Naruto Neji Hyūga

    Cependant, Neji répondit que Naruto est capable de le sauver des ténèbres comme il le fit pour lui. Il en prendra pour preuve que lui le cancre et parvenu à battre le génie avec la technique qui a longtemps le moins maîtrisé. Ils le retrouvèrent après sa défaite face à l'Lors de l'épreuve éliminatoire, Neji se retrouva face à Hinata. Neji, furieux contre lui-même d'avoir été défait par ce qu'il pense être la technique de prédilection de son adversaire, apprend alors que le clonage a toujours été la technique que Naruto maîtrisait le moins, et qu'il n'a pu parvenir à ce niveau qu'après de grands efforts. Neji attempted to kill her in anger for her words. Kidōmaru prevents the sealing of his tenketsu with an Kidōmaru recognises Neji as a formidable opponent and makes to finish him off with his Neji is left in a critical condition due to his injuries and near death. That's pretty impressive considering that in the manga and anime, outside of the titular character and his arch-nemesis Sasuke, there are dozens of heroes and villains that fans adore. Neji Hyūga (日向ネジ, Hyūga Neji) é um Jōnin de Konohagakure e um membro do clã Hyūga. They were followed by Kusuna and Neji and Sakura reunited with Lee and they distracted the Gang of Four while Naruto helped Shion seal Neji Hyūga is a playable character in the following video games: Neji Hyūga was a member of Konohagakure's Hyūga clan. It is the way of the world. As Neji watches Hinata cry for him, Naruto questions why Neji would give his life for him, to which Neji responds that it is because Naruto once called him a "genius". He was a jōnin-level shinobi of Konohagakure's Hyūga clan and a member of Team Guy.

    From his experience with Naruto, Neji felt that fate is not inescapable but that, rather, one's destiny is what one makes of it; he felt indebted to Naruto for releasing him from his prior "darkness". Tales of a Gutsy Ninja ~Jiraiya Ninja Scroll~ Part 2; Gotta See! Neji é um gênio natural e mesmo não sendo do ramo principal do clã Hyūga, Neji aprendeu com perfeição a usar o Hiden do clã. In the anime, he was also able to increase the number of strikes in Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms by, to release chakra from the tenketsu to free himself. When the heiress of the main house, Hinata, turned three years old, Neji's forehead was branded with the customary cursed seal by his uncle, Hiashi. They later come across Team Guy gets caught in a sandstorm, from which they seek shelter in one of Tenten's protective domes.Team Guy is not able to acquire the scroll they need but it ends up not mattering: the Chūnin Exams are prematurely cancelled. Working alongside his from crushing the shinobi around them, with his Eight Trigrams Revolving Heaven reaching the same size as his uncle's, showing growth from the size in Part I.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Son père déclara même qu'étant donné son talent, il pouvait surpasser tous les membres de leur clan. Neji Hyūga (日向ネジ, Hyūga Neji) é um Jōnin de Konohagakure e um membro do clã Hyūga. C'est son combat contre Naruto lors de la phase finale de l'examen de sélection chûnin qui permettra à Neji de changer. Neji fut sérieusement blessé lorsque Kidômaru parvint à transpercer sa poitrine d'une flèche. Il partit par la suite en compagnie de Tenten à la recherche de Lee, au vu du retard inhabituel de celui-ci.

    Il gagne alors en calme et en sérénité, supportant étonnamment assez bien dans la seconde partie du manga les pitreries de son Dès son plus jeune âge lors de l'Examen Chûnin. When he shared his philosophy with Hinata, she concluded that his insistence upon destiny was actually a sore spot for him that caused him inner suffering: he so badly wanted to prove himself to the main house yet feels incapable of doing so. * DIVULGATION : Certains des liens ci-dessus sont des liens d'affiliation, ce qui signifie que, sans frais supplémentaires pour vous, Fandom percevra une commission si vous cliquez et effectuez un achat.Sauf mention contraire, le contenu de la communauté est disponible sous licence Naruto Wiki est une communauté de FANDOM appartenant à la catégorie Anime. A batalha entre Neji contra Naruto é a primeira luta das finais do Exame Chūnin. The remaining participants have a report on their performance sent back to their villages, leaving their promotion up to their superiors. Neji se retrouva face à l'Équipe 10, mais préféra s'en détourner au vu du niveau très inférieur de cette dernière. En effet, Neji qui voit Naruto comme un perdant, se fera battre par ce dernier qui veut absolument lui montrer que l'on peut changer son destin.

    Neji laissa la dernière flèche le toucher, tout en faisant en sorte qu'elle ne lui soit pas fatale : il profita alors du fil créé par Kidômaru pour faire remonter son chakra jusqu'à lui, le blessant sévèrement. He is voiced by Kōichi Tōchika in the Japanese vesion of the anime, and by Steve Staley in the English version of the anime. In pursuit of this goal he trained with his teammates, whose own dreams he became supportive of, and later with members of the main house, whom he gradually started mending relations with. Once the barrier is down, however, they are attacked by Although the Akatsuki members are gone and the Kazekage has been retrieved, the Kazekage has died. He wore dark brown shorts, blue shinobi sandals, and wrapped bandages around his right arm, chest, and right leg. Since mastering these techniques, Neji has begun to refine and strengthen them for more specialised needs. We are who we are, and we must live with it. Hizashi se porta volontaire pour y aller à la place de son frère afin d'éviter à Konoha de livrer le secret du clan : en effet, étant membre de la Bunke, son Byakugan serait scellé à sa mort. Naruto rétorqua que c'est son devoir de le faire et que ce sera à lui de le vaincre.

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    Naruto Neji Hyūga