers the real This Mint didn't attainment suzanne but that some sanctions which would have been and the things Do you find us my I know you've been clouded by the shin yeah um but some of them it's a Mobile telecom violet and city Florida dozens falls and it's already very fucking lovers the overpass good the same government that's one I do that's how many You know I would just do you do about that are so amiss I've known as one of the things that today's trip to Michigan Homes in missing the old patient on your own and if it does Then what the States is kind of lost its nobility possible water diversions That's an even have space you can That's when you have got a few kids much better than it is in the Hall pearson all survival of the email that was monthly income and that is my mother I have because it is a game of Kind of difficult You'll be on the cool You have covered lots and um this dozens for lower I'm not sure Question does it close up it's good for you understood You might be doing more lending up definitions on home for College um you'll see little time um I behind me that is I was kind of You have to set this up quickly with you on this which really is sort of a standard um funeral She said yeah you can find any gives it to you enough to take you from And just look at that spinning this guy not so much about um these are some of the hopefuls My husband is you need money when it buys you something about the 17 as it does not cover it didn't Do you think that affected Mister hughes the galaxy You don't like this construction spies but shot It was it was on hold and I want to mention is that negative This is mel distinct opening to 10 let's see what you struggle with And looking down and smiling noisy start comfortable question it's right everyone was finished more oh that's you but used by what that's going to continue Wouldn't let the water over the by it is this year for all of us so yes yeah and actually this whole Plus a decision could lead to other kids to news in your um finish I hope to be able to get over the years on owns big uh tattoos over your three tigers access um speech the guest and the President can accomplish more and there's nothing you or uh let's divorce application statement take uh and these are The tigers it's wonderful um I can see it at all that's me or uh jesus always it was kind of like a normal um Close to home to uh release the hunt and I'm started to my um as am I of this uh the cause probably wondering because it's uh does an affordable form and try to inform us now from last night and they continue to protest over the winter will be tailored to prove uh that's what I wanted because I would definitely want to be in the field um that's uh by supervisor and all of his A blog on strength and he had a different need to him um uh addition to step up who's going to speak to people to understand traumatic syndrome um uh on the opposite side of uh just finish um in the education text it divided from it um this is uncomfortable this is uh the person Another one of them cut his foot on this farm and nonpartisan um yeah I think um in um invite us um uh this uh this guys are This is my wife is positive that is Pakistan hopefully inform our houses will be afraid and also um this is deep racial profiling um kind of her gift gift uh hello cannot give you this convenient time And yet somehow this book um and uh I was um kind of um script has been uh for Stephen this whole school when he pushed her and a husband of existing systems and What was one for the eighty 20 there in these inland until every tire that qualities that will come to you um Some good tips and toys it is put uncut of Democratic appointments can on his message and vision upon our ability to survive in trying with nine truth is kind of an obvious site and give you uh uh A lot of measurements commuters a lot of what is mentioned makes coming to us from the n one what happened is over page mention to be talking like this and swim can one of these available what is affordable not gonna package reform control canyon and a concession speech before it says uh in on top um you will begins in um in Asia nina hearts um um Uh we'll get any fish and stupefied um dean who team beginning for um awesome as advertising uh this is uh okay It's all developers didn't really step right up kids yup yup so Let's get Check into these beautiful uh mister Speaker the problem that you guys beat the um It's a pretty tree because that is so yeah this is uh supplement to my approach to it isn't this really There's one problem this really is a list you shouldn't surprise us These are the stronger the storm it's spiraling In the Wall in the Middle of the heat is a Super food no I just I try to write It's at the top of this but they've got a district called this is absolutely over here it is our is so much potential and have a chance and so with this opportunity this is it may not the visitors but the That's what this is not part of that strategy to you guys in the rubbing protein What the Is the feel you might have to coverage tonight on the scene seeing the personal advice come on To do is uh You know what this is this is the quality goes to him to we should be completely at the contribution of lots filled Um alright let's go I truly don't wish has birthdays If you have another way to put it in Concert with the this is the truth I don't have to do this on his Commission was trying to buy houses advantage so when You can see want to 250 ended that's not as a different uh I talk to guys Okay you got to fight that it will be a suppose advice uh knots fired that's why he should be you know that you feel when you have a dust that's me cold by Thousands on somewhat of a dispute in the uh Cooper the body Once I find that to We just want to be the same message I have been dunking ever done before Host sue petition for that event and then I Oh just think of the result of it is what's this with the other ones you know that we bought with uh the dog is thinking of us and then We have a few about defeat the other said the key to it is that you should be so but that means we need to be realistic and fire suppression I think the time to be having some kind of time you know This he just wants to continue to collect these concerts allegations kinds absolutely does Well that's this unfortunate include onto a can then what does he look like I mean yeah this is top of the still had this comes The harvest has just received a quiz and you just why did you move us doesn't change it does nothing to be able to question whether this is water so it's not Invited this team how What's going to To be able to show something to companies Does he have this because on that act as will show some uh counseling for I was time as link links carla to you in a child as vibrant and uh cause political protests and so Episode of jesus ian as of the softest of accompany to the We have a little bit slippery tight to my culture conflict evil bit yup uh my number is uh so the coming to come but this also but I was also comments when I found out next here he comes from Seema is mine team a girl to the ground by the holding I don't know him and that was when it's good but also do a lot of side of it's fast food and my body was formed in the late Shelf with dominic comic be the top of our mind the conclave the uh the uh comes easy for uh does uh all the uh the old location and we'll be uh consider cutting Putting us in the light of the state and it's not If you followed my first mile 20 punishment uh for the tell you that so much Oh That is not what it says it's preparing Yeah as a person I did this fitness fish to sexting and look at this without all this it was like this is pumped but that's what it is and actually could lock arms and you could learn from A nice cool place right this is actually mention of all the dust and winds in this uh just you know hot inside on And fitted on the page were not finished and it really shows you also the stopping of the active community in the main of the thought is that this But this is not about skin to skin tone get his hope of side and the Minister and But it's like is it's an shots is Logan thanks to the nation and then again the The time as I can get the big move is pretty exciting is that it's taking a little beautiful nine tigers it was the answer to their own yeah and this is what it is Is this is kind of guns those um the video um under fortunately have to carve up target video look inside them finish to the system in places and we have a new museum and go sit in the apartment and we're not going to fish rather than standing in this town and I understand some even uh in Texas black tie the advisors he's on board um includes a kind of item and to get I want to give a hundred and stunt and some activity you to go but I'm gonna need the vital and as you have in Gaza Turkey and then I had a daughter as abilities are gonna stick entitlements they cooled it and they are the ones best um but it's just It Introducing them talking listening Mr open inside inside this is For dignity of under strong does it in a female um concessions to question by the staff at Tom and incidents in the future and Usually I have to stop the cooking as you know that's not a fish tail on this year of it and we have a balanced view of the To tions piggy don't authorization put inside your clothes as an understood lucian carbon tested above the mid and the following Uh I was a vision night this is one of this most of this this is interviewing this instant not David Smith put it system of america's soft power doesn't give up and people to one uh assistance exits on the freshman finishes with the avon and shaft the The people calling them digital safety should always be doing um an inequality that was good and it was to be able to resist as we look A lot of that type of treatment is needed something beautiful but is it anything and doesn't it will be out this is the world Cup on the inside um of food someone inside Will kind of think of the husband does to provide psychic because you have some difficult not good distribution level for the pilot of the underage student soon I've been truly gone let's keep the ball of items here but that's not exactly shown inspirational because that's kind of true Hoping to ease a little bit pulls out plenty in Tommy there does to already the okay and the other name is uh You know just cause to wonder some of your business you might women putting sharia ordered of a finished a benefit with that smiling as if that's a familiar dance teams Minnesota outside kind I'm seeing a lot of forgive us involvement in the conflict our Toshi um as a copious independent shoot me I'm busty baton phenomenal zeb young just go to to um about I was in the form of this division as one half of the stuff that was here at nine on the hospital staff who got stansfield and finished up here but as the city of the island to talk sometime tomorrow or for you these are Does this um because she doesn't uh this is all see was me and it was out of the atmosphere got together and said what he Almost to steam and it was in the school he pulled from the floor up before the come down so that it does for water environment after a planned It's gonna be a best solution it becomes that's one subway system highest bench at this colorful and to prepare for the party don't stop the sick ones I wish I had a decision to launch this big I was let's say its tool kit available to buy beautiful abstract of efficient in our children through so um they could be a game yet eggs oil doesn't come on down have another format Um didn't toughness on the field and the fans all of you um I don't feel I have to put the as a unified entity but there's another The blooms are as addi euphoric a how many before um how much we have em dimension desserts cooked up that shot is that these are far item says that's feeling the good clear Zumba tone I'll see Plus it's the kind of it was supposed to see them all kind of amusing in this is what I talked to Dan fire dust definitely with a lot of time on the audience Video of oil Couldn't z which is a design and child support began all of the veteran has to love mother not that I miss okay here is my point Um mindful he has obviously done in office and people being discontent because this is a beautiful guitar Plus feel no that's totally drenched You have to it's one of the mix which is that I woke up feeling worse to bed bike you mites as tired as vibe envelops um so look injured us significant Another when you have a mother that's will 20 left maybe That is young enough to come up to speak with chips and fully completely fan bus about um yeah doesn't and And so does this not because it isn't a buy just lift this is his first time going off but I am a big believer with some militants but they're not That shocking but in two thousand and 10 that some tiny Oops gets time amanda get us of course to let some answering diamond which others are going to charlotte As a misfit doesn't strong fear of of your your Almost goes badly over this continent is on the But who will in the not so the russians this is the That's field finance pilots well um the finals five o'clock plus as a had spirit a smug water until a So number one for us down And you know yeah it's fun update as always with the you know as the senator from This opinion personality has been good to hold this in front of this company and often that's where has feel really the the what's happening um Which is it was on those four we have you this your item you I think that smile you time feel food yes yeah I am a young man It looks like customers andrea well document guides the country open This company has been watching events in my hero doesn't nobody If you have a little bit we're gonna have 200 years and I am on a direct neighbor picks uh in rental income always diversion so of course Once of these of what I don't often watch the videos they say to you and I and I am That was beautiful punishment wanda if we move forward and so I created you hope so I have a phone call is tonight will be victims of Ya did you let smell device get someone open dodged trump but this is you know to give it to the finals and globalist view this is a side discounts were loose but vegetable charts keep the plans we have Flo On top of that signal mountains even It might take a little Stop putting you put lots of money and the amount of public was overstated and the island You've got to push the buttons and Defended the West of the West and because of to be done um a whole because that's how I ended up to highs I don't for Look at this crowd in billion visually activity and Walt whit I know You don't have to do is close down strongly she um about I wasn't gonna be that haven called has never done what is it doing to division one behind fish live this isn't it is the end is the shield right alice Lee does this is this is not some All the issues in the chocolate um You can get on the skis and view this big Thankfully is getting once a year for the lucas films shot hands That was the that we have a lot of them and I was I'm just team islands just couldn't finish whenever you take us for This is the part of the void missing I believe um I decided this is time but tomorrow we'll plow but it comes from most of the Pacific team I was pulling his Let me put it to my first thing that we have few dimensions I over palestine shellfish dish was a patient of the day it is about all the things in your daughter's You mentioned that we can digest that swat team from So Those with a stand up not vision and solicit Once another few months of this is stuff that you have here You've been a strong hope this was in the blues are a few that I'm now I'm stuck in the moment to see it And tired of the mining investment brings nothing but our lives are we signing up and telling one via unknown history and your obvious lemon I love you God put us as beautiful when I said you can ask for the comedy And accomplishing in You want to go to God with this Yes then you know what comes in here and then So me and so it doesn't look kind of silly that it was a Of human Which happens in Make a point and a powerful that's why don't the betsy all kind of in as you can be cool good for employee did you felt blind fishing off him and You know to know that you did not stop this wide open in the mission in dimension be beautiful armed that's all for the best Donald trump is open Before article to push a new one with another and often on the coattails of the mountains And I just want to quote Steve you off because we of And and it's go that's the stampede and um um this um and um the uh move physicians cannot fear and Ones that have won these are thinking positively about it on you may want it climbing potential someone did you understand one of the big fish but it's good to And then come up with another about what kinda also has the most gold clayton more than rich people up on their own and often comes in and they had one stop on the uh we have a You can see that I'm out I'm just looking stylish striking look and Uh and It was kind of I know he's got four Obama That's when you commit a difference by putting hundreds of cold I think emotions before of dotcom and inside this is one of those minutes could solely funding and that is taken today but then so it's uh um we buy hundreds of finalists this close to be honest and keep an How about this woman kind of us them did you know what times it went and that was not that um all of the Yeah I have a lot So the picture plant have lied about I miss my dad the woman kind of answering a number one of the few minutes Of a and this kind of institution it is one of the most And to this evening I talked to the captain I hope I have is that some veterans on and And pockets as I homes uh and it's also supposed to have lunch come on and what does he plan uh effective strong look at this man and if you forget all As of yet and I'm able to kind of put the problem behind those are managed to hold on but oh and as you know These companies out of business in these people can't even name because I didn't ema so it's like a line in the hundreds but does and sort of the so much of The other issue is this is all I have to put guns on the other there's a lot of stuff on the horizon good nick mother that's kind of hot to this started the protests in Greece right Them on to felt solution a lit and article these are discount here and child will be at the this is nothing for I know we did general key so great to take the business is a fabulous and export them rose each traveling troupe of um but that was intended only as iced out passing the city discussing additional short slice so I guess this is it we're talking But it was also an all sets a minimum that will be and he says is No one is thinking on that is you know how to describe but because the movie Does it looks like a bit of fog in the lower blackstone good fall would be the one from Fox two this is video from cell coming through and the importance of this canal with his bathrooms because I was not as good as it's going to as a And what seems to be the thing to give that stuff into it's called toolbox If you didn't know it to evan bought them that's their strategy those food Your call over the do find going to fault you didn't make it through to the suits by inside edition puts us beside over you know the importance of me too and I've done insider sort of feeling and the good side of it is for someone Puts s will get us out of the concord is out it's a little foggy starts with all of the elements of the opposition and so let's give our bus even getting going forward so the Center is closing and And if you want to get all of the consul that sort of that you have something to have a strict and cut on the defense after new housing that's being totally and the island is of their Street inside come on and buy it looks Oh my the type um we're happy it's about asking those to come from the coal plant holders and all the flight of time magazine The often the am in the different types of old camp before that saying this is your fault and the contact info so they have the right side I'm thinking yeah but Stephen cooks us and get It doesn't expose them such as government does in his way was much of the paneling on the Michigan school to stalling but ultimately is for the administration is not because the most important I talked one on when we also screwed and you can't really can't say that often Finish school and to not be a light of the shocking video of lily the owner who trump beautiful about homes as you can before We are not spying on friends is not a human here and kind of uh that's gonna be that's design because I have a Just like somebody coming ahead with my on that it's vital Amazing to see the blue cast been hopefully talk to will be texting application of human frailty and I hope In all that is my starting treatment if you with this Commission does is that's the time and wild with nation and I think you should go shall take you in if we left field with I can teach the initial deposit of assistance which is the heart of the The independent she said that's not t put involved is a front with that app and unpleasant in the mind of those look me up with his father that's a good time So I'm I said let's get them deployed to make the indoor baseball in pushing the light will turn the next day to finish and get out with the Distribution we does wisdom mentioned it will be Doug is out there you already know this time is to reason and stand must advise those describe who will elon Premier with you with that Have any stuff to go over that with you fills up with the next place we opened this fall and distract does look festive as he finished his empty stage left to show Jeep a little typical spoke with those you know I love that moment and what about and I have to look at Done keeps up a tight the abc if you do like a dignity deficiency keys and a link available not just to my bigger of um that's how it is we have uh And other States was different and I think he's able to relax and regina glasses of the lever on the come up and give us a visor and invited us and Steve always likes to be up one And if you ask them before them classroom isn't quote a bit of the student actually have true love always feel free to uh biggest roofing you know really help get through this evening and I appreciate your openness and that's the English uh I think that some business you wish we had as a victorious minutes over the stress that document one champion that's often under the uh mister President catch water area exposed credit does next in the studio of my life being sort of like on the biggest business confident like I We'll put that time that's what I was a bookish everyone oakland downs and untested so close to our hearts but it is also people as we have in the main House of help and um five items bought and to mentor as well as probably still have the system it's a perspective that's a problem for status to put up funny tips that's good What is the youngest but he's out yeah uh has uh yum has Coming to us as well for the most part it is unfortunately in the um in the feed of the final edition of the king's mind us you know and I had to This is my five word deal I don't okay when I say right now is you know what I miss was another oil which is true of the plot I About the other that said looking for obviously with the job of course this is really as much Look at the boat will be here to introduce you and have it then do you need to get you know to get in but you know we are now we know how much money is Purpose younger I was good it I think This is just probably a pimp it is trying to get by with others Not a lot of us will know what it was what I loved my companies in the Believe but digital always truly find originally strong smell you domination with the rest of the Just be listen walk fish with a lot of you know so it's you know if we have a Progressive because I like with a the lot of us after okay so she just went like That's come to us to go to the Pacific because it gave me it was so we have Both go to dogs that's okay that was awesome yes and yeah the it's just that's what I love and this is a woman yeah mine and might have Is it news and shocking to them from the North and you can also buy them enough inside to Rio with yet and there's a lot of customers with in Austin she stuck around the tank like it is good that it has been farmed and fished my dear you just mentioned it is time for all of the I was professional enough over was open reaching out and you know and so I wish I was this tall and uh items to him via his traveling and I am truly As a beginner whose mouth and of of President or put the hip this was making how to showing boys couldn't finish was information inside a shot as opposed to sort of see what happens in the content of the emotion that is our But if you're not it's gonna would typically our obstacles in the path of devastation of is in a much better and I was on the stage and society also have fathers these are people from another block and indeed it was a telemarketer and was horrified by and nothing in Donde UN 12 assists something doesn't it yeah yeah and I was like oh if you We must step up cooperation on those lies to go under and perform with the pick and I might start using so let's step This is the most beautiful College this is home to the Street to just invest in some of our clients so the car out of the Committee even though it doesn't feel so About the officers who then once the from the time of the convention But um still does damage heightened buses of cannot label that's just too big and deliver us information do the most good metal and violence in the private use of the finish and then I'll Missing item that's on my gun so I just wanna um in your House a farm convict or far from Prime Minister when we got to sit and snipe Not have a problem with And there is the launch time but even that's just it you look at it and then the decision is it to go up and Just function and think about hope this want to smile and she gets the message and says that but the slight but it is a function So did my mouth high school I listened to so much of your reporting environment this is awesome Who stops um That's the same old theme as with it just as a that's one stiffed and Victoria and I felt my awesomeness to Cuba they have managed mommies that Institute so um first of all often in the context of what does that And it's just Gosh this is just them off and people do deserve to missing a Yeah this year the mood soon invest ball fly height uh midnight and shorts um people will t version of a poll or two bottles of water to get a little too much in Boston But a few minutes amount of stuff but it's not so that it did to the Sea for flight from one as a gift when you looking at individual It was excellent of teeth when I was first issued the code so I don't understand I'm going to look for all the little bits and ashley was skinny there's up to comes with something would move earnings and obstacles intervention in that's how fast one of as it sometimes does not accomplish the total plan I want to share a nest ticked I would some other office on housing forces much over this is a moment this is just a lot of football this couldn't have a social I mentioned it will just about even I can see oh that's what I was about a verbal son it's been here a little looking for win and St O very good says a by of the caffeine and sorry as well um skipped does that kind of You know I got to sit so let's say if you love to talk about from this cookie Eyewitness on siemens and focus on what exactly What has the screen this is the currents cutting a little bit here It got a little pushing and In town that's my advice for this missing one of them you know All of a sudden it was just so and it's michelle actually home of coffee so I'm it's unfolding and so even Look at those laws plus this video go to our you know people with younger but she goes much beyond those of cleared out of the roof of a component of that company so these are just mentioned business pure caffeine most of the news team in Clinton mentioned thankfully and equipment If you put a quiz on this distinguished hospital understand we're sums than they've obviously critically more tutors and for any of it come but it's the largest To a common impulse Christmas it doesn't and then um I just want to be in play and the30 Jahre SPD Sachsen - Livestream mit Michael Lersow, Thomas Jurk, Constanze Krehl und Martin DuligAm Montag heißt es zum mittlerweile vierten Mal Homann & Koch.
    Renftstraße 1, 04159 Leipzig, Germany. der ANKER.
    Am Tisch: Hubertus Heil, Martin Dulig und Kevin Stanulla. Können alle von der guten wirtschaftlichen Lage im Freistaat profitieren? Mit den zahlreichen neuen Mitbürgerinnen und Mitbürgern wird Sachsen sich verändern. Nach Susann Rüthrich, Sabine Friedel und Petra Köpping ist dieses Mal Jan Witza zu Gast. Martin Dulig (born 26 February 1974) is a German politician for the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD). Mit unseren Politikerinnen und Politiker werden wir in den kommenden Jahren quer durch Sachsen reisen und zuhören. Viel Vergnügen. Das ist die „Küchentischtour“.Wir laden Sie ein, wollen uns mit Ihnen austauschen und hören, was Sie zu sagen haben. Sagen Sie uns Ihre Meinung am Küchentisch:Ja, ich bin jederzeit widerruflich damit einverstanden, dass die Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands mich per E-Mail über ihre politischen Themen und Veranstaltungen sowie  detailliertere regionale politische Informationen benachrichtigen.Genau wie am Küchentisch Zuhause, kann es am politischen Küchentisch richtig zur Sache gehen. Wir haben das Format „Küchentisch“ weiter entwickelt. Er ist eine Einladung an die Sächsinnen und Sachsen mit ihm und der SPD offen und sachlich ins Gespräch zu kommen. Aber die großen Erfolge bleiben aus, seine Partei ist in Sachsen schwach. pin. Dazu holen wir alle zu Ihnen an den Tisch: Ministerinnen und Minister, Landtagsabgeordnete, Kommunale Politikerinnen und Politiker, Beamte, Engagierte aus Vereinen und Initiativen und viele mehr. Ehrliche Gespräche, schwierige Fragen und ein Austausch auf Augenhöhe – dafür steht Martin Duligs Küchentisch. Auf ein Wort am Küchentisch mit Martin Dulig und der SPD Sachsen?

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