For cruisers that are fighting destroyers a lot this can make killing and not being torpedoed by them much easier.
2 Comments on World of Warships – New Captain Skill Tree. All trademarks and trademark rights pertaining to warships and aircraft are proprietary to the respective rights holders. Other ships however, especially battleships and destroyers, benefit greatly from losing less modules.
Aircraft carriers can benefit from this as well if you play it more towards the front lines but generally it won’t come into play every battle. on CV captain skills, the CV captain setup for all nations should include the following: 1 point: improved engine boost air supremacy 2 points: improved engines 3 points: aircraft armor survivability expert 4 …
(-10% to fire chance (multiplicative), and -1 to maximum number of fires on ships(3 instead of 4))Fire prevention reduces the chance of shells setting you on fire but not the amount most thing it does. Take a close look at whether or not your main guns will receive a boost to the reload time before taking this skill. If you like using secondary weapons and build your captain out tailored to them then this is a must have. Aiming sight. While I personally wouldn’t use it there is a case for it being valuable if you manage your strike squadrons well enough not to be detected. Otherwise you are better off picking a different 4 point captain skill. Links to the Guides on Captain Skills for Battleships and Cruisers see at the foot of this page. (Provides warning of enemy long range fire(over 6 seconds))Honestly I don’t see why anyone would want to use this skill since you should be dodging at all times. (Shows # of enemies pointing main guns at you when detected)This captain skill is useful for every ship class since it reduces modules being knocked out. Unfortunately the gain in health isn’t high enough to make it useful for battleships, aircraft carriers, or heavy cruisers. Cruisers also benefit enough to make this a good perk to have. For battleships the hit to fire chance is minor but the added HE penetration is massive. The way skills are designed in World of Warships is that a tier 1 skill costs 1 skill point, a tier 2 skill 2 points, and so on.
Other ships however, especially battleships and destroyers, benefit greatly from losing less modules. From what I've gleamed from previous topics, videos, guides, etc. (+2% to fire chance for main gun shell, secondary gun shell, or dive bombers)For ships that rely on HE rounds and carriers with a lot of dive bombers this is a must have captain skill.Best used on slower ships that need to added time to dodge torpedoes.
Since captains can only train a maximum of 19 points worth of skills it is important to select them wisely since changing them will cost you precious doubloons/gold.
Endurance Captain Skills. I have a 15 point captain on my Lexington and a wondering what my skills should be. Put your captain skill point into a different tier 1 skill since it’ll be more useful. For destroyers it comes down to how you play and whether you think the added speed is worth it. (+2.5 degrees/second for rotation on <139mm guns, +0.7 degrees/second for >139mm guns)Great skill for anything that isn’t an aircraft carrier. The total amount of captain skill points a captain can have is 19 and any remaining experience turns into “elite xp” that can be used on other captains.Each captain skill in the images will have a color indicator stating as to whether or not the captain skill is useful on a ship class. You also take into account the specific fire reduction variable for your ship which further reduces it. Posted by 1 year ago. However, if you find yourself not relying on smoke much there are better skills suited for destroyers and cruisers at this tier. (-0.2% to reload time of all armaments for each 1% of HP lost)Great for any ship aside from aircraft carriers since it provides great reductions on reload times. For cruisers that are fighting destroyers a lot this can make killing and not being torpedoed by them much easier.
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