all creddit goes to the creatorthis is the final version. View all games. i'm just sharing it. Bei Voyager und DS9 haben die geilen Nahaufnahmen erst langsam Wirkung gezeigt... Aber was da Grafisch geboten wird ist schon "Tränen in die Augen treibend"...Movie2k-Programmierer übergibt 25 Millionen Euro in BitcoinElektro-Laster aus Sachsen mit 3 Rädern für rund 6.000 EuroDas elektrische Kleinkraftrad Ari 345 kann sperrige Lasten transportieren und lässt sich mit einem Moped-Führerschein bewegen. The USS Dauntless escapes under impulse power, but sustains damage to her warp nacelles. This game was published in 2002 for Windows PCs.
The vessel will eventually become a key factor in solving the mystery in the MaelstromThis is the original version of NanoFX 1.7a by Michael T. Braams. Log in to view your list of favourite games. All credits of the contents go to their respective owners...this is a mod for star trek bridge commander. Weiterführende Informationen erhalten Sie in der videogame_asset My games. Star Trek: Bridge Commander is a space simulation set in the Star Trek universe just after the Dominion War, but before Star Trek Nemesis. Star Trek: Bridge Commander. I do not own this software. Star Trek: Online hat die … Browse all chevron_right; Browse all chevron_right. Ich hätte ja gerne, dass Bridge Commander 2 mehr aufmerksamkeit bekommt...aber leider sind es inzwischen nur noch zwei Leute, die daran herum werkeln, Kickstarter ging völlig in die Hose und auch sonst finde ich es sehr Schade, dass das wohl nix mehr wird. New chevron_right. Trending … > Jo, StarTrek macht vor allem eines aus: die Toleranz anderen Dingen > Und ja, ich mag ST:O auch nicht sonderlich, zu viel Aktion, zu wenig was ST Außerdem werden teilweise auch Cookies von Diensten Dritter gesetzt. These are the Star Trek: Bridge Commander profiles for Game Commander 2 and Game Voice, which allows for voice activated technology to be used with those... Star Trek: Bridge Commander SDK v1.1 Sep 25 2016 SDK This is the latest version of the official Star Trek: Bridge Commander SDK, which allows players to modify the game. The plot revolves around a newly promoted captain who is assigned to investigate an explosion of a star in the Maelstrom. Jahres-Abo. videogame_asset My games. this pack includes "All Good Things..." Galaxy Class This is a mod for star trek bridge commander. Browse all chevron_right; Browse all chevron_right. Um zu kommentieren, loggen Sie sich bitte ein oder registrieren Sie sich. close. ;) Mir gefällt das "alte" StarTrek auch besser. Recently added 13 View all 1,023.
Mods. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. It comes with tutorials and sample...This is the official demo for Star Trek: Bridge Commander.This is the latest official patch for Star Trek: Bridge Commander.Five centuries of Star Trek gameplay plus much more...The old download is up on the German site, which can be a pain to download. It puts you in command of your own Starfleet vessel with the ability to coordinate with your senior staff.
chevron_left . Games. close. New chevron_right. I changed the texture colour, weapons, shields... i hope you guys enjoy. its a tos akira.
Trending chevron_right. Star Trek: Bridge Commander is a space combat simulation video game, developed by Totally Games and published by Activision in 2002, based in the Star Trek universe. Auf einer Seite Inhaltsverzeichnis. As the game progresses, you and your crew are transferred to the USS Sovereign, the pathfinder of the Sovereign class. Star Trek Bridge Commander Auf einer Seite Inhaltsverzeichnis. This pack includes 6 ships for eachs side and a space station...A small patch for the wolf359 pack including some missing files that were accedentilay not includedThe first release of Aftermath for star trek bridge commander this version contains ships for the TNG eraFor Bridge Commander This is our first mod for Bridge Commander made by Voyager- This is a "what if" ship. Log in to view your list of favourite games. all creddit goes to its creator.
Trotzdem hatte ich Gänsehaut als die Aufnahme zusammen mit der stimmigen Musik über die NCC-1701 A hinwegzog... Alles was halt einfach bei TOS und TNG noch nicht möglich war. The ship departs drydock for Starbase 12, the command center for operations in the Maelstrom region. chevron_left.
chevron_right. Ich hätte ja gerne, dass Bridge Commander 2 mehr aufmerksamkeit bekommt...aber leider sind es inzwischen nur noch zwei Leute, die daran herum werkeln, Kickstarter ging völlig in die Hose und auch sonst finde ich es sehr Schade, dass das wohl nix mehr wird. The game begins with a standard mission, the Galaxy-class starship USS Dauntless (NCC-71879) is in orbit of a planet in the Vesuvi system.
Recently added 23 View all 1,023. Auf das hier verzichte ich dankend...falsches Universum bzw. Games. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu.
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These are the Star Trek: Bridge Commander profiles for Game Commander 2 and Game Voice, which allows for voice activated technology to be used with those...voice profiles for game commander 2 & game voice pluginThis is the latest version of the official Star Trek: Bridge Commander SDK, which allows players to modify the game.
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