clash of clans walküre

    Use 1 heal and 1 rage for the core and close to the core and 1 heal for vals and pekkas hacking through walls after the core is done, when they will be under heavy fire. So I decided to play as TH8.5 and make my war troops stronger And my walls are 80% lvl 8.. Wanna make them lvl 9.My valks are getting destroyed easily by opponents cc dragon can u suggest me a composition if opponents cc has air troops like drag +loon ?I have given an easy way to deal with Dragons + Balloons there!take 30 arc to destroy drag 2 golem 6 wb 10 wiz 7 valk in cc 1 valk 4 wiz 1 arc and use arc to destroy cc troopsI find this great but valks get wrecked when there is a dragon and a balloon on the cc…… I find it better luring the CC =)I find it better to take a couple archers to lure cc troops, then have a higher level dragon in your cc and destroy cc troops, then this strategy works GREATThanks for sharing buddy. You will find it is much easier to go to the core than using GoWiPe. Bitte aktiviere es entweder in den Browser-Optionen oder besuche deine Einstellungen , um zum alten MediaWiki-Editor zu wechseln.

    By the way , this strategy suits only th9 – th11 .

    Walküren nehme ich dazu, wenn ich vorhabe in etwas kürzeren Zeitabständen anzugreifen, wobei sie aber eher die Riesen aus der Truppenzusammensetzung verdrängen, da sie aufgrund ihrer hohen Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit noch vor den Riesen ins Kreuzfeuer geraten. So, can u please suggest me bro..Valka attack is so much fun indeed. Vier Erdbeben (1 in CB), zwei Wut, zwei Frost (ohne Adler genügt ein Frost), Mit drei bis vier Mauerbrecher öffnen, dann die Helden (King,Queen, Heiler) und dahinter die Walkis. Icon-Beschriftung Versionsgeschichte. And I didn’t even have my Barb KingGuys plz help me….I’m a th8 player….I want to use gowiva composition in clan war….my golem is lvl 2 ,wiz lvl 2,Val lvl 2 ,wb lvl 5…so I wanna know should I use this gowiva strategy in spread out th 8 war base or not?I find this composition to work really well: 14 Val (lvl 2-4), 12 wiz (lvl 5-6), 2 Pekka (lvl 3), 2 WB, 1 hog, 1 archer, CC: 1 golem (lvl 5), Spells: 4 EQ (lvl 2-3), 2 Heal, 1 Rage. ?You should to upgrade them two. Can you share the screenshot here?Hey Will does 8.5 still work after the update? Heal and rages are mainly for valks too. Für Links auf dieser Seite erhält GIGA ggf.

    GoWiVa ;) Is ne Top Angriffstaktik, vorallem für Rathaus 8er und Rathaus 9er mit einer relativ hohen 3 Sterne Garantie. Empfehlen kann man "GoWiVa" ab Rathaus 8, aber man sollte "GoWiVa" lieber mit Rathaus 9 benutzen, weil man dann bessere Level von den einzelnen Truppen hat. Der Kampfschrei, den sie bei einem Hieb von sich gibt, klingt er nach einem Gesangslaut. I just got in mind yesterday to replace pekka with valkyrie so I’m googling to know best composition for this troops and end up to this site again lol.

    Anti Valkyrie Base Designs and Tactics. My hogs will be lvl 4 tomorrow, and I want to put goelm or valk.

    You need Golems to deal with other late TH8 players.I’ve had lots of success with this strategy, valkyries are much faster than pekka. Now i almost always 3 star th8s with this army compYour WIzards can deal with it easily. Walküre Dunkle Kaserne auf Level 3 benötigt.

    Einleitung. Your Valkyries have no preferred target and the enemy Clan troops and King can distract Valkyries later and ruin your attack. Oder ich und andere aus dem clan haben das angreifen verlernt. thanks for this perfect guide!This is awesome! my golem lvl 4 valk 1 wizz 5 wb 5.thanksYou can but you should attack early Town Hall 9 bases. 10 valks, 12 wizards, 6 WB, 2 Golems + 3 heal spells and in the CC 5 lvl 6 balloons.You can attack early-mid TH8 bases with this army :D.The best troops is 24 giant + 20 wizard + 3 healing spell .. i’ve try everything but its the best.hey will, I am finding it pretty hard to upgrade my golem to lv2. Walküre in clash of clans? You may also want to drop your Jump Spell or Earthquake Spells at this step to get into the core easier.Once most of your troops are getting into the core and the Clan troops are coming out, It’s time to use your Spells. by TimmyEatWorld October 13, 2016, 12:57 PM 196.2k Views 10 Comments. !I’ve tried this strategy, it’s impressive! Seit den letzten Änderungen nutze ich hauptsächlich Riesen und Magier, um ausreichend Durchschlagskraft aufzubringen um vernünftig an Lager zu gelangen ohne gleich Golems und Pekkas hevorkramen zu müssen.

    Please be patient buddy :D.I’ll be patient – now that Valks have been updated there will be a lot more Valk strategies going around!Great Clan War attack strategy!!! I don’t see how it would let anyone manipulate the system much and it would be nice as it drives me nuts when I lose the cc troops I wanted because I lost my shield before I could attack. What should be the recommended level of Valks?You are very welcome buddy. Immer gut, wenn alles so dicht steht.

    The key is to use the EQ on a point of the base where it opens up most and, if possible, where multiple cannons will be taken out early. Helps a lot after the last update… Lvl 3 Pekkas can’t K.O. I use the heal spells to keep my main army alive as they gut the core of the base. Bin mir bei ihr verunsichert.

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    clash of clans walküre