Of course, you could invest some diamonds then.From previous events we know, that most players want to get the event’s main prize to the highest level.You will receive this event building on level 1 for completing the 6th quest.Continuing in the quest line you will then receive two upgrade kits for that building as milestone rewards.To reach level 8 we still need another 5 upgrade kits from the grand prizes on that minigame. Первые 41 заданий будут доступны Вам для выполнения сразу, а остальные 21 заданий будут появляться по одному в день, начиная с первого дня события и станут доступны после прохождения основных заданий.Завершить по 1 разу каждый вид производства (5 мин., 15 мин., 1 час, 4 часа, 8 часов, 24 часа) и купить СО.Всего за ивент можно собрать гарантированных 7860 фонариков, но если активно искать деревья и немного позолотить ладошку, количество полученных фонарей можно спокойно увеличить до 9000 штук и более:Если и этого количества вам будет мало, то за бриллианты тоже можно будет докупить необходимое количество фонарей:Моя таблица эффективности животных по соотношению количества фонариков к длине прыжка:Таблица эффективности животных по соотношению количества фонариков к выпадению Приза дня:После завершения Весеннего ивента в инвентаре появится набор призов в соответствии с той лигой, в которой Вы были на момент подведения итогов:Если вы нашли ошибку, пожалуйста, выделите фрагмент текста и нажмите Использование любых материалов, размещенных на этом сайте разрешается при условии активной ссылки на www.foe.wiki. Spring Event Avatars. Выиграть 5 битв подряд или пожертвовать товары в казну гильдии.Потратить СО. Official Codename Blog. Many players take a look into the list of tasks and already start productions before they are needed.This is prevented by the combination of quests 26 and 27 as nearly nobody has enough production buildings to let all these run simultaneously.Very active players will laugh about this, but less active players will notice very slow progress in that part of the questline.Of course, you will find the full lists of quests on the You receive a total of 4,920 lanterns from the questline plus 800 lanterns for the first milestone after quest 22 and an additional 1.000 lanterns for the milestone after completing quest 50.Finally, there are these many cherry trees often appearing several times per day around your city, They provide 3, 5, 10 or 20 lanterns each, occasionally even 50 or 100 lanterns. серебра в таверне Друзья или купить СО.Потратить СО. On the other side, you will need one more upgrade kit than last year.The lanterns are used in a minigame to receive immediate rewards, daily rewards, and grand prizes.In this minigame you let an Origami frog jump from leaf to leaf across a pond, Each move costs some lanterns.On each leaf is an origami animal waiting. View Mobile Site foe wiki events Overview. A first look on the minigame shows that the costs per move did not change significantly.Therefore everybody gets some more immediate rewards. Game Events (Source) From AlliedModders Wiki. Our guess is that most players will decide to build the To achieve this goal you should always decide for the animal with the best quotient of advancement across that pond and required lanterns.We sorted the animals again and this time you find the animal leftmost that is best for crossing the pond.If you always decide for the animal that is placed leftmost in that list, it is guaranteed that you will have the Hanami Bridge on the highest level by the end of the event.This is also best to maximize the points for the league.As in all of our event guides, we want to give a recommendation.You collect lanterns without using these in that minigame.Wait until the pagoda level 1 is offered as a daily special.Now make enough jumps with that frog to receive the daily special exactly once.Then stop and continue to collect as many lanterns as possible. Построить одну товарную постройку текущей эпохи или нанять 3 юнита ткущей или предыдущей эпохи. Effect Edit. It has a 50% chance to be the starting season instead of Autumn when playing in Sandbox Mode.With the Default Preferences, it lasts 20 days. Forge of Empires Tips, Tactics, Tricks and Strategy GuidesIn the Forge of Empires Spring Event 2020, players have to collect as many lanterns as possible. Spring Event 2019 (May 10 - 24, 2019) Edit. Blasts foes with holy retribution. The quests are from the range of tasks that we all know already, likeThis time the questline emphasizes supply production a lot.This isn’t difficult but can consume a lot of time.In the beginning quests, 9 and 11 are not that heavy.Later starting with quest 23 there are many more supply production quests. Summer Sports Event 2019 (May 31 - June 14) Edit. Решайте сами – здание размером 4х4 в эпохе ВБ может дать вам (в зависимости от того, какой вид здания вы выберите на 7 уровне):Весеннее событие будет длится 22 дня и для прохождения вам будет доступно 62 задания.
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