It’s going to be good to get out of the house and give us a shot of normality,” she said. Update: Chad Hurst has won Big Brother for 2020! Zudem ermöglichen Cookies die Personalisierung von Inhalten und dienen der Ausspielung von Werbung. Wir sichten die Kommentare werktags zwischen 09 und 21 Uhr. Ange pays a special tribute to the small fluffy dog Big Brother had at one stage paired her with, "Benjamin. So thank you, everyone,” he said after letting an accidental F-bomb slip out much to Sonia’s shock.“Apologies for the language but it’s a pretty intense moment,” Sonia had said frantically in response.Chad went on to share that he planned to go on a “lads trip” with the prize money — despite limited options amid the pandemic.“Boys, start booking flights, we’re going on a trip!” He said enthusiastically, sweetly adding that he’d also be taking care of his mum’s bills.Chad has won Big Brother 2020 after an emotional reason for entering the competition. Those in Eastern states can still But don't worry – you can still vote in our reader poll above… YES, FINALLY, SOME BIG BROTHER UP-LATE CONTENT.Wait. Karl Lauterbach bei Maischberger Durch die weitere Nutzung unserer Website erklären Sie sich mit dem Einsatz von Cookies einverstanden. Months on from filming, he still can't quite believe he didn't romp to victory and win the nation's hearts. — Big Brother’s Big Eye (@bbbigeye) July 22, 2020 ian absolutely bashing big brother, and sonia tryna cover up is great #bbau — ً (@puremasssacre) July 22, 2020 3:04 am July 22, 2020 She’s one of Australia’s most seasoned presenters, but not even Kruger could have predicted that she would still be contending with coronavirus restrictions in the lead-up to Big Brother’s July finale tomorrow night. The winner of Big Brother 5 received $836,000, while the winner of Big Brother 6 received $426,000. Der Kommentarbereich ist geschlossen. “(I feel like) we just need to get that live (70 person studio) audience, and get that grand final done before— and nobody wants to see this happen— a second wave,” Kruger confessed.
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